Oh it's just b/w tokens, WAIT! THAT'S AN EMRAKUL!!
SCORE: 109 | 67 COMMENTS | 11233 VIEWS | IN 29 FOLDERS
I'm curious why you chose Sorin, Solemn Visitor over Sorin, Lord of Innistrad. I can see arguments made for either over the other, but am wondering on the tipping point for you.
Is it the mass lifelink on Solemn Visitor's +1, compared to the single lifelink token on LoI's? I think the emblem from LoI is stronger as a minus ability, but giving a team of Bitterblossom fae lifelink helps with the ping every turn.
July 30, 2016 3:01 a.m.
Museless Yes you are correct, the +1 from Sorin, Solemn Visitor is incredible when you have 3-4 flying tokens. Not only does it double the damage from our tokens it provides great stabilisation against agresive decks. The choice was in large part motivated by the primer linked in the description which I cannot recomend enough for anyone intrested in the black/white token core of the deck.
July 30, 2016 3:36 a.m.
luke1 In case I draw one I don't want polymorph to be useless.
August 3, 2016 4:50 p.m.
try Cloudform maybe. its hex proof so you don't have to worry about your creature being destroyed before polymorph resolves. I also found that some manlands, such as Blinkmoth Nexus, can tap themselves for mana and then turn itself into a creature for a t5 polymorph. also, Blazing Archon is a must have in a polymorph sb against aggro
November 3, 2016 4:34 p.m. Edited.
Alexasmaoao says... #8
I would highly recommend trying out Smuggler's Copter to smooth out your draws (can shuffle back emrakul aswell).
May 18, 2017 5:15 p.m.
Thanks for the sugestions Wurmlover. Cloudform lack the nesasary power on its own to justify it inclusion. Blinkmoth Nexus is a good thought, but I am alredy having problems with the painfull manabase, I don't think the dack can handel another colorless land. Fourthermore thanks to our 15 token producers creatures are rarly a problem. Finaly, Blazing Archon is good but I am not convinced it's better at its jobb than Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite especially with our tokens.
May 18, 2017 5:21 p.m.
Smuggler's Copter seames intresting Alexasmaoao, it's cheap enough and we have plenty of tokens to crew it. Any sugestions how many and what to cut?
May 18, 2017 5:24 p.m.
Alexasmaoao says... #11
I'm not very experienced with token strategies, but since you have so many loose parts in the deck, the 2nd Timely Reinforcements might be a bit clunky? You also run 7 4-drops which is probably too many, so I would cut a planeswalker (Gideon I'd assume is the weakest since sorin's lifelink is very good with copter). You can run fewer lands when you have looters so that could be the 3rd cut (I have no idea what to cut if you really want 4 though).
May 18, 2017 5:36 p.m.
Alexasmaoao You are probably corect about Timely Reinforcements but it never seam to disapoint. If I can't use it it usaly meanes I am alredy winning and don't need it, or if I need it it can often singlehandedly solve the situation. As for the 4 drops I haven't realy considerd the prospect of cuting them and a land. But all of them are REALY strong including Gideon (he is a indestructible polymorph target), I have even considerd adding a another one (see maybe board).
May 18, 2017 5:49 p.m.
Alexasmaoao Maybe I should just cut an Emrakul and rely on Copter to shuffle back my one Emrakul if I draw it?
May 18, 2017 5:55 p.m.
Alexasmaoao says... #14
You could try cutting an emrakul and a Polymorph, which could be interesting. It's difficult to actually draw into the combo if you have no card draw though. The whole reason you play Polymorph is to provide a big lategame punch/blowout, which Gideon kind of already does? If you're looking for a more consistant deck, you might have to cut down on the planeswalkers/bigger cards to make room for draw ( Painful Truths and the copter or something) to actually draw your combo rather than luck out and draw it by chance. You're going to have to give up some of the power of the Token strategy in order to fit the Polymorph package in somehow.
May 18, 2017 6:09 p.m.
Alexasmaoao You missunderstand. Im not thinking of cutting a polymorph, only a Emrakul as polymorph is mostly a one-card combo. Draw doesn't seem especaly good as the deck is primarly a tokendeck ment to suprise the opponent with a polymorph as well as forcing our opponent to keep in the mostly useless spot-removal post board.
May 18, 2017 6:18 p.m.
