"Oh Baby a Triple" Counter Rites

Modern Yunggodjt


GhostChieftain says... #1

Well, it is hard to say if a casual deck is really competitive. I would say as a modern or legacy deck it is not competitive. That being said, it could totally compete in your casual playgroup if your casual players aren't playing their competitive modern or legacy decks.

It looks like a fun deck to pilot though.

April 11, 2018 12:18 p.m.

Yunggodjt says... #2

Any reccomendations on how to make it more competetive in a modern environment? Or would it just be easier to scrap it an start over if I wanted to go that direction?

April 11, 2018 3:53 p.m.

GhostChieftain says... #3

Well, I don't think energy as of yet has a good enough card pool to make a great modern deck. Mono red burn would probably be the easiest to get started with, but you should just look up competitive modern archetypes and see what you like best.

April 11, 2018 11:54 p.m.

magicsheep says... #4

Explore could help you ramp up sooner, and it is pretty cheap.

April 14, 2018 8:50 p.m.

U_Cringe says... #5

My only suggestion would be to get the full playset of Winding Constrictor it really speeds the deck up and its a good thing to try and have in every starting hand. That being said, if someone in your casual playgroup plays infect, maybe not the greatest deck to try to play with.

April 16, 2018 11:17 a.m.

Nathanaiel says... #6

I would strongly suggest trying to make the deck more consistent by running fewer 1- or 2-ofs. Deciding which card is best and running more of it rather than running 4 different pieces of removal really hurts the consistency of the deck.

May 10, 2018 5:28 p.m.

Drakorya says... #7

How would you feel running Eldritch Evolution? It's only a $2-3 card, and it can turn your Servant of the Conduit's into Siege Rhino's on turn 3, or even tutor up Winding Constrictor by sacrificing a one drop creature or even a Nissa token.

To make the deck better I would advise a one drop mana accelerant. Arbor Elf and Utopia Sprawl are pretty budget, but unfortunately they won't be very consistent unless you run some of the forest shock lands and some fetches, which are expensive. Birds of Paradise is another option, but they run at around $10 each.

May 10, 2018 8:35 p.m.

lagotripha says... #8

You get to teir two in budget by picking one thing and spending half the cards in your deck on it, rather than a more spread out strategy. Raw 'goodstuff' gets expensive fast.

Its good that you're looking at top teir cards like courser and ooze, but you really need to think about and refine your strategy with a more focussed approach rather than just jamming them in there. I'd consider dropping black and white down to just splashes, or investing heavily in your manabase to pick up Oust/Condemn/Anguished Unmaking and friends.

I'll get back in a bit with a quick and dirty editto try and get this feeling right without breaking the bank. Servant of the Conduit and Longtusk Cub are sub- par compared to other mana options and counter options. Until energy has a big payoff card, its not gonna change.

May 12, 2018 3:11 p.m.

lagotripha says... #9

Decide if you want to be valuetown goodstuff (and what type of that) or counters synergy.

Get a playset of Caves of Koilos/Llanowar Wastes/checklands, it'll let you play anything in these colours, even if it'll cost a bunch of life. As a stopgap, get a full playset of Crumbling Vestige- its cheap and will let you knock out a 1-off spell.

If you want counters synergy a full set of Winding Constrictor and Hardened Scales, then play a bunch of Servant of the Scale and Simic Initiate. Kudzu only looks amazing with fetches, so let it sit out. Cut abzan charm and Abundant Growth- Golgari Charm in the sideboard if you need it. If you're keeping it budget, Scrounging Bandar and Mindless Automaton can make a good draw engine.

If you want goodstuff valuetown Gurmag Angler, the card tearing up legacy, is your friend. You don't have the fetches to make him and taisugir broken, but Grisly Salvage, Treasured Find and Satyr Wayfinder can help, especially if you exploit some other graveyard synergies. Remember that in this space you will be competing with Tarmogoyf and Grim Flayer, and they will eat most creatures.

Alternatively, go all in on the Siege Rhino plan, and play a blink deck- Staring Contest: A List of Blink-Effect Cards has a good list. Thragtusk and rhino, as soon as possible (manadorks) to stabilize and start getting value from blinks. Eternal Witness and Dusk Legion Zealot/Elvish Visionary will be good engine peices.

Plan your sideboard, and put it up here. It'll help you stay more focussed in the maindeck, deciding when you need 4-ofs and when you need just one copy, and let us judge what needs tinkering a bit better.

May 12, 2018 5:04 p.m.

Lord_Grimm says... #10

Courser of Kruphix feels really out of place. Without fetches the lifegain feels insignificant (and honestly unreliable as a 1-off) to trade for broadcasting your every draw with it. Since you're all in on the Siege Rhino, maybe run Thoughtseize if you can afford it, or maybe Inquisition of Kozilek to hit more treats with your hand shred.

May 24, 2018 2:47 p.m.

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