Of Demons and Dragons v2.0

Unknown Neko069


Neko069 says... #1

I believe I need a bit more of removal. I might take down Smothering Abomination for Swift Reckoning, leading to a better response against opponent threats, and bringing down my mana curve.

October 7, 2015 10:15 a.m.

mack10k says... #2

I feel like Butcher of the Horde is only good with lots of little things to sac. 3 Bloodsoaked Champion isn't good enough with all your instants and high creature cost.

October 11, 2015 1:49 a.m.

Neko069 says... #3

mack10k Well in fact, Flamewake Phoenix is also for sacrifice, as his comeback ability triggers almost always, with all my creatures having 4+ power. But yes, that's the problem...I lost Goblin Rabblemaster and Brimaz, King of Oreskos, 2 clocks on token-generation. They always fed the demon. I really miss them...

What do you suggest?

October 11, 2015 1:52 a.m.

Neko069 says... #4

October 11, 2015 1:54 a.m.

mack10k says... #5

Also I would replace Boiling Earth with Radiant Flames

October 11, 2015 1:55 a.m.

Eaglescout517 says... #6

One thing that I've found that works well with a Butcher sacrifice deck is to have Sultai Emissary and Alesha, Who Smiles at Death. The thing to consider is not how many tokens you can throw away, but the value creatures you can continuously reanimate. Current standard also has Vampiric Rites and Zulaport Rogue to have card advantage and life stabilization.

October 11, 2015 10:52 p.m.

mack10k says... #7

@eaglscout517 At that point you might as well go aristocrats and drop the dragons.

October 12, 2015 1:12 a.m.

Neko069 says... #8

October 14, 2015 10:13 a.m.

Neko069 says... #9

Smothering Abomination has been giving me some issues, as he's constantly asking for food. food tha I cannot create every turn as I did before with Goblin Rabblemaster and Brimaz, King of Oreskos. So I'm cuting him to 1, in order he doesn't necessarily arrives in early game. I need him for when I have some mana available to bring back Flamewake Phoenix and Bloodsoaked Champion in the same turn.

I'm adding a 3rd Foul-Tongue Invocation to see what happens!

October 30, 2015 11:34 a.m.

Neko069 says... #10

My bad, not so much dragons to trigger... I believe a 3rd Kolaghan's Command would be more versatile, as I can recur a dead creature, force opp to discard, and so...

October 30, 2015 11:40 a.m.

Neko069 says... #11

Got tired of manascrew. I can't believe how losing Bile Blight and Hero's Downfall hit me so hard on manacurve...I'm removing a Kolaghan's Command for a Bloodfell Caves

November 2, 2015 1:12 p.m.

Have you considered removing the Bloodfell Caves for a second swamp or possibly a plains? The extra life doesn't hurt but by coming in tapped it slows down your game considerably, especially since you're running Smoldering Marsh. Possibly remove another dual or tri tap land to make room for another basic land so you have a higher chance of having untapped Smoldering Marsh which not only accelerates your game but can give you consistent mana flow.

November 2, 2015 2:51 p.m.

Neko069 says... #13

KingFruitLoops yeah, that's a wise advise. I was really used to Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth...I'll include a basic Swamp instead!

Done and done! Thanks!

November 2, 2015 4:29 p.m.

Also, you were right to consider Monastery Mentor but you may have jumped to an assumption too quickly. Consider this, you are running 18 creatures and 17 other spells (Instant, Sorc, Enchant etc) giving you almost exactly a 50% chance of pulling a non-creature spell your opening hand. As Mentor has a prowess trigger, and given the land, creature, other ratio, Mentor is a fantastic replacement for Brimaz. Why? Yes he generated booku tokens but they simply stayed as a 1/1. Mentor generates tokens that also have prowess triggers. So if you need to pump consider a Crackling Doom into a Draconic Roar into a Murderous Cut. Not only did you just (potentially) burn him for 5 and cleared two or three creatures but you also gave your mentor and tokens +3/+3 all-the-while generating 3 more tokens and two of them received the prowess trigger as well! The newly made tokens could then become sacrifices for Butcher of the Horde or even draw power with Smothering Abomination.Lastly the one thing I keep noticing is that if you cut your mana base by two you can add in some good ole' fashioned burn and removal. Or even a splash of control by mainboarding those Transgress the Mind. Hell even a Mardu Charm wouldn't hurt.That being said, I really enjoy this deck and it brings a lot of midrange devastation to the table . Keep up the good work!

November 4, 2015 4:25 p.m.

Neko069 says... #15

KingFruitLoops ...wow...never thought of him like that. I remember when UW Heroic was around with Theros block and I thought "well, that's a deck that really triggers prowess", but never realized how many non-creature spells could I cast. Definitely going to try it!

However, mana base is a sensitive topic. I played with 24 with my old version of this deck, which even gave me matches with mulligan-5 (3 lands in hand, 1 Cdoom and 1 Rabblemaster, enought to destroy opp), but this isn't the case anymore. I have 1 bigger friend now with costs a little more (the eldrazi), and regarding removal...well, I lost Bile Blight and Hero's Downfall, and now I have to use Murderous Cut, Kolaghan's Command, and Utter End. So curve went a bit higher. I also lost Scrylands, which were amazing. I used to 'keep' a hand with 2 lands, one being a Temple. Now I do test my luck by 'keeping' with 2 lands in hand, only to realized I made a terrible mistake...

