So my deck has a little bit of back story, when my friend introduced me to magic, he gave me some of his old cards. I instantly fell in love with the game, and after playing with him, and getting used to the rules, he was talking to me about all these different types of decks, and one card came up, a card named "Relentless Rats" I instantly fell in love, and 3 years later, I graduated high school, I was given money by my family, and I knew what I wanted to do, what I had to do, and this deck was born. The deck is ever changing
Now to talk about my beautiful creations tactics, it's pretty obvious that Relentless Rats is the main tactic of the deck, you want to get as many of these on the battlefield at one time. No room for other creature cards like Pack Rat because this deck lives and dies by Relentless Rats and I can't tell you how many times I've needed another Relentless Rats for extra power. If you're going to draw a creature let it be Relentless Rats which again is your ONE and ONLY win condition. There is no Dark Ritual in modern so I like to run Lotus Bloom instead. Thrumming Stone is amazing when you can get it out :)
Aether Vial is great for getting free rats out. It's great when you can get this out early (before turn 3).
Duress and Unmake are great for removal. Lastly Karn Liberated is good for enchantment and artifact removal for late game. Black as a color is bad at removing enchantments or artifacts or equipment in general, so Karn Liberated fits the bill.