Walking Dead

The Tragic Tale of Wilhelt, the Rotcleaver

Once a loyal soldier of Innistrad, Wilhelt's life ended in tragedy, but his death brought forth obsession. Reanimated as a relentless zombie warrior, Wilhelt turned his undead existence into a pursuit of love—or what he thought was love. His infatuation with the necromancer Gisa led him to terrorize the countryside, raising an undead army as a twisted wedding gift. Tragically, Gisa barely noticed him, dismissing him as “Wilham” or “Wilbur” and finding him annoyingly clingy.

Now, Wilhelt leads an endless horde of zombies, channeling his heartbreak into an unyielding tide of death and decay. His cleaver carves through opposition while his ability ensures the horde is never-ending. Though his love story remains unfulfilled, his relentless leadership leaves none standing in his way.

How the Deck Works

Wilhelt leads a Zombie tribal sacrifice deck designed to overwhelm opponents with a combination of synergy, inevitability, and sheer undead power.

Key Strategies

  1. Token Swarm
  2. Zombies are the deck’s core. Wilhelt's ability creates 2/2 Zombie tokens whenever your non-token Zombies die, ensuring the horde keeps growing.
  3. Cards like Endless Ranks of the Dead, Army of the Damned, and Headless Rider create and multiply Zombie tokens, turning the battlefield into a sea of decay.

  4. Sacrifice and Value Generation

  5. Sacrificing creatures is a key mechanic. Use cards like Carrion Feeder, Fleshbag Marauder, and Ravenous Rotbelly to sacrifice Zombies for board control and value.
  6. Each sacrifice triggers effects from Midnight Reaper, Undead Augur, and Open the Graves, ensuring you draw cards, create tokens, or drain life.

  7. Zombie Tribal Synergy

  8. Tribal buffs like Death Baron, Diregraf Captain, and Lord of the Accursed empower your undead army.
  9. Cards like Cemetery Reaper and Gravespawn Sovereign add utility and recursion, allowing you to bring back Zombies and exile opponents' graveyards.

  10. Sacrifice Engines

  11. Gravecrawler is a key piece, returning from your graveyard repeatedly as long as you control another Zombie. Pair it with Carrion Feeder or Rooftop Storm for infinite sacrifice loops.
  12. Crowded Crypt doubles as a ramp piece and a mass token generator after accumulating death triggers.

  13. Token Multiplication and Evasion

  14. Amplify your swarm with Anointed Procession to double your Zombie tokens.
  15. Cards like Hordewing Skaab and Gleaming Overseer give your horde flying or hexproof, ensuring your army can bypass defenses or survive removal.

  16. Control Elements

  17. Use cards like Feed the Swarm, Hero’s Downfall, and Countersquall for spot removal and counterspells.
  18. Fleshbag Marauder, Plague Belcher, and Liliana’s Death Majesty provide board control while supporting your Zombie synergy.

  19. Game-Ending Power

  20. Zombies become deadly when boosted by cards like Coat of Arms, Shared Animosity, or Liliana's Mastery.
  21. Finish games with mass drain effects like Gray Merchant of Asphodel, Diregraf Captain, or Rise of the Dread Marn, turning sacrifices into victory.

Win Conditions

  • Overwhelm with Zombies: Use Wilhelt and token generators like Endless Ranks of the Dead or Army of the Damned to swarm the battlefield.
  • Drain Effects: Leverage Diregraf Captain, Gray Merchant of Asphodel, and Plague Belcher to drain opponents' life totals.
  • Sacrifice Loops: Combine Gravecrawler, Carrion Feeder, and Diregraf Captain for infinite life loss or Zombie token creation when paired with Rooftop Storm.
  • Mass Reanimation: Cards like Zombie Apocalypse, Ghoulcaller Gisa, and Gravespawn Sovereign bring your Zombies back to the battlefield, ensuring your horde never stays down for long.

Wilhelt’s Leadership

Wilhelt, the Rotcleaver, thrives in chaos, turning death into an advantage. This deck is a relentless engine of Zombie creation and sacrifice, ensuring that your opponents can’t escape the inevitability of the horde. Whether swarming with overwhelming numbers, draining life totals, or leveraging infinite loops, Wilhelt’s undead army will march toward victory.

Raise the Horde. Embrace the Rot. Reclaim the Throne of the Undead.

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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #1 position overall 8 years ago
Date added 8 years
Last updated 1 week

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

49 - 0 Rares

23 - 0 Uncommons

8 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.06
Tokens Copy Clone, Foretell, Human Soldier 1/1 W, On an Adventure, Zombie 2/2 B, Zombie 2/2 B w/ Decayed, Zombie Army 0/0 B, Zombie Berserker 2/2 B, Zombie */* U
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