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Command your Company

Standard* Aggro GWU (Bant)




Bant value with Collected Company, and Chord of Calling!

I enjoy standard decks that have interesting interactions, so I restricted myself to play a deck requiring my favorite card in DTK: Collected Company. +1 if you like.

The point of this deck is to get a decent amount of value from Collected Company. Because of this, we mainly run creatures with CMC <= 3. So lets take a look at the different types of value:


Silumgar Sorcerer enables Collected Company to counter creatures.

Fleecemane Lion flashed in on turn 4 from either Collected Company or Chord of Calling can almost guarantee monstrosity.

Deathmist Raptor off Collected Company can kill an attacking creature. It is also just a good value card.

Heir of the Wilds is a good two drop that gets some good damage through and blocks anything. You can get off Collected Company or Chord of Calling to kill an attacking creature as well.

Yasova Dragonclaw will help us get in for more damage, which is pretty important in this deck as it tends towards aggro. The ability to sac the creature to exploit is also pretty strong and surprising this off Collected Company can be string since it can require playing around it. But currently the meta has lots of power 4 or greater so I am only playing one

Boon Satyr is a great card for this deck. It makes Yasova Dragonclaw much better and you can hold up mana for Silumgar Sorcerer and still cast this instead. It also throws the deck over the top since it tends to go wide.

Dauntless River Marshal is my replacement for when I played Sidisi's Faithful , but since the faithful just sucks in my hand and can't attack, I figured I would add a card that can attack well and still psuedo-remove apposing threats! It's great to hit off Collected Company or Chord of Calling after they leave a blocker up so you can tap it. The only thing Sidisi's Faithful had that this doesn't is the combat trick aspect of bouncing as well as potentially sacrificing my opponents creature I stole with Yasova Dragonclaw , but I think this card has more potential uses and it isn't dead in hand!


Elvish Mystic since most of the good cards are 3 drops and a turn 3 Collected Company is crazy strong. Also a good exploit target

Den Protector lets you get back anything, which can mean reusing Silumgar Sorcerer and of course Collected Company or Chord of Calling. It is also a legal target for both cards. And bringing back Deathmist Raptor is very strong!

Surrak, the Hunt Caller beats so damn hard! If it wasn't legendary I would add another one. A turn 3 surrak is insane! It also gives all our creatures pseudo-haste so Collected Company and Chord of Calling gain a bit more depth and decisions.

Icefall Regent is a card that can handle anything. It just pushes this deck to where it needs to be. I am okay running a couple cards over CMC 3 when they are always good to see. This deck has no real way to deal with flyers (thanks for not flavorfully giving Hornet Nest reach wizards...), and Icefall can potentially deal with two. This card is great and it is why there is a second in the sideboard.

Dromoka's Command is good removal, mainboard enchantment hate, and stops burn. I used to play Ojutai's Command because it is one of my all time favorite cards, but I just found the card not as interactive as I thought. This lets me deal with any creature since I run 7 deathtouch cards. Now this deck seems more competitive since there is mainboard disruption. And this card is still good tempo!


Negate is great against control. Enough said

Encase in Ice for green devotion and other decks with green/red cards. Hits most of abzan aggro's creatures too. only way to deal with Stormbreath Dragon. Even though it still enables the monstrous, at that point we shouldn't have many cards in hand

Valorous Stance hits so many problem cards! The only reason this isn't in the mainboard is because of aggro decks, but this card kills so many things. The main reason is a way to get rid of Whisperwood Elemental since tapping that isn't so helpful.

Reclamation Sage is a good utility card. Always accessible through Chord of Calling so we only need to play one!

Profaner of the Dead destroys jeskai tokens. That match up already isn't bad, but since tokens is large in my meta, this card is useful in the sideboard and nearly guarantees a win game 2 and 3. This is also necessary against RDW

Icefall Regent can tap problem creatures and attacks well through attrition games. Need a second against some decks such as abzan aggro

Whisperwood Elemental is a great value card that works well with Den Protector, and Deathmist Raptor. The main reason this card is in the side is for the control match up. Using Chord of Calling to grab this guy in response to Crux of Fate is a great surprise! It also gives us a bit more reach against decks that beat us in the long run.

Nylea's Disciple lets us survive long enough to beat RDW/Burn.

Hornet Nest is just a useful toolbox card that is accessible through Chord of Calling and Collected Company. Nobody see's this coming, and it is useful against most decks. Problem is, when it is bad it is useless, so it has to stay in the side.


Jeskai tokens: +2 Negate +2 Profaner of the Dead +1 Reclamation Sage, -1 Icefall Regent -1 Dauntless River Marshal -2 Silumgar Sorcerer -1 Collected Company.

