Oh it's just b/w tokens, WAIT! THAT'S AN EMRAKUL!!

Modern Descole

SCORE: 109 | 67 COMMENTS | 11233 VIEWS | IN 29 FOLDERS

Descole says... #1

Tamashi_No_Yami Thanks for the comment.

While these cards can be quite the hassel we are in luck, they are not especially usfull agienst other decks. Thus their representation in a typical modern meta is near to nonexistant. They might be a consern in highly specific local metas, but in general our primary gameplan is to simply ignore their existanse. Otherwise we try keeping some amount of tokengenerators in our hand until after they are used and hope thats enough. Or triks them to use one than creates a token and fires of Pollymorph.

July 5, 2017 7:01 p.m.

I certainly wish you luck with that!

July 5, 2017 7:59 p.m.

IAMtheBW says... #3

You should look into a Collective Defiance or 2. good hand disruption, and allows you to discard Emrakul to shuffle your gy and get a good Polymorph target.

July 17, 2017 3:49 a.m.

Descole says... #4


Did you mean Collective Brutality, Defiance is a double red card and thus completly outside this decks manabase. As for Brutality, it seames nice but I don't know what I would cut. Any sugestions?

July 17, 2017 12:59 p.m.

IAMtheBW says... #5

I sure did haha. You could pull out IoKs or Bitterblossoms, or lands (I'd suggest Shambling Vent and one Vault if you look this way). Otherwise you can board it in for the Timely if they're running less creatures then you like Storm

July 17, 2017 4:55 p.m.

Descole says... #7

jfly517 Emrakul is typicly the superior payload. Blightsteel gets exiled by path, Progenitus dies to mostly the same things but typicly requiers one attack more, Hoff demands a boardstate but is a option, Jin doesn't win automaticly.

October 26, 2017 11:56 a.m.

nesnaj93 says... #8

Anointed Procession to speed up the token clock maybe?

December 11, 2017 12:23 p.m.

Descole says... #9

nesnaj93 As I have said before, wonderful card given time but modern is a little to fast, I prefer the planswalkers.

Thank you for the suggestion anyway.

December 12, 2017 6:20 p.m.

Wurmlover says... #10

to be fair, Progenitus can't die to anything other than a boardwipe. He is also unblockable. maybe worth a test or two.

January 11, 2018 6:36 p.m.

Descole says... #12

Wurmlover Payloades in more detail, or why I use Emerakul. When our polymorph resolve we want to win as fast as possible, slow our opponent as much as possible and be as certain as possible.

Protection: Neither Emerakul nor Progenitus can be targeted by most removal spells, Emerakul "dies" to oblivion ring but otherwise as durable. Minor point Progenitus. No other creature I know of has the same level of protection.

Killspeed: Progenitus is expected to kill in two turns, no blocking makes lifegain the only option to slow it down. Emerakul's 15 attacks combined with the opponent's fetchlands makes it a 1 turn kill often enough, especially with its annihilator 6 clearing the way. Maybe minor point Emerakul. Blightsteel might be the only other creature this quick.

Slowing the opponent: Progenitus does nothing. Emerakul makes one attack and more or less sends the opponent back to turn two. This is why I play Emerakul. This is the only department where other creatures can make their case, Elesh Norn crunches agro, Iona shuts down one color focused decks like burn or control, Gitaxius empties hands and so on. But in the end they arent fast enough nor do they protect themself well enough for my taste.

Hopefully this was insightful and thanks for your contribution to this pet deck of mine.

January 13, 2018 3:17 p.m.

RingweMakil says... #13

Clearly, you've thought about this deck in great detail already Descole. I'll try to make a couple of comments that you find helpful -

a. The manabase concerns me. I understand the rationale behind having a basic island that doesn't require life to pay for Polymorph, but it casts nothing else in your list. Then, given how difficult the Tron matchup already is, I don't know that I can in good conscience recommend multiple Vault of the Archangel over something like a Field of Ruin.

b. I'm curious - how often have you been unable to cast Polymorph because of not having creatures in play? Not often, I'd imagine, but against control decks with a bundle of sweepers, for instance ...

c. I cannot overstate the power of Collective Brutality in your list. It is excellent against aggro and against control, is almost never a dead card, and in the fail case, helps you turn a dead draw into something useful, all in one turn for two mana. Its flexibility and tempo make it very very powerful. I also can't believe no one has pointed out it's busted interaction with Lingering Souls. It also helps regain the life lost to Thoughtseize and Bitterblossom

d. More Gideon, Ally of Zendikar! One of your best tools whenever you need a clock is Gideon. There are very few boards he doesn't take over, and he clocks in against control and combo by himself quite like no other.

So answer me this - why do you want to play the Polymorph package at all? Why not just have more removal, disruption, and planeswalkers? Surely that'd make the deck run smoother and serve your purposes just as well, if not better? Or is Emrakul just that much of a free win that it's worth it? I'm just asking hypotheticals, since obviously you're much more experienced with this deck than I.


January 24, 2018 11:27 a.m.

