I have a similar deck, I recommend change Batterskull for Umezawa's Jitte, because is too slow.
August 23, 2016 8:40 a.m.
Great Deck could u please check out a few of my deck especially my tribal hydra give me your opinion on it as well as an upvote would be appreciated
August 23, 2016 6:09 p.m.
would Sigarda's Aid be a viable card in this deck all the mana savings and versatility of being able to play your auras and swords seems like it would make it good
August 25, 2016 10:08 p.m.
Tyrosoldier says... #6
Like >Wrixaber said, Sifarda's Aid is gud, Enlightened Tutor can hit anything you want on Traft (equipment is artifacts), Wrath of God is classic control, Rhystic Study is good utility but puts a target on you. Cyclonic Rift is an Instant speed Plaguewinds in blue, its so nutty its crazy. And combo with Jin-Gitaxis is insane. Rattlechains can let you cast Traft at instant speed, so thats cute. Some synergy with Niblis of Mist. Thassa is good with Traft to sneak in, and scry's for free. Spell Queller can steal spells to copy, (you can bottle a wrath effect until you can sac it or pop it). Overall not bad, seems bretty gud.
August 26, 2016 2:04 a.m.
The deck looks really good and I can't think of too many things to suggest. Like the previous comments have suggested, Cyclonic Rift is always a strong card to have. Since you're more of a Voltron deck, cards like Darksteel Plate or Whispersilk Cloak could be useful.
The only other suggestion I have would be to slowly upgrade your manabase to either stronger taplands or lands that won't come in tapped to speed things up. Lands like:
Temple of Enlightenment
Celestial Colonnade
Mystic Gate
Prairie Stream
Hallowed Fountain
August 26, 2016 10:19 a.m.
But, the only problem is viable 1v1 in a table with other 2 opponents (free for all) no is the most deck ):
August 26, 2016 11:44 a.m.
Glad to see ya got huge! Sorry haven't been on here in ages but enjoy my belated and well-deserved congratulations! As for some cards you might like: Summary Dismissal, Darksteel Mutation(personal fav of mine for neutering a commander), Mystic Remora, Twincast, Scatter to the Winds(a strictly better version of Cancel as exact same cost but an optional kicker if you need the creature with the land to spare. I would replace Thoughtbind as it is rather janky.), Deny Existence(expensive but the most satisfying way to stop a reanimator strategy or the like!), Spell Shrivel(same as deny existence), Rapid Hybridization and Pongify(blue's best 1 mana instant speed removal and the 3/3 probs won't win em the game anyway, Vexing Scuttler and Archaeomancer(cuz Snapcaster is a fortune but these guys aren't!), Sword of Vengeance(an amazing, versatile, and cheap spell!), and possibly my fav suggestion: Thing in the Ice Flip(this thing is just a cheap bomb and you are spell slinging like CRAZY in here!), etc! All fun cards you might wanna try out man! Hexproof aggro commanders are always fun! Hence why I use Silumgar, the Drifting Death!
August 26, 2016 1:59 p.m.
Hi MsSysbit, I could only understand the EDH mechanics, thanks to your advises, when I registered here in TO. I started with an ultra budget Alesha Mardu Reanimator and moved to my favourite MTG colors at Aurelia Boros Voltron. But unfortunately found the first to have little impact on the table, and the second to be too slow in my meta. Then I bought a Duel Decks: Blessed vs Cursed and thougt Geist of St Traft could be of some use. He also needed a good deck here in TO. For now he is going fair well in EDH, but far better in Duel Commander. I'm gonna make the changes you suggested, coz I have some of the cards. Thanks for your visit and come back always!
August 26, 2016 4:18 p.m.
No problem! Yeah Alesha is more akin to Tiny Leaders(might wanna check that out if ya like her). Yeah Red and White are weak in EDH sadly. I like helping folks out and giving advice so no worries! Just overjoyed your deck got so huge!
August 26, 2016 4:25 p.m.
Sword of Vengeance seems like it would be a good fit. Also, Ajani Steadfast can help your commander attack, pump up your planeswalkers, or protect you from damage.
Nice build.
August 26, 2016 9:37 p.m.
I would recommend Flooded Strand and Grand Arbiter Augustin IV because he fits the control playstyle.
August 29, 2016 6:15 a.m.
Love-in-Theory says... #14
+1 This deck looks amazing, I'd hate to play against it lol!
Is there a reason you run Wrath of God over Supreme Verdict?
