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Casual* CreationArt


Saljen says... #1

I would suggest using only one out of Undead Alchemist or Wight of Precinct Six . They have similar but opposite effects, the Alchemist will exile all the creatures that would normally go to the graveyard that are supposed to pump up Wight.

Also, 4x Watery Grave and if your on a budget, Dimir Guildgate is better than Evolving Wilds for this deck.

February 4, 2013 1:46 a.m.

lonewolfx says... #2

Undercity informer/gravecrawler is a ridiculously handy combo to run, and the 'crawler ties in well with the alchemist.

I'd advise dropping at least a few of the wights - against creatureless or low-creature decks, it's just terrible and will be sided out en masse.

Nephalia drownyard you definitely want a pair of (in addition to UB lands, ofc).

Psychic strike is far from great, I'd be looking to see what kind of spells you end up wanting to counter, and instead run the relevant U1 counterspell.

I'd be surprised if 4 mind sculpts is the best way to go - suggest switching 1 out for a 3rd mind grind.

Essence harvest seems to make no sense at all, and aetherize ... could be better. Fogbanks are fine - but again, there's almost certainly better cards to add. I'm also not convinced on the Death's Approach's - it is conditional, it can fail (and tormod's crypt /can/ target your own graveyard).

The aberration wants additional casts - cheap flashback spells, ciphered unblockables &c - not sure whether you want to push that angle or not.

I like the deck, but it needs to pursue 2 thoughts - 1) what is the actual win mechanism, and how is it best achieved; and 2) how does it realistically stop an opponent achieving theirs?

Ie - are there better cards to close out your opponent, and are there better cards to kill/counter/disable your opponent's stuff?

February 4, 2013 2:03 a.m.

CreationArt says... #3

I'm trying not to push my deck over $100. It may happen due to trading cards, etc. But I have about $30 I'm willing to spend to push this deck.

Thank you both, This was my pre-release/slightly after deck. Its ready to change drastically. I want my main purpose to mill them out, so I that will be my win con.

Nephalia Drownyard is on my list to purchase, I was debating if I wanted one or two. I don't have the money to spend on Watery Grave . That's a hell of a price. I noticed the Undead Alchemist /Wight of Precinct Six collision in the last game that I played. I'm not sure which way I'd want to go. If I went the Undead Alchemist way, I'd need at least 1 more Undercity Informer . I know someone else around here pulled a Mind Grind , I'll have to see if I can pick it up. Gravecrawler seems good, but I don't have that kind of money.

For the land, since Watery Grave is far out of the budget, how do you guys think a set of Drowned Catacomb would do? That seems like a more viable option than $20 per Watery Grave .

February 4, 2013 9:27 a.m.

I like what you have going Drowned Catacomb are running fairly cheap... also I would consider Invisible Stalker and Trading Dream Twist for Paranoid Delusions .

Also Undercity informant is very limiting if you don't have one of your alchmists out so watch out for that... Take a look at my take on Dimir and see what you think


February 5, 2013 9:38 a.m.

CreationArt says... #5

I was planning on getting Drowned Catacomb soon, just waiting until I have some money. Invisible Stalker is good, but I just removed the cypher because I just felt limited. I tend to run a more defensive stance, which I know isn't necessarily a good thing.

February 5, 2013 10:32 a.m.

Defensive can be good, if you intend to run defensive tho you need to commit to it, Fog Bank , Doorkeeper Corpse Blockade and add Deathtouch, IEVampire Nighthawk Typhoid Rats and other such things. I played a Defender/Deathtouch/Mill and it did alright but it was always just outside of Top 8 in FNM

February 5, 2013 10:50 a.m.

CreationArt says... #7

I think I'm going to take a swing at running the Invisible Stalker and a few cypher cards. I'll try it out a few games and see what happens. I'll most likely remove the card:Jace's Phantasm's to make room for the stalkers.

February 5, 2013 10:54 a.m.

CreationArt says... #8

Well, nevermind. I have no invisible stalkers in mine, or a few friend's collections of cards. Back to the defensive stance.

February 5, 2013 11:01 a.m.

Finding Room for a Trepanation Blade would be a good thing too, Mostly because it will increase your Mill before each damage phase which would be great in Combination with Consuming Aberration

February 5, 2013 11:01 a.m.

