Oh you want to attack me? How about no.

Modern* The12thDoctor


Zane_Wright says... #1

Damn right I got rid of detention sphere. That card pisses me off. lol

November 28, 2012 9:39 a.m.

The Doctor says... #2

Bro this has only got 34 cards...

March 12, 2014 12:47 a.m.

3kronor says... #3

You are commenting on a deck list that's a year-and-a-half old. It had 60 cards back when the Innistrad block cards were showing. In fact, I'd love to see the original list, because enchantment control should be possible now again.

March 12, 2014 2:19 a.m.

The Doctor says... #4

Well it was changed a week ago, so he's touched it since then. Curious to what he's doing with it.

March 12, 2014 2:35 a.m.

The12thDoctor says... #5

Hi guys.

I know it has been a long while and I have been changing the deck a little bit here and there because I was going to try and make a modern build of this deck but found it a little harder to do and the fact it is way easier to shut down in modern.

Sadly I can't get the original decklist back as I have lost it since then.

I have been working on a commander variant of this deck using Grand Arbiter Augustin the IV which you can find in a link here: [http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/grand-taxes-1/] Please feel free to check it out and give suggestions.

July 26, 2018 7:48 p.m.

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