Of Demons and Dragons

Unknown* Neko069


Neko069 says... #1

I tried and tested a lot of time to use Outpost Siege instead of Chandra, Pyromaster. In some cases, Outpost siege works like a clock, you don't have to pay attention to anything, it gives card advantage automatically. But with so many Dromoka's Command on the run, it also dies easily. On the other hand, Chandra excels at +1-ing a big rhino to keep on striking with Goblin Rabblemaster, as no removal is needed. But she also falls easily to Downfall and creature damage.

Chandra is there for card advantage, but her +1 gives her a very valuable plus. I'm sticking to her for now...

June 1, 2015 11:36 a.m.

FreetABC says... #2

Personally, Thunderbreak Regent does not fit in the deck. I would remove Dragonlord Kolaghan and replace with Hammer of Purphoros because they produce the same effect but for a lot less. Goblin Rabblemaster will work, but I would add cards like Hordeling Outburst or Goblinslide if you are going that direction.

June 1, 2015 7:11 p.m.

Neko069 says... #3

Dragonlord Kolaghan is not for a 'haste' purpose. It's because he's an unexpected finisher. He deals 6 flying damage to close the match. And, if not dealt with soon enough, it's practically impossible to cast another creature. That's why just 1. The deck doesn't depend on him.

All of my creatures used are like 'tokens' and food for Butcher of the Horde: Brimaz and Rabble put tokens, and even Champion is a token itself, so the demon can attack as soon as he's casted, dealing 5 damage. I like the idea of having a Hammer of Purphoros though. It could make the deck more fluent. I'll try it in the next FNM.

Thanks for the ideas! :)

June 1, 2015 7:26 p.m.

exoquterx says... #4

Hey dude cool deck!

pretty solid only things i would comment on would be

1) Draconic Roar this card is nuts in the right decks. But i don't think you run enough dragons for this to be relevant in yours, as you are only running 4 dragons. if you dont run more dragons i would probably just cut them out for thought sieze from your sideboard, so you can have more sideboard options if you want or even possibly Lightning Strike again maybe more consistent less the card gods love you with the combos :P

2) maybe try 2 more thunderbreak regents and even stormbreath dragon although that would probably be changing your deck to much. In your shell i would run 2 TSF works way better in your deck than the dragonlord, who probably is better in sideboard against certain decks

3) i love whip and tried it, but it doesnt really work well in our decks as nearly as good as outpost siege, that card just is nuts against any deck that doesnt have the right removal and has won me most my games tbh. PLus you already have 2 sorin so you have the lifelink in a better version. i would put in 2 outpost siege over erebos and her whip

4) i dont see the point of chandra in your deck over a outpost siege only because like first turn you plus one her right and your rabble master gets thru maybe yay:D but the second and other turns mostly your gunna 0 her for card advantage, outpost siege does that and is harder to remove and can give u dragons too for closing games a lil bettter with all the tokens you got. i would replace them with mardu charm because it gives you removal on things you that are iffy like coursair which isnt realy worth a downfall or doom and is to big for roar. it also gives tokens which is great for your deck and it is a duress against control so its never a dead card.

5) depends on meta but i would rather seeker of the way over bile blight because it doesnt hit the decks that are used the most atm like gw devotion, azban and control decks. if your looking for a option to kill only their deathtouch insects maybe Barrage of Boulders ?

great deck thanks for sharing it plus 1 from me :)

June 14, 2015 11:03 p.m.

Neko069 says... #5


1-2) There was a PPTQ today in my country and in one match, I managed to deal 9 dmg just with Draconic Roar. It was the first time I used it. I sued to play Lightning Strike, but the difference is astounding. I'm thinking of changing both Brimaz, King of Oreskos for 2 Thunderbreak Regents in order to get more 'Draconic' effect, and aerial evasion. I love that little kitten too much, but he hasn't been helping lately. Whenever he appears on turn 3, either he dies, or opponent plays a Siege Rhino...

3) Sorry, I mixed the side...There's an End Hostilities and an Elspeth, Sun's Champion that goes hand in hand with the Whip of Erebos for GW Devotion/RG Monsters, decks that only play enormous creatures. I want to 'wrath' everything and then bring back my board with it. Is it really a bad idea? Erebos, God of the Dead is mainly for Control, because it gives card advantage, and Classic Abzan, because he cannot heal with Rhino, Courser, Roc and so...is it wrong?

4) That was the point! a turn-4 Chandra means a Rhino that cannot block Rabble and his minions, dealing x6 dmg + x1 chandra. After that, she's just there for a 0, as an Outpost Siege. She is most likely to die, unlike Outpost, you're right. but she also gave me good results with creatures that cannot block. I used to run Outpost Siege some weeks ago. Maybe I'll try it again.

