Commander / EDH
SCORE: 682 | 219 COMMENTS | 66439 VIEWS | IN 230 FOLDERS
Suns_Champion says... #2
With 4 opponents and Neheb, Flame Rift and Sizzle + Neheb attacking = 32 red mana. Use all of that to Comet Storm with three multikicks so so X = 27 to each opponent. Total damage for the turn: 27 + 4 + 3 = 34 to three of your opponents, and an additional 4 to whoever you attacked with Neheb.
This shows why chip damage is very, very important :D
September 22, 2020 2:20 p.m.
Suns_Champion and WarSpaniel I think there is some confusion because most games are 4 player so you only have 3 opponents. You’re doing the math for Neheb seeing sizzle and flame rift hitting 4 opponents meaning you’re playing a 5 player pod. You then finish by saying 34 damage to 3 opponents, but if you stay consistent with a 5 player pod it’s still 33 damage to 3 opponents because you have to pay for one more multi-kicker on the comet storm and one unlucky soul will take 37 from the Neheb hit.
If it’s a traditional 4 player pod then it’s 27 to two opponents and 31 to the opponent who was attack by Neheb.
4 + 3 = 7 x 3 opponents = 21 + 4 Neheb damage = 25. Second main generate 25 red mana - 3RR for comet storm kicked 3 times = 20 to each opponent. 20 + 7 = 27 and one person will take 31. 20 + 7 + 4 from Neheb.
September 22, 2020 4 p.m.
Suns_Champion Now you have to switch Wheel of Fortune for a Wheel of Misfortune from new Commander Legends xd
October 30, 2020 8:23 a.m.
Suns_Champion says... #6
Mini update:
In: Bolt Bend and Deflecting Swat for some added protection and trickery, Mana Geyser for more ritual and combo potential.
Out: Fork and Reverberate were not working how I wanted them too. Strionic Resonator was win-more.
Upcoming considerations, those marked with * are the ones that will definitely be going in and staying:
- Fiery Emancipation *
- Jeska's Will *
- Leyline Tyrant
- Magmatic Channeler
- Satyr Firedancer
- Shatterskull Smashing Flip *
- Valakut Awakening Flip *
- Valakut Exploration
- Wheel of Misfortune *
Looking for cut suggestions.
December 1, 2020 11:20 a.m.
For cuts, I have the following suggestions.
I’ve been off Glint-Horn Buccaneer for a bit now. He’s got some decent value at filtering cards and netting a mana in the process, but I rarely love the dream of casting wheel effects with him in play. Also, when I cast wheel effects it’s generally post combat and when I have a low amount cards in hand. I think Valakut Awakening is a good substitution. It fills a similar role, minus the damage, but plus the flexibility.
I‘ve also been off the indestructible equipment. I find them extremely slow to cast and equip and only moderately useful. Most damage ramp isn’t enough to kill Neheb as they deal 3-4 damage to creatures. A lot of opponent removal is exile or sacrifice so the equipment doesn’t protect there. Once you make it to second main and you net all your mana, it usually doesn’t matter if Neheb lives or dies.
How have you liked Fiery Emancipation? It seems crazy if it sticks, but it’s also expensive and usually has to stick a turn to take full advantage.
December 1, 2020 4:29 p.m.
What do you think about Horizon Stone? It lets you keep mana, but it turns colorless. I'm debating running it so I can keep mana for a large x-spell. ALtough if you don't run leyline tyrant, I don't suppose you'd run this.
December 8, 2020 10:56 a.m.
Suns_Champion says... #9
Driemer84 noooo I love Glint-Horn Buccaneer too much! Plus insanesynergy with Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion!
The indestructible equipment serve as decent protection but really as the third piece of the Aggravated Assault + Neheb combo. It's very rare I can swing into an empty table and win with that, I usually need him to be indestructible to get through blockers.
I'm considering cutting Sandstone Oracle, Heartless Hidetsugo, Tectonic Giant, Chandra's ignition, Desert of the Fervant, Field of Ruin, Fanatic of Mogis, quest for pure flame, outpost siege, and seething song. I don't actually need to cut all of these.
R1nzl3r I think Leyline Tyrant is pretty much better in every way. I wouldn't run both, I probably wouldn't run just the stone. And I'll have to test Tyrant.
December 9, 2020 12:23 p.m.
Just thinking Field of Ruin and Outpost Siege need to stay. One because Field of Ruin can slow down an opponent's deck while it never really affects you and Outpost Siege because you get that extra card.
December 9, 2020 2:16 p.m.
I agree with cutting Fanatic of Mogis, Quest for Pure Flame and Seething Song.
I tested them and ended up cutting the three of them from my build. Fanatic's damage is too conditional on an existing board state, Quest was too much of a conditional win more for me and seething song never played out the way I thought because exploding early into Neheb only made sure he was quickly removed by the table.
December 9, 2020 5:24 p.m.
seshiro_of_the_orochi says... #12
Whenever I stumble upon this deck, I can't help but comment. Instead of spending a fortune on Neheb, I build the other massive mono-red minotaur: Moraug, Fury of Akoum. And as much as Neheb would be a blast in that deck, Momo will be great with Neheb.
December 24, 2020 10:57 a.m.
wizards-of-the-coast says... #13
Why is Embercleave in the protection category? Sure, it gives +1/+1, but... it's Embercleave.
February 1, 2021 2:25 p.m.
would you consider Tectonic Reformation ? possibly Crucible of Worlds to go with it as it would synergize with your burn lands
April 8, 2021 3:37 p.m.
I still think Chandra, Acolyte of Flame would be great in the deck. Slagstorm can do 6 damage to each creature and Wheel of Fortune can draw seven cards twice a game for example. It is a cheaper flashback.
April 14, 2021 6:59 p.m. Edited.
If you can find the room, I think Shadowspear would be a good add too this deck cause its just a power house of a card. It help pad the self harm from a good chunk of the burn spells, it provides neheb with trample same as Embercleave , Also its activated ability allows your burn spells to get rid of creatures with indestructible from a Boros Charm or a Heroic Intervention
April 16, 2021 2:22 a.m.
PolarisFluff says... #18
What do you think about Glacial Chasm? A lot of burn spells hurt yourself, you could play it for a nice game winning combo or something
October 14, 2021 7:13 p.m.
Would Cavern-Hoard Dragon be a good replacement for Dockside Extortionist?
WarSpaniel says... #1
I’m a relatively new EDH player and I came across your list and it looks really fun but I was hoping you could help me work out this math. In this example; For example, with four opponents: Turn 5 play Neheb. Turn six play Flame Rift and Sizzle, attack with Neheb, hit, get 32 red mana to Comet Storm for 30. When I add it up I only come up with 25 damage. Could you please help me understand this. Thank you
September 19, 2020 8:08 p.m.