CreationArt says... #10

Maybe I will spend the few dollars I have on making this a more aggressive deck. Instead of buying the lands.

February 5, 2013 11:04 a.m.

Thats probably a good call... Defensive is considerably less likely to win without a Jace on the field.

February 5, 2013 11:05 a.m.

CreationArt says... #12

Very true. After these exams today I'll make a run out to the store. I think I'll pick up 4x Invisible Stalker and 2-3 Trepanation Blade .

February 5, 2013 11:36 a.m.

2 should be good for the Trep blades they are expensive

February 5, 2013 11:50 a.m.

To cast not to buy

February 5, 2013 11:51 a.m.

CreationArt says... #15

According to this site, Trep blades are $0.25. Thats not bad at all. I'll just get two though. What should I remove for the cypher spells? I know to replace the Dream Twist for Paranoid Delusions . Should that be the only cypher I run?

Also, I need some sort of enchantment removal. Things like Rest in Peace and Blind Obedience seem to destroy me.

February 5, 2013 12:29 p.m.

CreationArt says... #16

Bought 4x Invisible Stalker and 1x Trepanation Blade . I only had enough for 1 trep blade, as they were out of normals, and only had foils. The stalkers ran me $1.75 each and the Blade was like $.75 for the foil one.

Still in search of a enchant removal.

February 5, 2013 2:02 p.m.

CreationArt says... #17

Swapped out a few cards, added typhoid rats, and vampire nighthawks, but I'm still losing every game. I played 12 games against a Golgari starter deck that has a few changes. I won 1/12. I got close on 2 others, but still no win. Nobody else is around right now to play test, but I got wrecked.

February 5, 2013 6:35 p.m.

Looking at your deck I think that the weakest card in here is the Undercity Informer but that is only because it Requires one of the undead alchemists to be on the field to be useful, Without playtesting it personally tho I can't really say if its going to hurt you much. If it does seem to be hurting your play you can switch both the Undercity Informer and Undead Alchemist for Balustrade Spy and Keymaster Rogue the Keymaster has some frequently missed utility in his ability to remove enchantments from your creatures... also both are Flying or Unblockable giving you a good target for your Cipher cards or Trepanation Blade .

February 6, 2013 7:45 a.m.

CreationArt says... #19

The enchantments I face tend not to be enchant creatures, instead the entire field. Undead Alchemist absolutely destroys a game if they run more than 10 creatures. I've only pulled off the Undercity Informer combo a few times, but I will keep play testing. Maybe something to make the Undead's hexproof would be good. They seem to be killed off rather quickly.

February 6, 2013 8:12 a.m.

Saljen says... #20

Mortus Strider combos very well with Undercity Informer and will give you an extra way to use the combo instead of just after Undead Alchemist procs.

February 6, 2013 8:25 a.m.

CreationArt says... #21

But at a cost of 4 mana, would it really be worth it? I feel with 4 mana, I could do more.

February 6, 2013 8:26 a.m.

CreationArt says... #22

On a side note, I play against quite a bit of removal/burn decks. I'm the only one in the play group who doesn't. So my Undercity Informer and Undead Alchemist seems to get killed off rather quickly.

February 6, 2013 8:27 a.m.

grizzell says... #23

Psychic Strike is great control + mill, also consider card:Jace's Phantasm at worst its a 1/1 flyer for U, with this deck it will more often be 5/5

February 6, 2013 10:14 a.m.

grizzell says... #24

also Dimir Keyrune fixes mana, great with cipher, unblockable, cannot be boardwiped. also Essence Harvest attack with a trepination bladed creature then drain if it doesn't end the game it at least keeps you in it

February 6, 2013 10:28 a.m.

CreationArt says... #25

I'm not a huge fan of counters, I've tried them and I just tend to get screwed. I either never keep mana open, or when I use it I get screwed the next turn because they knew I had a counter. I actually took card:Jace's Phantasm out, and put the invisible stalkers instead. They can be good, but I'd rather run the unblockables with cypher.

My mana isn't a problem, I was just saying 4 mana was a lot for a 1 mana mill. Every deck I play runs artifact removal, such as Putrefy . And the invisible stalkers normally get the Trepanation Blade and Paranoid Delusions .

February 6, 2013 10:37 a.m.

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