Commander / EDH
SCORE: 682 | 219 COMMENTS | 66439 VIEWS | IN 230 FOLDERS
Yarok It’s really tough to beat blasphemous act. Blasphemous act is there to clean up unfavorable board states. Bonfire can only clean up one opponent’s board state, and realistically only when it’s cast as a miracle, which is very unlikely with no top deck manipulation. Even if you do miracle the bonfire, you’re still going to be down a red mana in your second main phase because it only hits one opponent and not all opponents.
June 2, 2020 2:41 p.m.
Thanks for the feedback! Lightning bolt, while certainly good, doesn't give me a mana return like flamebreak or other mass damage spells do.
Viashino heretic is too slow and clunky for me, and wasn't really that useful.
Angraths marauders was in the deck, but wasn't that helpful with the plethora of ramp and how expensive it was. I card that I would put in here before that is fiendish duo, who comes down for 1 less mana and does the same thing.
And obsidian fireheart would be amazing if it happened on your turn, but sadly, it doesn't work that way.
June 3, 2020 9:48 a.m.
Suns_Champion says... #5
R1nzl3r thanks for the suggestions! If I have time to look at your list I will, but most of my suggestions would come from this anyway. I've considered Chandra, Acolyte of Flame. She seems like a decent card but not really worth it for me.
Yarok hey thanks! Yeah I agree with everything Driemer84 and R1nzl3r said about all those cards. I will comment on two:
- Viashino Heretic is neato but just slow for what this deck wants.
- Angrath's Marauders looks like it would be good, but think about Neheb. Gameplay with Neheb is split into two timezones: BEFORE his trigger on your turn, and AFTER his trigger on your turn. Nothing else matters. So for each card, you have to determine if it's a BEFORE or AFTER card or if it's flexible. Angrath's Marauders is certainly not a before card because of the mana cost, so it has to be an after card. But what does it do after Neheb has been triggered? Nothing, I have to wait a turn, instead of doing any of these things that I want to be doing AFTER: drawing cards, dealing damage, protecting Neheb, drawing cards. Anyway, I've found this to be a helpful way of evaluating cards for Neheb.
Let's take another example. Sundering Stroke is it good BEFORE? Sorta, but only if I have 7 mountains, otherwise it's only okay. Is it good AFTER? Yeah sorta, it can deal 7 to 3 targets, but 7 damage isn't really enough to finish players off, So I'd rather have something that doesn't cap the damage like Rolling Earthquake. Hopefully all that makes sense. When you play a deck long enough you really think too hard about all this haha!
June 3, 2020 9:54 p.m.
Ummmmm... I thought this was a joke then you start giving real corona virus advice (FACE PALM*) oh boy I'm sorry I cant upvote this, dont get me wrong this deck is really cool, but I come on here to STOP hearing about that crap lol, I'll give this decks upvote to a random other deck of yours lol
June 5, 2020 10:35 a.m.
Suns_Champion says... #7
Vash13 hey man, that's alright! I was just trying to use this as a platform to spread good information back when the world was panicking :) I appreciate the other upvotes though!
June 5, 2020 12:46 p.m.
thijmnesoy says... #8
Hi, I finally made my own Neheb list. and its a sort of budget version of yours. thank you so much for the time and effort you've put in this Commander.
June 7, 2020 5:42 p.m.
Hello Suns_Champion! First thanks for making this great deck, it inspired me to build my own version of it and it's a blast to play.
Two cards I'd like to get your opinion on:
Syr Carah, the Bold, have you considered including Syr Carah? The potential draw power here is big, getting 3 impulse draws from a simple Flame Rift for example.
Chandra's Incinerator Was just spoiled for M21. I feel it's an auto include here, It's essentially a better Satyr Firedancer for 1 red mana on a 6/6 trample body. Also it synergizes with Repercussion, which is by far my favorite card in my deck, since it works with any source and not only instants/sorceries.
June 8, 2020 12:33 p.m.
Hey Suns_Champion! There is a new preview card for m21. It is an enchantment that triples all damage dealt by you for 6 mana. What are your opinions on it? I think it deserves a slot, and it is certainly much better than the creature doublers.
