Oh, Baby! A Triplets!

Commander / EDH* TheDrummingGear

SCORE: 1 | 316 VIEWS

Once again,,, —July 19, 2015

-1 Crawlspace -1 Divinity of Pride

Crawlspace just didn't seem to do enough. I recently added Ghostly Prison, and I find having to force my option to pay rather than limit them seemed better. It's good, just felt it clunked up the deck.

Divinity was really strong, and won me a lot of games but I decided to replace it with a more dangerous flyer that is also an artifact. I feel Divinity will come back in at some point but for now.

+1 Elspeth, Knight-Errant +1 Steel Hellkite

Elspeth is just strong, and give my stuff another way to become indestructible.

Steel Hellkite gives me more reach.