Ender666666 says... #2
How are you on defence? Do you ever find that you have trouble with big tramplers? If so, may I suggest Defensive Formation? For , all your creatures have the good half of Banding, which effectively lets a 1/1 creature chump block a trampler, and since you assign damage, have the attacker deal all damage to the blocker, and not assign ANY trample damage to you.
November 27, 2014 8:54 p.m.
I've been trying to run this deck as quick/aggro as possible. It's hard to find a balance of defense and offense in a mono colored deck. I've swapped stuff in and out a lot over the past 11 months or so i've had this deck. I find myself getting beat out more by other aggro decks or like an Uril voltron if I can't get out nevermore quick enough.
I do plan on adding Arcane Lighthouse and Glaring Spotlight to have my control be more effective against that and should balance a bit more. I do appreciate your suggestion though and will think on that.
November 27, 2014 9:01 p.m.
Ender666666 says... #4
You may also want to consider Brave the Sands if defence is a challenge. Vigilance is awesome, and having each creature you control be able to block 2 attackers is nothing to scoff at as well..
You seem to be running less lands than I would expect, and don't seem to have many artifact sources.. Do you feel like you're mana-screwed often?
November 27, 2014 9:10 p.m.
Ender666666 says... #5
Oh, and if you're not already aware of it, Veteran's Armaments is made for Odric/Soldier decks.
November 27, 2014 9:18 p.m.
I have several creatures that produce mana. As long as I get 4 I am pretty well off for the most part. I do want to actually bump it up to about 35 lands. 1v1 has no free mulligan and this is now a French 1v1 deck haha. Thanks for the suggestions. I'll be looking at them.
November 27, 2014 9:39 p.m.
DarkRequiem says... #7
Daru Encampment, Temple of the False God and Sandstone Bridge are all great lands to add.
You're playing mainly humans. Angel of Glory's Rise can be great later in the game.
Gempalm Avenger for the drawing.
Mother of Runes and Swiftfoot Boots for protection. Maybe even Champion's Helm and/or General's Kabuto.
Knight-Captain of Eos for its fog effect.
November 19, 2015 8:42 a.m.
Oh nice! I'm guessing Daru Encampment is new? Temple of the False God I dislike because I don't run too many lands, and most things have a low CMC. The colorless tends to be wasted, I need white mana more. Whenever I draw it I tend to need a different land instead. Sandstone Bridge I don't care for the enter tapped effect for a temporary +1 +1 in EDH, I'd rather have an untapped land. With the 3 mana for Gempalm Avenger chances are i'll be playing something or activating something instead of wanting to cycle him. General's Kabuto no just because it's same CMC as Odric, I do like Champion's Helm and think I have a spare. The Angel has some possibilities I'll have to look into, and the Knight-Captain of Eos I've had in before, but took out, looking to be more aggro than defensive, although will give him another look-see. Thanks for the suggestions!
November 19, 2015 3:23 p.m.
DarkRequiem says... #9
Daru Encampment's from Onslaught. Quite an oldie. ;) As for Temple of the False God, I don't know. I think it quite useful... But if its a card you dislike, there's nothing to do other than exclude it.
True. Sandstone Bridge has a somewhat minor effect, setting you back a bit. I don't mind the loss of tempo, but its up to you. Same goes with Gempalm Avenger.
Champion's Helm is far superior to General's Kabuto. That's why I named them in that order. Protecting Odric should be a priority. You can even use Darksteel Plate if your meta runs lots of mass removal.
Knight-Captain of Eos is good. At least on paper... I'm still assembling my own Odric deck. He might be good for long games. Not sure how fast Edric is.
You're welcome.
Schmidty says... #1
Stoneforge Mystic is good but I don't have too many equips. Stonehewer Giant does that job pretty well. Restoration Angel - only decent for a couple of my cards ETB effects, not worth enough throwing in especially as it's the same CMC as Odric. Batterskull is way too mana-heavy for what it does. Umezawa's Jitte is pretty awesome and might earn a spot. Thank you for the suggestions and upvote!
August 31, 2014 1:39 a.m.