This is my dream esper control deck. Casting stuff for free off the top of my library and drawing cards. It's quite nice.

I chose this commander because of the pure potential of casting stuff for free or, at worst, drawing a card on attack. Yennet also has a lot of evasion with flying AND menace which helps protect the sphinx from big beefy blockers. I think this esper commander works best for what I want to do in an esper deck: control the board and win in different ways.
Step one: Get Yennet out as soon as possible and protect him/her Step two: Control the board an laugh menacingly as you stop your opponents from playing while getting value off of Yennet. Step three: Profit
Well, to start we have combos. The major combo being Nexus of Fate + Yennet, Cryptic Sovereign. How do we get this lovely combo, you ask? The answer is simple. Doomsday. Get Nexus of Fate, some draw, Laboratory Maniac, and some protection and you just take infinite turns while slowly beating your opponents down with Yennet. Ahhh, the beauty. But I don't just put in ONE win con, oh no that would be no fun. We have a lovely selection of extra turn spells in this deck, all of which happen to be odd CMC. We have Expropriate, Time Warp, and Temporal Mastery. But that's not all! You can never go wrong with Rise of the Dark Realms into an extra turn spell and have a bunch of lovely creatures from everyone's graveyard on your side of the battlefield. Approach of the Second Sun is another fun wincon that just also HAPPENS to be odd CMC. How convenient. Cast it once for free with Yennet, then make sure you draw it to cast it again and win the game. Alternate win cons are fun. Another way to just frustrate your opponents is Platinum Angel. Oh, you want to win the game with that combo? How about no. It forces your opponents to deal with the artifact and gives you time to win the game.
This is VITAL for this deck to function. You rely strongly on Yennet to be able to combo and to cast your big stuff for free. Counterspells are one way to protect the sphinx, and I would save them for either disrupting someone else and stopping them from winning the game or protecting Yennet from removal. There is also Mother of Runes, Bastion Protector, Darksteel Plate, and Teferi's Protection. I mainly have Comeuppance in here because it's hilarious, but it can be replaced with more protection for Yennet. If it gets to the point where you just can't cast Yennet anymore, it is most likely game over for you.


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98% Casual


Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 0 Mythic Rares

37 - 0 Rares

20 - 0 Uncommons

16 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.40
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Spirit 1/1 WB
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