Esper dragons: +2 Negate +2 Whisperwood Elemental +1 Valorous Stance, -2 Dromoka's Command -1 Icefall Regent -1 Yasova Dragonclaw -1 Silumgar Sorcerer

RDW: +2 Nylea's Disciple +2 Profaner of the Dead +1 Hornet Nest, -1 Icefall Regent -1 Surrak, the Hunt Caller -2 Chord of Calling -1 Silumgar Sorcerer

Abzan: +2 Encase in Ice +1 Hornet Nest, -1 Den Protector -1 Yasova Dragonclaw -1 Chord of Calling

Whip decks (have not tested): +1 Reclamation Sage and the rest depends

Monster decks (have not tested): +2 Encase in Ice + 1Icefall Regent +1 Hornet Nest, what you take out depends


Sagu Mauler might be a good card for the side in attrition match ups and control match ups since it's impossible to deal with. Not sure what I would take out of the side though...thoughts?

Another side tech could be Spirit of the Labyrinth. This is an aggressive creature that can be surprise in with Collected Company, and Chord of Calling in response to something like Treasure Cruise. It's not too strong because Anticipate and Dig Through Time are not affected. This will be meta dependent. Probably necessary agains U/W heroic.

Thanks for reading. Suggestions and constructive criticism is encouraged. +1 if you like the deck!


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The deck performed fairly well, although I did not play against expected decks like esper dragons, I still played good tier 2 decks and one tier 1 deck. Here is the breakdown:

ROUND 1: UR Artifacts (2-0)

This was a fairly easy win. My deck goes too wide that he can only win with an Ensoul Artifact on Ornithopter, but I can still tap it down with Icefall Regent and kill it with Dromoka's Command, went 2-0 here and there were not many interesting interactions. I did win the last game by using Chord of Calling for two to get Dauntless River Marshal and tap down his blocker. Boon Satyr was MVP here as it really screwed up his plans. It's so good when you go wide!

ROUND 2: Mardu aggro (0-2)

First game isn't worth talking about. I mulled to 5 keeping a hand with a Yavimaya Coast and Elvish Mystic and didn't draw another land for the next 5 turns.

Second game was more interesting. I was on the beatdown plan with a Fleecemane Lion that I monstroused on turn 4 when he was tapped out. This usually would guarentee a win as he was down to 9 and I had Surrak, the Hunt Caller in my hand, but he then cast brutal hordchief and gained a bunch of life. I needed my Dromoka's Command and didn't draw it. Our life totals quickly switched and that was the game.

We kept playing after and the games always went as follows: if he resolved/keeps a brutal hordchief, he wins, otherwise I do. This is a problem, so I need to come up with better ways to handle that card. Maybe another Dromoka's Command.

ROUND 3: Morph.deck (2-1)

Game 1 was absolutely insane, he got 3 Obscuring Æther by turn 2 and just dropped his hand. I fought it for a while, but once he got a Secret Plans that engine overpowered me since I could not get rid of his 4 deathmist raptors. I got him to one life and had Surrak, the Hunt Caller, which kept giving me a hasted Silumgar Sorcerer, but he kept flipping up Stratus Dancer to block. It was nuts.

Game 2 I overran him. With a turn 2 Yasova Dragonclaw and turn 3 Surrak, the Hunt Caller, there just wasn't much he could do.

Game 3 was very very long. We went to time here. I sided in both whisperwood elementals in order to win in the long game and that is exactly what happened.

ROUND 4: Red Deck Wins (2-1)

Game 1 I lost on turn 4. He was on the play and had lots of creatures and burn. Nothing I could have done.

Game 2 and 3 went the exact same way. I was able to draw/Chord of Calling for Nylea's Disciple for a couple extra turns and there was nothing he could do since he just ran out of steam. He almost got me the last game, but a timely profaner of the death got me the game!


My deck did fairly well. I need some ways to deal with aggressive lifegain if I am on the defense, but all in all, the deck is flexible and the side is tuned to turn nearly any match up in my favor! Dauntless River Marshal is definitely better over Sidisi's Faithful and every card in my deck has a purpose. I did have some mana problems with either not having or , so maybe my mana base needs some tuning, but other than that I think this is nearly the final version of this deck. With a little more tweaking of the sideboard and maybe 1 or 2 edits to the main depending on the meta, I think I can win the next event!

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Revision 11 See all

(9 years ago)

-1 Banishing Light side
+1 Profaner of the Dead side
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #6 position overall 9 years ago
Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 2 Mythic Rares

35 - 4 Rares

9 - 5 Uncommons

4 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.68
Tokens Insect 1/1 G w/ Flying, Deathtouch, Manifest 2/2 C, Morph 2/2 C, Thopter 1/1 C
Folders Standard, Green/white/blue, drems, Favorites, Builds, RUN THIS, Inspiration
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