I fell in love with Eldrazi Displacer when I first saw the card, and immediately wanted to brew a deck around it.
Unfortunately, I suck at brewing. I needs help.
Three primary win-cons:
1) Eldrazi Displacer/Altar of the Brood on the board, land a Brood Monitor (name flavor win). Proceed to go infinite with the Altar milling for the win. The amount of early scions I can make allows me to facilitate casting the Monitor.
2) Go wide with the large amount of token generators and cheap creatures, facilitated by CoCo.
3) Rhino.
Some of the more interesting pieces:
Collected Company is there to help in finding the pieces of (1).
Catacomb Sifter allows me to scry and find combo pieces, or answers to Eldrazi.
Whisperwood Elemental has great synergy with the Displacer, allowing me to cheat in whatever the Elemental manifests. Even if the card I manifest is an Enchantment.
Oath of Gideon, at worst, reads "2W: Get two 1/1 Allies." At best, it reads "Ulti Gideon multiple times in a row," in combination with the Displacer.
Brood Monitor allows me to pull off a primary win-con, but I only have two in the deck; I don't like the theoretical idea of drawing this thing when I'm behind. I could be wrong, though. I'm willing to be convinced.
I really want advice. I don't think this deck will be tier-one by any means, but I think it could be SO MUCH FUN.
So, fire away. :-)
Edit 1: Replaced 4x Zulaport Cutthroat with 4x Altar of the Brood. My rationale is that it allows me to fight more effectively against decks with Anafenza and exile effects. I also slotted in Collected Company in lieu of Evolutionary Leap, for the ability to stall. :-P
Edit 2: Complete rework in favor of creatures that can hit with CoCo. In testing, I found that Eldrazi Displacer with Reflector Mage is INSANE.
Edit 3: Adjusted the creature count a bit, to put in some Elvish Visionaries. Thanks for the advice!
Recent Matchups on Untap (that i can remember):
2-0 vs. BW Control
2-1 vs. BW Lifegain
2-0 vs. Atarka Red