Oh, Baby! A Triplets!
Commander / EDH*
SCORE: 1 | 316 VIEWS
I made it a few days without changing this list!!! —July 25, 2015
-1 Blind Obedience -1 Increasing Ambition -1 Narset Transcendent
Blind Obedience is coming out, because I don't really care for slowing my opponent down in that way.
Increasing Ambition is coming out to make way for some card draw.
Narset came out a while ago, but I never actually took it off the list to make room for Ghostly Prison. Just realized that tonight, so off it came. She just didn't do anything for the deck, I found. She might find her way back in at some point.
+1 Austere Command +1 Sphinx's Revelation +1 Ghostly Prison
Austere Command is just another wrath, or helps me deal with enchantments.
Sphinx's Rev is just a straight up draw spell, and I've been on a thing lately that I just want to draw more cards.
Ghostly Prison came in a while ago, because I feel it actually restricts my opponents more than some cards. Such as, Crawlspace. The less I can make them play/do, the better.