I'm guessing because of creatures can't be regenerated? (and is much easier to cast than ?)
September 7, 2016 11:17 a.m.
LoveinTheory: actually just because I don't own one. I need it ASAP. I based it on mtgtop8.com decks. Geist usually is top tier in French EDH meta. But its staples are pricey: Cryptic Command; Austere Command; Vendilion Clique; Venser, Shaper Savant; Mana Drain; Force of Will; Jace, the Mind Sculptor; Maze of Ith; Cavern of Souls. Oh man...
September 7, 2016 11:44 a.m.
Love-in-Theory says... #16
aekrusty you're right about those staples, they can (and usually always are) hella expensive. Maybe I should have held on to my Cavern of Souls :'(
September 7, 2016 11:56 a.m.
Hyperalgialysis says... #17
I like the idea of saint taft as a commander. I have a deck with derevi and she puts in work for sure. I am curious thoughnas to why your whole deck isn't just board wipes, draw and taft pump. I have had a great amount of success using just derevi, 33 lands, 18 board wipes, 15 big draw spells(mind spring and the like) and 33 pump enchantments/artifacts. Board wipe attack for 21 commander damage. I know it seems like it wouldn't work all that well but surprisingly I am successful just waiting to board wipe, sometimes board wipe early then again later, and in one shot make derevie 21/21 and swing for the win. I can usually knock out 1 player quickly before repeating the process again against my remaining opponent(s).
September 11, 2016 4:53 a.m.
Nice list! Not much of a Commander player myself, but did you consider adding more removal to the deck? I'm sure Journey to Nowhere can come in handy against other generals, and similar enchantments may work out as well. I find a lot of the counterspells very specific, so I think adding some general creature removal would fix that. Additionally, since Geist isn't indestructible, merely hexproof, I think Aqueous Form can help the damage get through in case your control doesn't complete contain blockers. I see you already have Steel of the Godhead, so I'm sure you understand.
September 12, 2016 10:19 p.m.
Sim_Will_CMcantfindmehopefully says... #20
I think you want more than one wrath here. Supreme Verdict, Winds of Rath, all seem great here. A really underrated control card is Condescend, Winds of Rath in particular leaves you with Geist in many cases. Oh, and in duel commander isn't Remand really good?
November 22, 2016 8:38 a.m.
Ze_Geuse81 says... #21
i really like your deck +1 im a big fan of duel commander i was wondering if you'd consider playing Cathedral of War for the exhalted trigger
November 30, 2016 6:35 p.m.
Hi Ze_Geuse81. Sure. In fact, I pretend to put more exalted triggers.
November 30, 2016 10:59 p.m.
Ze_Geuse81 says... #23
aekrusty exhalted triggers are the bomb lol. I also have a duel commander deck that i play in competitive magic. Anafenza, the goat warrior Check it out tell me what you think. Also two cards that would defenitly help (not so budget friendly) are Stoneforge Mystic 15-20$ + Elspeth, Knight-Errant 10-15$. They are both very reliable cards never a dead draw. And if you wanna go nuts Force of Will ;)
Everyday shufflin' lol
December 1, 2016 9:02 a.m.
Daedalus19876 says... #25
Hello! Honestly I don't have too much I can say about this, since duel commander isn't my format, but I'll give it a shot :) I also don't know your budget, but I avoided suggesting cards more than $10.
The first thing I'll say is that your counterspell distribution could use a little work. You have a lot of conditional counterspells that will often be dead. You're missing Daze (better than it looks), Remand (amazing tempo), Arcane Denial (and Lapse of Certainty, which is one of my favorites because it's unexpected).
I'd remove most of the conditional counterspells. I dislike Mental Misstep in EDH (pretty useless after T1, especially since most curves center around 3). Also, you are missing Path to Exile and Cyclonic Rift.
Depends on meta, but I'd generally go with Arrest over Oppressive Rays...
Why Sword of War and Peace? I would almost always prefer Sword of Light and Shadow. Also, no Stoneforge Mystic?
In a deck with the curve this low, you might want to find less lands that ETB tapped. I feel like you would consistently not have the setup you want before you cast your commander.
I never leave home without my Strip Mine. Nothing better for those pesky karoo and utility lands :)
Also, I submitted a request for Balance to have its legality adjusted :)
Happy deckbuilding!
ComradeJim270 says... #1
You totally need Arcane Denial in here, it's one of the best counters in the format! Way better than Cancel. I'd also run Path to Exile over Vapor Snag.
August 22, 2016 9:36 p.m.