June 10, 2020 11:19 a.m.
?!?!?!? ^^^^I guess Gratuitous Violence will be getting a new friend .. WOW THATS INSANE!!
June 10, 2020 3:53 p.m.
Also, could also be pretty good considering you can cast the exiled card anywhere up to your next end step - it's like having an additional card in hand that can't get discarded with Neheb
June 10, 2020 5:26 p.m.
If it's not legal yet it won't link, that's why fiery emancipation was screen shoted
June 10, 2020 5:47 p.m.
Curious on opinions of Drakuseth, Maw of Flames in this deck? I don't know if you've tested or not.
June 11, 2020 2:37 a.m.
nwiesman I have a drakuseth in my Neheb deck, and for me, it performs very well, gdealing tons of damage for neheb to convert into mana. Not everyone likes using him, but I think it is good and helpful, although you can slot in an Eldrazi titan there as well
June 11, 2020 11:07 a.m.
Suns_Champion says... #18
nwiesman Drakuseth, Maw of Flames is a no.
Even if Neheb is already out, he is not good as a first main phase play (no haste). He is also not good as a second main phase play (does nothing). Cards in this deck have to be good at one or both of those times, or be good for other reasons.
June 12, 2020 11:39 a.m.
thijmnesoy says... #19
@DodoDixie I thought about putting that card (Furious Rise) in my list as well. I think it's a pretty cool card, but maybe it's just a worse Chandra, Fire Artisan or Chandra, Torch of Defiance ¯ \ _ (ツ ) _ / ¯. Anyways, I will try it out and I'll let you know how it works out for me.
June 14, 2020 9:06 a.m.
thijmnesoy says... #20
And although they don't park the exiled card(s) for the entire time until your next endstep as Furious Rise does, Syr Carah, the Bold, Tectonic Giant, Outpost Siege and the above mentioned planes walkers all do that exile-play thingy. But cards that are very similar to Furious Rise, are Ugin, the Ineffable, Ignite the Future and Commune with Lava which already have a spot in the 99
June 14, 2020 9:14 a.m.
Suns_Champion says... #21
Furious Rise seems just okay. I don't see it as better than any of the main draw options I have already.
June 14, 2020 1:35 p.m.
Suns_Champion, have you been able to cast Chandra's Incinerator or Fiery Emancipation yet? I was able to get a couple games in last night on spell table in an attempt to see what might not be carrying its weight to open up a slot or two for those cards. I unfortunately no card made itself obvious and no situation called for the cards in question. Maybe one of the indestructible equipment pieces. Indestructible is powerful, but lately I wonder if it’s worth the 4-5 mana it takes to set up. I could be way off on that.
Chandra’s Incinerator seems great, but a lot of our damage dealers already hit creatures and incinerator doubling up the damage on one target creature just isn’t as powerful as I had hoped. Granted I haven’t had a chance to see the card in action, but I was evaluating the board state throughout and considering how incinerator would change the game.
Fiery Emancipation is ridiculous, but I’m not sure it’s necessary. We’ve already had access to damage doublers forever and they’ve been only ok. It can really reduce the amount of resources needed to win the game, but most likely at the expense of the turn you take to cast it. And as is the case of all damage multipliers, they don’t do much good if you are behind on life since so many effects in the deck deal damage to everyone.
These are just my initial impressions and I’d love to hear others thoughts confirming or contradicting me. I think these a perfectly playable cards, but I just don’t see them shoring up any weaknesses or being better than anything we’re already running.
July 8, 2020 9:27 a.m.
Suns_Champion says... #23
I haven’t had the opportunity to pick up either of those cards. I’m not convinced by the incinerator, I thing Satyr Firedancer or whatever it’s called would be better. Emancipation is going in eventually because it’s just hilarious.
Yarok says... #1
Wow, thanks for the amazing feedback. That was very helpful. Any thoughts on Blasphemous Act for Bonfire of the Damned?
June 2, 2020 2:31 p.m.