This is my take on Red Deck Wins in the Theros rotation.
The name is inspired by
Titan's Strength
Dragon Mantle
Here is the mana breakdown and my reasoning.
1 Drops:
Rakdos Cackler
- simple 1 drop. I like having the option of 2/2 attacker early game or 1/1 chump blocker later game.
Dragon Mantle
- Simple. This deck has a low mana curve, and a pump spell like this is really beneficial once you've curved out. The same goes for the draw speed this card offers.
Titan's Strength
- A truly powerful card in a deck full of first strike. +3 means killing a Advent of the Wurm token, or a Blood Baron of Vizkopa or an Obzedat, Ghost Council, the list goes on. Further, if they let you through, you just dealt between 5 and 6 to the face AND you get to scy!
2 Drops:
I included Burning-Tree Emissary for the double-red mana cost and the mana advantage.
Ash Zealot
is a beautiful 2 drop double red with haste.
Magma Jet - cheap removal/burn with scry 2. The scry 2 is the kicker for me. With the low mana curve, you find yourself top-decking often. Scry is a necessity.
3 Drops:
Hammer of Purphoros - this is a staple in this deck. It adds two to devotion, as well as giving the higher CMC creatures (i.e.
Rubblebelt Raiders
Fanatic of Mogis
) much needed haste. Additionally, it provides a means of using the unnecessary lands that are guaranteed to accumulate in a longer game.
Chandra's Phoenix
- Hasty 2/2 Flier. To be honest, I don't run many direct damage spells, but the flying 2/2 will almost always get a few points of damage in.
Boros Reckoner - I don't feel that I need to offer any explanation. He is broken, and wins games if he doesn't eat a Doom Blade.
4 Drops:
Fanatic of Mogis
- this is the big finisher in this deck. He is bonkers.
5 Drop:
Stormbreath Dragon - at first I didn't want to bring my mana curve up even a tiny bit with the addition of a 5 cmc card, but I found myself with lots of excess mana and If I didn't have a
Dragon Mantle
in hand, it was wasted.
Plus a turn three Stormbreath Dragon is just too much fun.
Land Choices:
In a mono-colored deck like this, it is best to keep a simple landbase. 19 Mountains feels appropriate.
Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx - In a deck focused on devotion, this seemed appropriate. I run it as a Two of. I don't want to be flooded on them, but I definitely want one every game.
Peak Eruption
- Chained to the Rocks. That card is a B****. Also, you can really hurt the Naya and Dega midrange decks this way. Knock out their 2nd red for Anger of the Gods or their 3rd red for Mizzium Mortars.
- 3/2 with First Strike and White/Blue instant hate. He is a great board - in against Naya, and he absolutely destroys any variation of white heroic. I actually board him in against decks that run Sylvan Caryatid as well. They are pesky and annoying and this thing will kill them.
Burning Earth
- Is the opponent running three colors or more? If yes, board this in IMMEDIATELY. I can't express the number of wins I have snagged with this card keeping them from playing fully.
Act of Treason - this card is really fun. Steal a
Desecration Demon
and you just paid 3 mana to deal 6 to the face. Steal a Blood Baron of Vizkopa and have a 8 life swing, then just Mizzium Mortar him before they can use him. Its really good.
Pithing Needle and Ratchet Bomb - Sideboard for every deck.
Thanks for reading, and I would really appreciate feedback - I would love to improve this deck and spank my friends on Friday nights!
Thanks all!