November 5, 2015 9:08 a.m.

Neko069 says... #16


I'm removing Murderous Cut and Utter End, both high in curve, for 2 Swift Reckoning, or maybe 2 Silkwrap. Although both of them are conditional and sorcery removal, which makes them weak, they're quite more playable than aforementioned removals. Let's see what happens!

November 23, 2015 9:53 p.m.

exoquterx says... #17

My favorite combo in standard at the moment is mentor turn 3 then play Gideon ally of zendikar turn 4 and instantly have a 33 mentor a 11 prowess monk a 22 knight and a op planes walker on the board it nearly auto stablises your board the instant it happens good fun maybe a good trick for sac fodder for your deck ?

November 24, 2015 8:05 a.m.

Neko069 says... #18

exoquterx yeah, he's not a bad idea at all. I'm currently testing how Flamewake Phoenix works in that slot, and so far it's been doing an interesting job, as it can be brought back to life with 11 out of 18 creatures (which means almost always). Besides, it's a flying creature, and all creatures in this deck fly. That's something I wouldn't like to change. But yeah, Monastery Mentor might be tried out in the very near future

November 24, 2015 8:19 a.m.

exoquterx says... #19

Yeah seems good I think it depends on the meta if your vsin control ish stuff and little exile def a way to go because my meta is very aggro I like the extra chump blockers against aggro decks and the synergy wide boards have with kolaghan the storm fury is nuts

November 25, 2015 8:45 a.m.

exoquterx says... #20

Also maybe put out post siege in the side board and put in soulfire or hanger back because you need a two drop hangar back is Peter for the sac decks and is great with sorin and kolaghans command because of all the combat tricks you can have with them

November 25, 2015 8:50 a.m.

exoquterx says... #21

Perfect *

November 25, 2015 8:51 a.m.

Neko069 says... #22

January 8, 2016 2:14 p.m.

You definitely need more dragons to justify draconic roar. Otherwise it's just worse than fiery impulse. Personally, I would be taking out Dragonlord Kolaghan, too, as Kolaghan ,the Storm's Fury is a much better card. I'd cut a butcher, a flamewake phoenix and your one of smothering abomination for the remaining kolaghans and an extra kolaghan's command. I really don't like how vulnerable smothering abomination is, 3 toughness is really low with draconic roar and fiery impulse in the format, and kolaghan is really good

January 12, 2016 8:19 a.m.

Neko069 says... #24

UnspokenSaints thanks for the tips man!

Have you playtested this deck? Draconic Roar does trigger a lot here. Same for Foul-Tongue Invocation. Most of the times, my dragons are kept in hand for this reason, unless they're needed on the battlefield. That's when Thunderbreak Regent comes in, which is hard to kill, to create board presence.

People usually tend to think Dragonlord Kolaghan is weak. In fact, I have had tons of opponents asking for the card, in order to read what it did. However, it's an extremely good dragon. It has haste and flying, so it can hit for 6dmg as soon as he comes in. It also gives haste to my upcoming creatures. And finally, it locks down a match, as you wouldn't be able to cast a creature or PW (well, you could, but it would cost you 10 lives...)

Finally, removing a Butcher, a phoenix, and so, would mean 'change all the deck'. That's not very helpful. This is what the deck does, I mean, cast Bloodsoaked Champion quickly, bring a Flamewake Phoenix, attack or trade it in combat, then cast a Butcher of the Horde, sac the champ for haste, bring back phoenix for , attack for 7 dmg flying, or sac the phoenix again to strike for 5 lifelink flying dmg. The eldrazi does the same thing: Cast him, bring back phoenix for , attack, then bring back champion for , and sacrifice for card draw and again, bringing them back. That's an amazing amount of synergy! Every creature here can bring back phoenix and champion!

January 12, 2016 8:42 a.m.

I've played a similar deck with a higher Dragon count that doesn't trigger draconic roar as often as I would like. Especially with crackling doom in the format I don't find thunderbreak necessarily sticks around either.

The trouble with kolaghan being as you said is people tend to just delve away their graveyard anyway, and those creatures that do stay are likely coming back with ojutai's command rather than being cast. I mean, maybe Jeskai black isn't that big in your meta but afaik it's still pretty enormous.

Sure, I can see that if you get your opponent tapped out dragonlord kolaghan is solid, in that 6 damage is not insignificant, but that still fulfills the same role really as storm's fury.

As for your eldrazi, well actually I would describe him as the least important card in the synergy you describe. It's not a sac outlet in itself, or at least not at a convenient time and only once a turn. You have him as a one of, which to me suggests that you don't find the deck needs the card draw often.

I can see your point about Phoenix being central, and although I don't think you necessarily need the full 4 butchers and the extra storm's fury would serve you well in the same circumstances (ie champion and Phoenix coming back for just straight 6 damage) I could see leaving him in.

January 14, 2016 3:22 a.m.

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