Command your Company

Standard* ryancsaxe


rox5tar says... #1

Take out some islands and add in some forests, then you will be good to go.

April 16, 2015 5:32 p.m.

ryancsaxe says... #2

rox5tar I play multiple cards so two islands makes sense

April 17, 2015 1:06 a.m.

rox5tar says... #3

Well considering the fact that the majority of cards you play are green, you need more of that mana. How about another mana confluence if you can fit one in.

April 17, 2015 8:29 a.m.

SorcerersBone says... #4

Since you're running white and have 18 creatures with cmc 2 or less, maybe run or sideboard one or two Return to the Ranks?

April 17, 2015 9:37 a.m.

ryancsaxe says... #5

SorcerersBone thanks for the input! that is an awesome suggestion and I think 2 in the side for the control matchup will be very good! Not in the main because it is a potential dead card, and is hard to use.

April 17, 2015 12:26 p.m.

ryancsaxe says... #6

rox5tar only 6/23 lands don't tap for , I think that's fine. Thanks for the opinion though. Although with Chord of Calling maybe I should be considering a 3rd confluence. I am not convinced yet. I have not had mana problems in testing. Remember I can convoke that card, so it is more often than not only rather than

April 17, 2015 1:08 p.m.

jnmc2013 says... #7

I would play 1 Reclamation Sage to fetch with with chord of calling. It helps a lot against any deck running artifacts or enchantments.

April 17, 2015 2 p.m.

ryancsaxe says... #8

jnmc2013 I thought of that, but I don't know what to take out. I have one in the side. What would you suggest I remove?

April 17, 2015 3:43 p.m.

jnmc2013 says... #9

April 18, 2015 6:25 p.m.

ryancsaxe says... #10

I could consider doing that. I've been running two so I will always have one in the deck to use Chord of Calling for if needed, but that is a valid point.

April 18, 2015 7:02 p.m.

MarioLL says... #11

Interesting take on Collected Company! Nice job!

I played a few games with your build. Here are my thoughts.

Against Jeskai Aggro - 1-2.

I wanted some lifegain, both lost games the opponent slowly burnt me down by Stoke the Flames and Jeskai Charm. Maybe Nyx-Fleece Ram? I also wanted some firepower, because Raptors were not enough. I suggest Boon Satyr, since it can be cast as Aura as well.

Against Abzan Aggro - 1-2

The first game I lost to a flying Vampire token of Sorin buffed by Become Immense.

The second I won because I Collected Companyd in Hornet Nest to block Anafenza, the Foremost. Those four tokens did a great job killing Siege Rhino, finishing off Sorin, Solemn Visitor and dealing some flying damage to the opponent.In the third game I stabilized the board with two monstrous Fleecemane Lions. Then I cast Chord of Calling... and had nothing to get. Two other Lions were in the graveyard already and Raptors don't get through monstrous Lions of my opponent. I needed something flying with lifelink. Dawnbringer Charioteers would be okay.

All games I needed some filtering for Collected Company. Taigam's Scheming digs the deepest into the deck.

As a one-of and surprise finisher for stalled games I suggest Phenax, God of Deception. Strictly for Chording him out.

Against BW Control - 1-2

A haste creature for Chord would be nice. I had the opponent on 2 life with Chord in hand and couldn't close the game. He then drew that eighth land, cast Ugin, I was drawing lands, he ultimated Ugin, gain 7 life and the game was gone.

Second game he stumbled a bit, but still killed my two Lions with Crux of Fate. Fortunately, I had Silumgar Sorcerer in hand, so I flashed him in and dealt the last 2 damage. Ufff...

Game three I drew only three lands. I managed to play Lion and Raptor, but he destroyed them, then went for Ugin.

A few conclusions: what cards under- and overperformed FOR ME.

Den Protector - maybe 2 is too few.
Sidisi's Faithful - it did nothing.
Stratus Dancer - I can't even Chord for his value.
Ojutai's Command - it just didn't turn the games for my favor. A new card and 4 life was nice, but it didn't develop my board. For life, I'd probably run Feed the Clan instead, 'cause Lions usually trigger ferocious and get 10 life.
Yasova Dragonclaw - her ability looks cute, but in this deck I prefered to keep mana open for Silumgar Sorcerer.

