Seems good to me... But as many people were saying, we wont know thAt well until khans.
August 24, 2014 7:30 p.m.
I was trying to put together a solid B/W/G deck base for post rotation. The deck only contained post rotation cards and after a lot of testing with it I can tell you that running only Hero's Downfall and Bile Blight aren't enough when it comes to removal and I even had Banishing Light available too. I was testing it against any deck I could play so they of course contained rotating cards but Bile Blight just wasn't enough early game. Between just Sylvan Caryatid and Courser of Kruphix (two cards even you are running) it can be awkward in your hand at times. Don't get me wrong it is good but you need some other kind of cheap removal that can work early game and late game, like Ultimate Price or Doom Blade . B/W/G is supposed to be the "control" clan so I'm thinking and hoping we get something really solid in those colors the can be used or just your typical black removal like the ones i just mentioned.
August 24, 2014 11:06 p.m.
PlattBonnay says... #4
I'm're playing green, but not Chord of Calling , and you're playing black, but not Thoughtseize . Are these conscious decisions? The deck looks solid, but these are some of the best cards in standard right now.
September 10, 2014 11:20 a.m.
MattTheNinja says... #5
I feel like since I'm playing more of a midrange game a early Thoughtseize wouldn't be as helpful as a kill spell, and what would you take out for Chord of Calling ?
September 10, 2014 12:07 p.m.
Thoughtseize is best in midrange decks, it allows your midrange cards to live and win you the game taking there best midrange card is great.
September 14, 2014 9:26 p.m.
MattTheNinja says... #7
i just don't feel the need for them in the deck. I feel the way it is now is better than it would be with Thoughtseize s in it.
September 15, 2014 12:06 p.m.
AirbourneSwine says... #8
Hello, I would suggest taking out 1 or maybe 2 Lilianas for 1 or 2 Elspeths. She gives you a board wipe as soon as she comes out, and her ult is insane in standard 1 v 1 matches. Liliana however is great for sideboards against control and does provide an effective tutor mechanic in the deck.
September 18, 2014 4:03 p.m.
MattTheNinja says... #9
I have been looking for a way to incorporate Elspeth, but I don't know how many I want. I've been toying with the idea of -1 Garruk and -1 Lilly for +2 Elspeth. If I can get my hands on some, they'll definitely make it into the deck. Thanks for the suggestion and don't forget to +1 if you like the deck!
September 18, 2014 5:16 p.m.
MattTheNinja says... #11
Why not? It's a 3 mana 4/4 with two relevant abilities.
September 19, 2014 12:01 p.m.
The graveyard effect is relevant, but a better use for those two slots would be Wingmate Roc . Doesn't die to Bile Blight or Murderous Cut . I know it's not a 3 drop, but you already have Courser, and the lack of a Abzan color 3 drop could make it worth playing Elvish Mystic
September 19, 2014 6:25 p.m.
MattTheNinja says... #13
Anafenza is a 4/4 and Bile Blight gives -3/-3... and Wingmate would also die to Murderous Cut so that isn't a viable point. I am planning in playing a scry land turn 1 so 1-drops aren't really a viable line for me in the beginning too.
That said, I have considered Wingmate Roc in place of Anafenza, but will have to make the decision on which to use after more playtesting, but so far I like Anafenza. The +1/+1 ability makes Siege Rhino even more ridiculous so it'll take some pretty amazing results to change my mind right now. It may be a nice SB card though.
September 19, 2014 9:59 p.m.
I meant murderous cut doesn't kill Wingmate because it makes an extra evasive beater, where as Anfenza has no evasion.
September 19, 2014 10:39 p.m.
MattTheNinja says... #15
But the token made from Roc doesn't carry over the life gain ability.
September 20, 2014 5:02 a.m.
Can you check mine out and send me feedback for what you like on your deck?Kombat Kontrol *read description*
September 20, 2014 11:26 a.m.
Nice. Do you think Anafenzo will make a difference in the deck?
Here is my list. some slight variations from yours.
September 22, 2014 9:39 a.m.
