Of Benevolence and Malice [Now in Jund]

Casual* PercivaL


Regi2000 says... #1

I like the deck. However it seems rather weak to discard such as Inquisition of Kozilek , or other forms of disruption (Detention Sphere , Abrupt Decay , Mana Leak ). Basically, if he keeps ilness off of the table, your deck gives him a very fomidable aggro force. If it were up to me, I'd cut some cards that benefit from having ilness on the battlefield, and add some that focus on getting it there. I'd suggest adding some disruption, such as counterspells and/or discard, and add fate modifiers, such as Serum Visions or Telling Time to help find the ilness and protect it. As for what I'd cut, it'd be the golgari charms, witch seem sort of random, considering it kills your blood artist, blood seeker, and only removes tokens once. I'm also not a big fan of clones, since what you clone usually costs less than the clone.Also, but this is a personal preference, I like terramorphic expanse more than the Opulent Palace, because it thinns your deck, making you less likely to draw lands later on in the game.

September 9, 2014 10:58 a.m.

Fogexpert says... #2

I would suggest cutting the impersonators for akroan horses or awakening zones. That way you can ping them every turn if you have your peeps on the field.

September 13, 2014 12:14 p.m.

uspdudes says... #3

2 cards comes to mind:

Izzet Staticaster


doomwake giant

February 7, 2015 10:42 a.m.

PercivaL says... #4

@uspdudes : these are some interessting suggestions... although im not really in favor of splashing red i will give this some serious thoughts especially since they could be used for more than just killing tokens. thanks so far :)

@Fogexpert: hmm.. sorry but i dont like this idea. giving myself some tokens is harassing the flavour of this deck

@Regi2000: Golgari Charm has won some matches for me, but i agree it's kind of out of place... ill cut it for sure.Clever Impersonator however wont leave this deck anytime soon i suppose. maybe ill go from 3 to only 2 copies but he is just too versatile to drop him entirely. his ability to copy any nonland permanent is pretty awesome if your opponent has something you would like to see on your side too.i would really like to have some fate modifiers/simple carddraw and counterspells. the thing is even without Golgari Charm i just dont know how to make some space for them :/

February 7, 2015 1:46 p.m.

mry says... #5

Curse of the Swine exile and drain

February 18, 2015 7:06 a.m.

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