Deathmist Raptor, Fleecemane Lion, Chord of Calling, Heir of the Wilds, Elvish Mystic

Collected Company - great defensive trick to find Hornet Nest to block a big creature. More copies and filtering needed.
Silumgar Sorcerer - this card was excellent against Siege Rhino of the opponent who tried to stabilize the board. It needs Elvish Mystic as an exploit fuel, but it's worth it.
Hornet Nest - weaker than monstrous Fleecemane Lion, but this card may hold the board for a bit. It doesn't fly, so we need another way of getting rid of flyers.

April 20, 2015 4:26 p.m.

ryancsaxe says... #12

MarioLL thanks for the input. I tested today and came up with similar results, but I performed a little better and cards did well for me. Yasova Dragonclaw is aggressive normally and insane when good. Problem is that it's not always good against top tier decks. Den Protector has done a lot of work for me but Stratus Dancer has done nothing. I am going to be adding 1 Icefall Regent and 2 surrak huntcaller and 2 Boon Satyr taking out 1 Yasova 1 Sidisi's Faithful 1 Hornet Nest (sideboard) 1 stratus dancer and 1 Ojutai's Command

April 20, 2015 10:25 p.m.

MarioLL says... #13

ryancsaxe, you're welcome! I'll play more games today/tomorrow and post my thoughts.

Surrak feels very aggressive, especially in a chain of turn 2 Lion > turn 3 Raptor/flashed Boon Satyr > turn 4 Surrak > turn 5 monstrosity on Lion. If the opponent doesn't have a mass removal or lots of tokens to chumpblock, it's game over. If he/she has, we can easily reload with Company or Chord. I really like that scenario :)

April 21, 2015 2:59 a.m.

ryancsaxe says... #14

Also MarioLL I think you misunderstand Ojutai's Command. You should only use the gain life mode if you will die otherwise. The main use is counter draw, counter reanimate, reanimate draw only when needed aggression, counter bounce if sidisi's faithful is in the yard. It's a very flexible card, but now that I'm making the deck more aggressive I have gone down to two of them

April 21, 2015 10:58 a.m.

MarioLL says... #15

In those games I never really had an opportunity to play modes you write about.

The Jeskai opponent quite fast stopped playing creatures and switched to burn mode. So there was nothing to counter.

Against the Abzan opponent I got to four mana and I was staring at three creatures on the battlefield already (Soldier of the Pantheon, Fleecemane Lion, Anafenza, the Foremost). So again, no new creatures were needed. In a game that went really long there was no point in countering a new creature, since the board was already crowded.

April 21, 2015 3:09 p.m.

ryancsaxe says... #16

your meta seems to be fairly different than mine. I do side out the Ojutai's Command for Negate against Jeskai though because there is not much to counter. I almost always have a two drop in the graveyard to bring back so draw bring back is always something I have had. Remember to play with the advantage of that knowledge. Attack with your Heir of the Wilds into a crowded board in order to trade since you know you can bring it back. This deck has a fairly intricate play style that I myself still have not finalized. As far as staring at 3 creatures...that shouldn't be a problem for this deck to handle. Leave up blockers so you can use Chord of Calling and you will outlast them since you have a counter target creature spell in hand. Let me know if that's helpful.

April 21, 2015 3:22 p.m.

MarioLL says... #17

Jeskai Aggro: 2-1, 0-2, 1-2, 2-1, 2-0

The Aggro approach works, if the hand is good. If they kill our early creatures, we can draw more with Chord + Company, or revive with Command. Too bad, if they go for the throat with flying creatures and burn. Those 4 damage spells hit hard. I'd won two games, if I had Monastery Flock or other creature able to block Mantis Rider or Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker.

This time Yasova Dragonclaw did nice work stealing Mantis Riders to deal additional damage. She also died several times to Magma Jet.

All those games I've never played Chord. I played Company once and Command once. Company does a fine job of annoying the opponent, especially if on the previous turn he was attacked by a flashed Boon Satyr :)

Instead of Sidisi's Faithful I'd play Voyage's End. It scries, so helps a bit to set Company.

In this version Chord will be used at least for 4 mana. For 4, I like to search for Surrak. For 5, Regent. For 6, one-of Dragonlord Silumgar?

As for blocking, very rarely an opponent decides to block a deathtouch creature. If he/she does, it's usually because there is a sweeper waiting to clear the board the next turn.