I would totally play Wingmate Roc , really great card, especially with Sorin, Solemn Visitor 's +1
September 22, 2014 5:25 p.m.
Another thing I should have added: Ajani Steadfast would be an excellent replacement for Liliana Vess . Ajani's -2 can add a lot of damage and his +1 can bring you back from the brink on the off chance that you get taken down that low. That, and Liliana isn't essential to this deck for any reason.
September 22, 2014 5:31 p.m.
MattTheNinja says... #20
Liliana is a major help against control with her discard ability and is practically just another copy of any card I want, as I can -2 her (twice before I even have to +1 her) to find any card in the deck. I will consider Ajani, but I really like the 2x Lilly.
September 22, 2014 5:49 p.m.
If liliana is in there for the control matchup then that means she's probably a sideboard card. Ajani fits your decks strategy/goal/game plan (whatever you want to call it) and your better off mainboarding what makes your deck work and putting in stuff that is match-up specific into your sideboard. Also, she's a 5 mana tutor that puts the card on top of your library at sorcery speed, that's a little slow. Against a faster deck or other midrange decks your basically taking a whole turn off which (if your ahead) helps your opponent catch up or lets them pull ahead of you. Sure she's nice, but she's much better in an actual control shell. You control the board state early and then limit their resources with her and things like Despise and Thoughtseize
September 22, 2014 6:12 p.m.
In addition, for the next 3 months, Control will be taking a big hit. A lot of great control is cycling, and we won't have many good board wipes for the time being. I suggest siding in 1 Liliana Vess because 6 planeswalkers is too many if you aren't playing Ajani, Mentor of Heroes , and the only things that threatens you in control are Silence the Believers and End Hostilities , which can be removed with Thoughtsieze or Despise .
September 22, 2014 6:47 p.m.
MattTheNinja says... #23
I just dont feel like I'm creature based enough to run Ajani Steadfast over Liliana Vess .
September 23, 2014 8:25 a.m.
MattTheNinja says... #24
@abenz419 Lilly isn't there just for control. Her +1 disrupts my opponents hand, her -2 gets my any card I need to help me win, and her -8 ult is very relevent because I'll get back all the creatures of theirs that I killed with my removal plus anything I may have lost.
September 23, 2014 8:31 a.m.
Yes in a vacuum that's what it appears she does. In the context of your deck though, you have no other hand disruption and she's a 5 drop. Against any deck that drops their hand down quickly it'll be irrelevant by turn 5 as they'll be playing all their cards on their turn and if they top deck removal or some other instant they can always cast it in response (unless you've made it to turn 5 with no creatures on the board). Against another deck built for the mid to late game, making them discard 1 card on turn 5 doesn't do much because they'll typically have more of their hand left and will just discard the least relevant spell at the time. Her -2 is a sorcery speed tutor that puts the card on top of your library. Your not going to drop her down turn 5 and search for Elspeth or Garruk without already having lands in your hand because that just opens you up to a Thoughtseize or Despise and you lose what you tutored for not to mention with a courser in play your also telegraphing what you tutored as well. If you tutor up an answer you need for a threat that's already on the board you don't draw it until your next turn, which is probably too late. Her ultimate can be nice yes, but don't forget she has to get there and with Hero's Downfall , Utter End and Banishing Light running around it's going to be tough to get there on any kind of consistent basis. Like I said before, she's just better in an actual control shell where your running more removal and more hand disruption.
Ajani on the other hand will help you stabilize your life total with his +1 targeting any of your creatures in games where you have to take early damage because of drawing too many tapped lands or because your opponent is playing aggro and his -2 buffs all of your creatures as well as help you ultimate Elspeth and Garruk faster and his ultimate is a game changer that helps you protect your other walkers as well as your own life total.
@Beep FYI Despise does not get Silence the Believers or End Hostilities
hijuice19 says... #1
if u want sign in blood cut 1 Liliana Vess and move 1 Whip of Erebos sideboard for 2 Sign in Blood
August 24, 2014 5:02 p.m.