Alexasmaoao says... #16
Yeah, I get it. Just make sure that your topdecks are good when you're not drawing much. You'll end up losing to poor draws if too many cards don't do something when you draw them. Thoughtseize, (Timely Reinforcements, Intangible Virtue), Emrakul and lands make up the bad draws. (you can't really go down to 1 emrakul as you'd lose the game if you drew it along with polymorph more or less), I'm not a token-expert as previously noted. I'd just try it out (copter) if I were you, its possible that it's not as good as it seems (it's not usually great in BW-tokens, however it is really good in RW or Faerie-token style decks)
May 18, 2017 6:39 p.m.
Wurmlover I have actualy never faced Illness or the more common Night of Souls' Betrayal so this is mostly theory-crafting on my part. Niether card is perticualry common, jund might run one Betrayal in the side and I have yet to see a compedetive modern sideboard that include Illness. Token simply are not common enugh for people to sideboard against it. If ether hit the field we have 5 anthems to cancel it out, 3-5 pieces of removal for it in the side and 7 discard cards to remove it before they cast it.
Tldr handisruption, enchantment removal and anthems.
May 19, 2017 4:42 a.m.
zephyr_chang says... #19
You could play some copies of Collective Brutality to discard an Emrakul if you are so afraid of drawing it. I think that 1 copy of Emrakul is enough too. I would also mix and match Fatal Push and Path to Exile instead of the full playset of the latter. You never want to cast Path too early since you don't want to give them the land advantage, and Push kills most of the creatures in Modern anyway.
May 29, 2017 5:53 a.m.
zephyr_chang I am not convinced by Collective Brutality as it seames like it would be an overcosted and restrictive discard/kill most of the time. Your concerns regarding Path are justified but with Eldrazi Tron, regular Tron, Titanshift and Living End Path has its matchupps. So in the end it comes down to a meta desicion.
Finally, I would like to hear your arguments for cutting one Emrakul as I am curently on the fence about it. Perhaps you can convince me.
Thank you for your thoughts.
May 30, 2017 3:11 p.m.
zephyr_chang says... #21
Correct me if I'm wrong, it seems that the only reason why you play two Emrakul is because you are worried that you will draw one of them. Therefore, if you draw one copy, there is another in the deck that you can Polymorph into.
I'm not sure what the math is on this (the % impact of the additional copy) but let's leave that aside. The above problem can be mitigated by playing a discard outlet, enabling you to discard the Emrakul and reshuffle it back into the library, should you draw it. That is why I suggested Collective Brutality. Besides being great against Infect and Burn and other decks, it is actually undercosted in the sense that you don't actually pay mana for the second mode and beyond. Liliana of the Veil could be another option. Some B/W Tokens decks also play Smuggler's Copter? So you can definitely consider playing some discard outlets to pitch Emrakul to.
P.S. You could also discard the other copies of Polymorph to the outlet in the very slim chance that they become dead cards (since usually after you resolve the first Polymorph, you should have already won).
Lastly, about Path vs. Push, definitely the former is more versatile as it hits everything. I'm just saying from my own experience that Path usually sits in my hand until mid-late game where the tempo gain for the opponent from having an extra land is less significant. Therefore, in situations like when you want to kill a Turn 1 Noble Hierarch, Push is better than Path. It is a meta choice, of course, but if you look at other Tokens lists, some number of Push is being played now.
I've not played the Polymorph version of Tokens before, but I've played conventional Tokens lists quite a bit. Hope you can share with us how your list is working for you against specific match-ups!
May 30, 2017 9:36 p.m.
nigThewizard Anointed Procession is a wonderful card when it does its thing, unfortunatly Modern leaves no time to set up a 4 mana card that provieds no tempo. Compare the plaeswalkers, in contrast to Procession we can play them after our tokengenerators and provide value the turn they are cast. It can win a control matchup, but so can a planeswalker. Finaly we are already a little heavy on the fours.
Thanks for the suggestion anyway
June 8, 2017 8 a.m.
Tamashi_No_Yami says... #25
I'd worry about some low-drops in red like Electrickery or Rain of Embers.
They can really mess up those low-toughness tokens of yours.
Descole says... #1
frostdiggity While the counter-proofing of a large portion of our spells is nice Boseiju, Who Shelters All is simply to painfull and disruptive of the decks curve. The deck can already go down to 14-16 life on it's own by turn four and with an active Bitterblossom the lifeloss just continues so the two life per spells from Boseiju is far to painfull. But it is the fact that Boseiju comes into play tapped that is the biggest problem, the deck wants to cast on curv untill turn five or so, untill then Boseiju is a massive hindrens to our tempo. Still I thank you for your sugestion as tips are allways apriciated.
July 28, 2016 4:32 a.m.