April 21, 2015 5:47 p.m.

ryancsaxe says... #18

Awesome to know! yeah because of flying try the version with the Icefall Regent. Also Encase in Ice is in the sideboard for cards like Mantis Rider Stormbreath Dragon and so on.

April 21, 2015 6:14 p.m.

kengiczar says... #19

I understand that removal is everywhere right now but getting a Daxos of Meletis with Collected Company in the G/W Collected Company mirror is pretty strong, especially since you can bestow a Boon Satyr on it.

Daxos can't be blocked by:
Deathmist Raptor
Boon Satyr
Yasova Dragonclaw
Alesha, Who Smiles at Death
Fleecemane Lion
Fanatic of Xenagos (Notice in this match up you want Daxos' life gain from flips!)
Den Protector (If it's monstrous, which it always is the turn after it's played so they can recur Deathmist Raptor
Avatar of the Resolute (This guy is some serious aggro, so it's good to swing in and potentially gain life if they have no suitable blockers.)
Brimaz, King of Oreskos (Brimaz...c'mon you've already got Deathmist Raptor to defend against it, why not take it all the way and put Daxos in to wreck it?)
Anafenza, the Foremost (This is very strong for Abzan because of all the Deathmist Raptor + Den Protector running around.)
Mantis Rider (F that guy)
Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest (F that guy to!)
Frost Walker (If Daxos hits and you gain life it's ok to take a hit from a Frost Walker)
Stratus Dancer once flipped, so even if they counter Collected Company Daxos can still get value.

And as for bigger things:
Dragonlord Ojutai
Dragonlord Silumgar
Siege Rhino
Tasigur, the Golden Fang
Thunderbreak Regent (A bit of a tough sell with all the burn they have)
Icefall Regent
and many others.

on T4 when he attacks (or T3 because you had a Yavimaya Coast) if you steal a land it can ruin your opponents entire game. The only downside to him in your deck is he can't be gotten back with Ojutai's Command, but then again neither can Boon Satyr, Deathmist Raptor, Sillumgar Sorcerer or Surrak. I think vs control i'd side in Daxos over the sorcerer, especially when on the play. Yes both can be gotten by Thoughtseize or Bile Blight but the potential earnings with Daxos are huge!

April 22, 2015 2:12 p.m.

ryancsaxe says... #20

my issue with Daxos of Meletis is that he really doesn't hit hard. Yes there is potential advantage, but this deck is an aggro deck. The life gain could be relevant. Stealing cards is great. I just don't see where he fits. I'll test with him, but he seems a little too grindy for the deck. Maybe throw 1-2 in the side, but the board is pretty tight.

April 22, 2015 3:15 p.m.

MarioLL says... #21

kengiczar suggested Daxos for a GW mirror, didn't he? The card seems okay, but it can be double blocked by two Elves. And right now we have no tool to save it, like Valorous Stance or Ephemeral Shields or Gather Courage. It would easier to put something simple like Awaken the Bear to push trample damage or Stratus Walk to give the Lion flying.

April 22, 2015 5:44 p.m.

ryancsaxe says... #22

MarioLL after testing it turns out you are right. Ojutai's Command just doesn't do enough, but Dromoka's Command is a HOUSE! I immediately am replacing 2 for 2. This gives maindeck answers to cards we were losing to before after they resolve! I now think the deck is fairly compatible against a lot of the meta. Let me know what you think. Also, now Sidisi's Faithful is significantly worse. I hate it when I draw it. It's so useless in my hand I would rather have any other card. But I absolutely love it in my deck since I have a great surprise with a Chord of Calling at one to gain tempo or the game. Although that's only good when I win. Should I take it out? If so, for what? And should it be a one drop, because then I will lose my only good 1-mana chord target.

April 22, 2015 5:50 p.m.

ulamoguy says... #23

Hey, if you've got Chord of Calling and Collected Company to burn through your deck for key cards, I'd try out a one of Phyrexian Revoker in the sideboard for pesky planeswalkers.

April 26, 2015 7:31 p.m.

ryancsaxe says... #24

ulamoguy thanks for the input. I considered doing that, but right now there aren't many planeswalkers dominating standard that I would give up a side slot for it. I do see that seeing a slot after magic origins when the new walkers come out, but for now it's not a card that I would side in against any matchup. I'll see when I test on teusday if i would ever want to bein it in and let you know. Thanks so much for your input!

April 26, 2015 8:26 p.m.

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