Are some of your friends at the table playing lame decks against you? I typically favour decks that allow people to actually play the game they showed up for, but it's important to keep a couple of these around (especially with how cheap these cards are to pick up). Sometimes after losing a few games, people think it's suddenly cool to play their Stasis deck or whatever... Dafuq outta here with that shit.
So that's when I pull this out and make them throw their hand away. It really doesn't get any less fun for them, as you basically take a 10 minute turn (quite often on turn 2) and kill the entire table with hasty zombies or a massive Exsanguinate.
Step 1) Get a Waste Not into play. Use tutors to find it if you don't have one in your opening hand(s). This is literally the entire deck, so take advantage of the free mulligain in MP to try to find one.
Step 2) Cast a
Burning Inquiry
, Delirium Skeins, or the brand new, made-for-this-deck Dark Deal.
Step 3) Just keep chaining "discard three"' effects that you draw into via Waste Not triggers and Ancestral--err, Dream Salvage. Soon your opponents will have no cards in hand, and you'll have stupid amounts of mana and zombies.
Dark Ritual is great in the deck, but Simian Spirit Guide is also very good as it enables turn 2 shitstorms by providing a red mana for
Burning Inquiry
immediately after resolving Waste Not.
Note: The deck is actually vintage legal (my meta is unpowered vintage) but for a Legacy list, just swap Demonic Tutor, Vampiric Tutor and Demonic Consultation for another Gamble and a couple
Spoils of the Vault
or something. It might not be quite as consistent, but it should still get you there a good percentage of the time.