Pinger deck for standard. The idea is to use your equips to beef up the Spikeshot Elder,
Bloodshot Trainee
, Kemba, Kha Regent, or the inimitable
Goblin Gaveleer
. Cheap artifacts help hit metalcraft on the second turn, then drop Puresteel Paladin for free equips and start burninating the countryside.
Goblin Gaveleer
deals massive damage in this deck, and makes a great finisher with Fling
Spikeshot Elder is best to hold in hand until your gaveleers are dead. If Puresteel Paladin and some equipment is out, you can get off a ton of surprise damage if your opponent doesn't have instant-speed removal ready. With a
Viridian Claw
and some other equips, he's also a great blocker.
Puresteel Paladin is the heart of the deck, but we can still win without him. Equipping for free is the reason he's here. We can load up a gaveleer with equipment and attack, then switch all of the equipment onto a Spikeshot Elder and ping away.
Bloodshot Trainee
is an oddball card, but we make good use of him. With a single
Darksteel Axe
Silver-Inlaid Dagger
, we'll be pinging for 4 each turn. Couple him with Accorder's Shield for attack-then-ping shenanigans.
Kemba, Kha Regent is a great fit for this deck, particularly when we just need to clog up the field with dudes. For being an aggro deck, we're a bit light on creatures, so the cats really pull their own weight.
Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer
is nuts, possibly even nutz in this deck. We'll almost assuredly have metalcraft when he comes down, and +3/+0 makes all of our guys much better. Spikeshot Elder or
Bloodshot Trainee
deals 4 with no equips? Yes please!
Chandra, the Firebrand is decent because she helps us race against aggro, and she can do a quick 8 damage with Galvanic Blast.
Darksteel Axe
Silver-Inlaid Dagger
are workhorses, particularly with our goblins.
Accorder's Shield helps us deal with Slagstorm and Whipflare, but also enables shenanigans with the
Bloodshot Trainee
Flayer Husk
, if you didn't know, goes with Puresteel Paladin like an appropriate metaphor about a local culinary colloquial aphorism (jam on toast, peas and carrots, etc).
Viridian Claw
is here to give
Goblin Gaveleer
first strike. It turns him into a monster if the opponent doesn't have removal ready.
Batterskull helps us survive against burn, and the lifegain from a fully-equipped gaveleer puts the game significantly out of reach for the opponent.
Mox Opal pulls its weight by helping us hit metalcraft on turn 1-2 if we start with it in hand. I would like to run more of these but this deck can't afford to have any dead cards in hand. The comeback of Evolving Wilds helps alleviate the mana problems anyway. By the way, where are the 2nd half of the Scars of Mirrodin-style dual lands (like
Razorverge Thicket
The removal suite includes 3x Oblivion Ring, 3x Galvanic Blast, and 1x
. Unless things are going horribly wrong, we will have metalcraft almost any time we choose to use these spells. Often we just want to throw 4 damage to the opponent's face, but occasionally we need to kill a titan (Oblivion Ring and
Fling is a 1-of finisher. Equip everything to a
Goblin Gaveleer
then fling him for ridiculous damage.
Let me know what you think!