So I took the deck to my weekly modern event and went 3-1.
First round was a 2-0 loss to podless pod, first game I had him at 2 life but he kitchen finked followed by immediately sacrificing it to viscera seer putting him out of colonnade lethal range allowing him to win the game. Game 2 I mulled to 5 and got stuck on 2 Mana.
Second round I played against grixis control, won 2-0 however both games he got stuck on 3 land and never really got into the game and I got lingering souls and closed it out.
Third round was I versed affinity and won 2-1, I managed to clinch out the first game of the set after we both mulled to 6 allowing me to trade removal 1 for 1 and then board wipe on turn 4 and win after that. Game 2 he dropped cranial turn 1 and I just never got into the game. Game 3 I got stony silence on turn 2 on the play with his only land being a darksteel citadel and closed the game out with ojutai on turn 5
fourth round was against affinity, again I won 2-1 first game he dropped 2 steel overseer and a couple 1/1's and I didn't see a board wipe in time. Game 2 I managed to board wipe on turn 4 and follow with a stony silence locking him out the game. 3rd game he mulled to 6 and I managed to trade efficiently enough to kill him with lingering souls.
Overall I came 3rd I'm pretty happy with how the deck went however I definetely feel a few changes are in order.
Firstly the 2 Geist of Saint Traft are coming out and being replaced with Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
Flip - this is because i've been hearing great things about the card and I feel that geist doen't match up to the lingering souls or Esper Charm as an aggressive turn 3 play or as a 3 drop in general in this deck.
The other change is dropping Wurmcoil Engine for Lingering Souls as I don't feel i need a second bomb other than Dragonlord Ojutai and lingering souls has done alot of work for me recently.