Odric and Thalia (actually her lieutenant) sitting in a tree, W-I-N-N-I-N-G. This deck combines human tribal synergy with Odric's ability sharing. This is actually a three deck deck-tech. I've included the decklist for here. I'll talk about green and red here, but the decklists are linked below.
: Odric and Thalia's Budget Green Love Child - EMN
: Odric and Thalia's Budget Red Love Child - EMN
Orzhov is my favorite color combo, but I will be honest, I think the WR and WG version of this deck are probably stronger.
I Love Feedback
Halp!! I am continually trying to refine my decks. Your input is greatly appreciated; feel free to comment. If you go so far as to playtest the deck, please let me know how it went (I'm flattered that you would try). Also, a +1 is always appreciated.
Hi all, I like to brew standard decks that are on a budget. By brewing budget, I can't just use good stuff, and need to look for synergies in the cheap cards, and that is what's fun. For no specific reason, I like Orzhov, and always start with that base, but will add other colors.
Also, I do include some pricey land cards in my budget decks, simply because they can be reused in many different decks, making them a value in the long run. There are cheaper or combo lands that are less efficient, such as Forsaken Sanctuary or Foul Orchard. For my other recent decks, see:
Rainbow Cryptalition - UltraBudget Standard Allies
Creature Trident - SOI mid-budget
deck: Deathwall - SOI Standard Abzan Combo Budget
Bluewallin - Sultai version of Unstoppawall Budget
Lastwall - Eldrich mutation of Unstoppawall budget
These decks focus on synergy, trying to unite the many excellent new human cards in Eldritch Moon with Odric, Lunarch Marshal. I have tried for a while to make an effective Odric deck in Standard, but results were underwhelming. There are two problems that occur. One is that the deck is typically vulnerable and weak until a full board state is established, which takes a while. The other is that the cards with good abilities are often small (a 1/1 with flying, double strike, lifelink, and trample is still a 1/1). These decks address both issues. The humans shell is strong in this rotation, with units like Lone Rider
and Thalia's Lieutenant, who can do work on their own. Also, the decks have several ways to make the creatures' power and toughness stronger, including Thalia's Lieutenant and Always Watching .
Several cards are core to all of the decklists. Odric, Lunarch Marshal is obviously there. Thalia's Lieutenant is key to empowering the human side of the deck. Always Watching is amazing, the +1/+1 and the vigilence are both very important for the deck. Lone Rider
is a workhorse (pun intended). With just 2 +1/+1 effect, he can flip himself, at which point he can provide trample, first strike, and lifelink. It cannot be understated how powerful trample and first strike are together, It is a nightmare to block if you don't have a high toughness creature. Aven Sunstriker provides both flying and doublestrike and helps generate big power turns. If there is a board stall, and you have either Aven Sunstriker or Odric, Lunarch Marshal on the board, then you can drop the other half of your combo on your first main phase and surprise the opponent with a whole team of double striking fliers. Thraben Inspector is a good human one-drop that can help card advantage, and Bygone Bishop also helps card advantage and provides another flier.
Eerie Interlude should get it's own mention. Board whipes such as Languish are the bane of this deck. Leaving up 3 mana for Eerie Interlude sucks, but it is often worth it to prevent to complete loss of a strong board state.
Other Good Whites
Repel the Abominable is an excellent card against non-human decks (including burn), and can help safely flip the Lone Rider
. Collective Effort adds another +1/+1 source, in addition to helping against big creatures and enchantment decks. Declaration in Stone is good enought to warrent one of in the budget deck.
Honorable mention (White)
Knight of the White Orchid and Arashin Foremost are good. Thalia, Heretic Cathar is a powerful card, but not budget yet. Also, our 3 CMC slots are very tight and I'm not sure she makes the cut. Hanweir Militia Captain
always looks awesome, but never seems to make the cut. Nahiri's Machinations can give a whole team indestructible if you order the stack correctly. We don't necessarily go wide enough to make Stoneforge Masterwork useful. Thalia's Lancers can help us get an Odric, but just aren't worth it. Dragon's Eye Sentry brings first strike and an excellent blocker, but the defender ability is too crippling.
Kytheon, Hero of Akros
would be awesome in these decks, but is not budget at all.
Black has several directions it can take this deck. There are several Lifelink options, that make it more likely that we can flip a Lone Rider
and help keep us in the game. Shambling Vent is an obvious autoinclude. Vampire Cutthroat is a reasonable new one drop, but is not human. The skulk might seem nice, but by the time we have a full board with Odric, we are hoping to have +1/+1'd our creatures up high enough to make skulk less impressive. Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim is cost efficient and can also gain life and adds deathtouch. If the deck were focused entirely on life gain, then her 30 health ability might be relevant, but this deck rarely gets that high. Deathtouch works well with first strike; it makes our creatures resilient in combat, but regrettably does not add much explosiveness to the deck, and often seems underwhelming in practice. That said, Fetid Imp provides flying and deathtouch, and can stop a lot of aggression in its tracks. Finally, Elusive Tormentor provides both hexproof and indestructible at least in the combat phase and after. However, it is essentially a five drop 0/1 and doesn't protect permanently, making it less valuable. It is still worth a one of, but I would hate to be stuck with more in my hand.
Black does bring some instant speed removal, including Ultimate Price, and a versatile sideboard, including Ruinous Path, Duress, Virulent Plague, and Infinite Obliteration.
Honorable mention (Black)
Zulaport Cutthroat can make for an interesting alternative way to hit the opponent, but we aren't going to win with drain alone and he doesn't bring much else to the table. Lilliana, Heretic Healer is an interesting choice, as she brings lifelink and adds some graveyard recursion. However, most of the time I would just rather have a Aven Sunstriker.
Green just has it all: lots of card advantage, ramp, and efficiency. Duskwatch Recruiter brings card advantage and a nice back side. Deathcap Cultivator brings ramp and eventually deathtouch. I have been very impressed with Servant of the Scale combined with Thalia's Lieutenant. Our other champs become threatening once they have some power and toughness, and he can provide that. Sigarda, Heron's Grace is a solid flying unit that hexproofs the rest of our champs. Aim High is a cheeky combat trick that can surprise a spirits deck and can help flip a Lone Rider
. The deck lacks answers to planeswalkers, and Quarantine Field has gotten budget enough to be considered in the sideboard in a planeswalker rich meta.
Honorable mention (Green)
Hamlet Captain, Lambholt Pacifist
, Shaman of Forgotten Ways are all very good. Ulvenwald Mysteries works well with our other token generators, but is just a bit too slow. Gnarlwood Dryad brings deathtouch for cheap, and almost makes the cut except for the lack of human synergy. Heron's Grace Champion makes for a neat combat trick, but at 4CMC is a bit pricey.
Red is the explosive deck. Hanweir Garrison is a big part of this. If it can survive even one attack, the synergy with Thalia's Lieutenant becomes very strong. Kolaghan Forerunners brings trample, which is beast if combined with first strike and a large board. Thopter Engineer brings flying and haste. Titan's Strength is a great card to combine with double strike or on a Lone Rider
. For a one drop, both Village Messenger
and Lightning Berserker bring haste and are good choices, and I ultimately favor the messenger because of potential to become a 2/2 with menace. Needle Spires adds another safe double strike source and is key to this deck's success.
Honorable mention (Red)
Insolent Neonate is good for menace, but would be better as a human. Dragonmaster Outcast is good and potentially adds flying. Abbot of Keral Keep can add some card advantage. Pia and Kiran Nalaar are efficient and add flying. Ride Down is an interesting new card, but Titan's Strength is better in almost all situations for this deck.