Descole says... #14


a, You make an excellent point regarding vault of the archangel and I have given it some thought myself in the past. I have found that it krushes any creature based deck when active, hold up the activation and suddenly the concept of favorable trades ceases to exist for the opponent, but yeah, maybe I should go down to 1. I had an idea keeping some ghost quarters in the side and swapping out my vaults when facing tron. By the way, do you prefer quarter or fields of ruin? The island is mainly to conserve some life in a deck second only to death shadow in hitting itself and for bloodmoon, a common hate card in my meta. So far I have had little problem with my colors.

b, A few times, mostly against a friends life from the loam deck and even then only because he can kill the tokens instant speed. With planeswalkers + bitterblossom it's more or less impossible to clear the board for any significant amount of time.

c, But how many? I had 1 laying around so that's why there isnt any more, do you advise 2? 3 seames like to much.

d, Although I like Chad (Gideon) I am not as convinced as you. As a clock he isnt that much more impressive than Sorin, that +1 is usually 3-4 extra damage and when in a race that lifelink cant be topped. Sure Im rarly sad to draw Chad but I dont want to overstock the 4 dropp slot. What would you suggest for Chad #2?

Finally, polymorph. Honestly, I think its fun. But yes, there have been plenty of games where I was on the verge of losing or taking my turn 4 and with one single spell my opponent concedes. A standard list would be more consistent yes but this deck is still 53 cards of solid tokens + 1 island, 2 dead cards (except when cast with windbrisk heights) and 4 I win cards. As an added bonus, small as it may be, Ugin (aka our nightmare) does nothing against an emrakul. Ha! Take that tron!

Thanks for your insightful comment.

January 24, 2018 2:11 p.m.

RingweMakil says... #15

Blood Moon insurance can only be a good thing. An advantage the 2 colour token decks enjoy, of course, is the ability to ignore Blood Moon, with around five basics of each colour if they so choose, but one extra colourless source isn't too bad, especially if it wins games on the spot.

I like Collective Brutality because it's never a dead card. It'll always find a way to do something, even if all it does is let you make two more Bitterblossom tokens. In a deck that hurts itself as much as you do, you need incremental lifegain (Brutality) and recurring lifegain (Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet, Sorin, Solemn Visitor) to make up. In a deck that might find itself with dead draws, CoBru is exceptional, not least because you can sometimes basically get extra cards when you discard Lingering Souls, lands, or Emrakul, the Aeons Torn.

I would also echo some earlier concerns about card velocity. Sometimes you can just get stuck drawing lands, discard spells against empty hands, Intangible Virtues without enough supporting tokens, or Emrakul, the Aeons Torn. Relying on the top of one's deck is a dangerous business; I always like having some card velocity or an engine that can start churning through things when the top of the deck is being mean, for consistency's sake, and also to help draw into the right card for the situation. I don't know what a card like that might look like for this deck, but to provide examples from multiple decks in multiple formats over time - Sphinx's Revelation, Read the Bones, Phyrexian Arena, Underworld Connections, Compulsive Research, Pull from Tomorrow, Fact or Fiction, Gifts Ungiven, Think Twice, Shadow of Doubt, tutors of any sort (Liliana Vess arguably being the most inefficient of the lot).

Another way to deal with this situation is to have cards like Liliana of the Veil, Pack Rat, and Collective Brutality that can take dead cards and trade them for live ones from your opponent. While these don't draw cards, these ensure that your dead draws still trade for something, which pulls you ahead in the battle of card economy. This is even more important for decks full of possibly dead discard spells and combo pieces.

I'd suggest Chad 2 over Emmy 2. You only need one Emmy, unless you've stored him under Windbrisk Heights and your opponent decided to destroy the heights before you could activate. Looter Scooter and CoBru are both fine ways to guard against drawing Emmy, and one may even consider Liliana of the Veil. The more I hear you describe gameplay with this list, the more convinced I become that the Polymorph package is probably an excellent idea, and will push this deck into more competitive territory than the typical BW tokens.

As for what cuts to make, the obvious ones are the 4 ofs - Bitterblossom, Intangible Virtue, Lingering Souls, Spectral Procession. My hunch is that any of these cards will still perform just fine even if they're only 3 of in your list, so you do have a few slots to play with to add more top-heavy or interactive cards, both in the main and the side.

I think Path to Exile is excellent (Wurmcoil Engine, Primeval Titan, Tasigur, the Golden Fang, Gurmag Angler, Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger), but I do think you do yourself a disservice to not also play Fatal Push; killing creatures in the early turns without having to give your opponent a land is massive.

Field of Ruin has overperformed for me. I was skeptical in the beginning, but since then I've realised how powerful a turn 3 of activate Field plus removal spell or discard spell is. I've shut down Tron often with a turn 3 Field plus Extirpate, because they can't then play cards for four turns and even then one a turn. Usually, that is enough time to kill them or prepare to deal with their threats. Not having to go down a land relative to the opponent and your own turn cycle is just so good.

January 24, 2018 9:11 p.m.

aceofrainbows says... #16

Cut an Emrakul and add a Proteus Staff. That way, once you sac a token to get the one Emrakul still in your deck, the next time you do it, you run through your entire deck and put them on the bottom in any order. This allows you to set your deck, because you only have 1 creature.

March 14, 2018 4:34 p.m.

Descole says... #17

Wiggyman While a cute idea I hadn't thought of, it seems somewhat unnecessary. If we got an Emerakul we should be winning, if it is removed we would probably want it back rather than stacking our library. If one wants to I believe there to be some merit to building a creatureless miracle/suspend/cascade control deck with Jace and maybe brainstorm fish with Proteus Staff as a win condition ensuring the correct draws. But for this deck its firmly in the field of win-more, and 6 mana is a lot of mana to pay for win-more.

March 16, 2018 5:02 a.m.

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