5) Bile Blight as you say is there for Hornet Queen's minions. But it's also a good removal against a lot of things. He can kill a lot of creatures: The L'oreal Lion, Rakshasa cat, Rabblemaster, Soulfire GM, Monastery Mentor, and so on :)

GP is in two weeks, and I need to test a lot of things!!! Thanks for the comments! :)

June 15, 2015 12:08 a.m.

Neko069 says... #6

June 16, 2015 9:24 a.m.

Neko069 says... #7

Mainboard is definitely amazing. No more changes!

As for sideboard, and due to Jeskai inf combo dissappearing:



June 22, 2015 3:06 p.m.

Neko069 says... #8


Man I defeated Craig Wescoe with this today!!! 33rd place at Grand Prix Buenos Aires, 33rd out of 700 people!!! 300 US$ CASH REWARD! THIS IS A DREAM COME TRUE!!!

June 28, 2015 11:34 p.m.

exoquterx says... #9

Gratz dude!! NICE !!! :D

How do you feel Mardu is coming into origins ? U don't think dragons are going to be good :( but the new early drops are soooo nice !

June 30, 2015 11:03 a.m.

Neko069 says... #10

exoquterx honestly, I decided to retire this deck after Grand Prix Buenos Aires. I'll be trying to make my other decks happen. Check them out if you like :) There are a lot of things I'd like to test at LGS.

I am losing 2 (6 total) bombs from this deck when Theros goes out. Brimaz, King of Oreskos and Goblin Rabblemaster. Both were used to feed Butcher of the Horde in a very positive way, giving haste at T4, and lifelink at T5. I'll be out of tokens for this deck to keep on working. However think I'll replace Brimaz for Liliana, Heretical Healer  Flip which is AMAZING, very similar to Liliana of the Veil. I'm losing my head for a playset once Origins is here. Tainted Remedy will most likely replace Erebos, God of the Dead, and I'm putting an eye on Avaricious Dragon. I cannot make more guesses really, I'll need to think about it once Origins is out :)

June 30, 2015 11:30 a.m.

sasjason says... #11

I'm surprised not seeing any two drops? What are you doing on turn two if you don't cast a creature?

September 2, 2015 5:25 p.m.

Neko069 says... #12

sasjason: This deck has a very amazing synergy when Rabble's token hit opponent in turn 3. I mostly use turn 2 to make way for the token to hit, by killing a Fleecemane Lion, Seeker of the Way, Rakshasa Deathdealer or any chumpblocker. That way, if the token survives, Butcher of the Horde will have 2 potential sacrifices for haste + lifelink, extremely more aggressive that a Siege Rhino. Even a lonely Goblin Rabblemaster with 2 minions is very aggressive too!

If that's not the case, Turn 2 is for taplands and fixing (half lands in deck are taplands)

September 3, 2015 10:01 a.m.

cheetodunkz says... #15

Im going to keep a good eye on this deck, I really like the look of it. I think the new Fatal Push card in Aether Revolt might be the sideboard removal your looking for? To early to tell. I'm not sure how I like Hangarback Walker, seems slow to pump, and having 4 is really blegh for what this deck is already capable of. I dont know though it could be a decent addition but its already rockin. I wonder if theres a better way of mana fixing without the pain lands. I think this deck could be beast mode just needs some more smart tweaks.

January 3, 2017 2:44 p.m.

Neko069 says... #16

cheetodunkz Thanks for stopping by!

Yeah, actually Fatal Push is really good, I like it!

Regarding Hangarback Walker, it would use the Brimaz's slot, so I'd only use 2 of them. It's obviously not nearly the same card, but what we need is to give food for Butcher. With a T3 Brimaz or T3 Rabblemaster, it was an easy job. But now we only depend on Rabblemaster. Hangarback here is good because just by being a 1/1 creature, you can eat him and the minion he leaves behind, for Haste + Lifelink. Plus leaving a 5/4 flyer on board. That's what we're looking for. All the deck needs to go for a T4 Butcher with haste + lifelink =)

January 3, 2017 7:45 p.m.

JohnnyBoyG says... #17

Hate to break it to you but...Theroes block isn't frontier legal

January 4, 2017 8 p.m.

Neko069 says... #18

JohnnyBoyG I know =)

January 5, 2017 7:28 a.m.

Neko069 says... #19

HA! Forgot about Bile Blight! Will mostly be replaced by Declaration in Stone, although I'd prefer an instant to deal with creatures or tokens, but whatever...

January 5, 2017 9:26 a.m.

Mr.grizzly says... #20

I think instead of Heroes Down fall Unlicensed Disintegration or Foul-Tongue Invocation would go good here.

January 5, 2017 9:49 a.m.

Mr.grizzly says... #21

January 5, 2017 9:50 a.m.

cheetodunkz says... #22

Neko069 If you want removal for tokens, we could put 4 of Kozilek's Return in the sideboard for going against the token decks.

January 5, 2017 10:04 a.m.

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