(OLD) Alu's Ultimate Synergy (White Humans)

Standard* Alumatine

SCORE: 54 | 116 COMMENTS | 17612 VIEWS | IN 24 FOLDERS

holyrootbeer says... #3

If you are running that many enchantments I would run 2 Mesa Enchantress for extra draw.

June 1, 2012 2:05 p.m.

Alumatine says... #4

Didn't even consider that until now. Thanks for the idea. I'll have a play around with it. :)

June 1, 2012 2:33 p.m.

apoc7k says... #5

+1 on the Enchantresses! Curious about a sideboard choice though. Why run Thalia, when you have so many non-creature spells in the deck? Seems a little counter-intuitive to the deck itself.

Also, how would you handle playing against an aggressive flying-based deck? I can think of a handful of token-based decks that send a bunch of flying creatures out fast, and can take games pretty quick if you can't defend against flying and/or kill them faster. Since it's mono-white, I might suggest even having a Ratchet Bomb around that you could set off for 0 (which wipes out all your tokens, but more importantly theirs as well).

Neat deck though! I look forward to seeing what you do with it!

June 1, 2012 10:53 p.m.

cwcowart says... #6

June 2, 2012 2:54 a.m.

Croket07 says... #10

I can't think of a good reason to ever run 4 Timely Reinforcements so i would take out 2 of those and add 2 Ratchet Bomb s.

June 3, 2012 3:45 p.m.

cwcowart says... #11

i would take out 2 Timely Reinforcements and put a little control in sideboard such as Oblivion Ring or Revoke Existence

June 3, 2012 5:24 p.m.

Looks very basic. And sometimes that's best.

I'm a big fan (and maybe the only fan haha) of Angelic Overseer when playing humans. But she's really only necessary if you find you lose steam mid-late game and the other guy has more kill/burn than you can handle. +1.

Could you look at my deck The Elf, The Mirror, And The Battlesphere and tell me what you think? Thanks!

June 5, 2012 9:06 p.m.

seizan8 says... #13

remove elesh norn, because just 1 won't help you.

and add another thalia. she's fucking strong against a lot of decks.

and i would add the 4 oblivian ring to main board.

remove 2 Doomed Traveler and put the 2 Swords on sideboard



June 6, 2012 4:36 a.m.

Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite , even as a one-of is very powerful. If he draws it as he needs it (which won't be until at least turn 7 with this deck) it can turn a game a complete 180 in his favor.

He also already has a set of Fiend Hunter in the mainboard. I would assume the Oblivion Ring s come in for things like Swords and Planeswalkers. He also explained the Doomed Traveler and Fiend Hunter in his description.

As for sideboarding swords? Never a good idea.

June 6, 2012 2:07 p.m.

guiness76 says... #15

looks good, looks alot like my deck:avacyn-updated-crusaders deck ;) I'm not a big fan of Hero of Bladehold , though. Don't get me wrong, she's hoss, however, I prefer to drop Angelic Destiny T4 or Riders of Gavony and call whatever they have to block with on the field as the pro-critter. Calling 'wurm' vs Wurmcoil Engine is always awesome, too.

June 7, 2012 5:43 a.m.

Alumatine says... #16

The problem with Angelic Destiny is that they come back to your hand when the creature in destroyed so having 4 in your deck is often overkill. Also they are an enchantment so they are useless if you have no creatures on the board. An awesome card but I find that even 3 is too many.

Riders of Gavony are awesome but often useless unless someone has a single creature type deck. I have them in the side board to blitz those deck types from round 2 onwards.

Hero of Bladehold is a love/hate card. I personally like it because for 4 mana you get a 3/4, 2 tokens every turn and battle cry. Even if you only get 1 turn with it then it can turn the game and if it lasts more than one turn it's a massive token generator.

June 7, 2012 7:06 a.m.

FridayWing says... #17

Hero of Bladehold is fine with this deck as long as you control Spirit Mantle never take that card out. I believe that is the most under-rated card of all time. When I play my opponent, they get shocked and amazed to see that there was a card like that.

June 7, 2012 2:04 p.m.

Alumatine says... #18

Same deal. Everyone always tells me its crap at FNM purely because no top 8 decks use it. It's an insanely undervalued card that has won the game for me many many times. Even on a champion of the parish on turn 2 against other creature decks. He just keeps getting stronger and they can't do anything about it.

June 7, 2012 11:33 p.m.

I likje the deck alot reminds me of my White deck that im running Human/Angel MessAlthough i would pull the Angelic Destiny and put in a True Conviction , You might be raising the Mana Curve by 2 but at the same time All your creatures benifit

June 8, 2012 9:52 a.m.

Alumatine says... #20

True Conviction does benefit more creatures but it doesn't really turn the tide. If I have 6 mana to spare and enough creatures to make it beneficial I've pretty much already won or I don't have any creatures for it to effect. The point of this deck isn't the same as a token deck. It has a few tokens for chumping long game if necessary and for buffing Champion of the Parish but it's mainly about getting 1 or 2 ridiculously powerful strikers by turn 3-5 and swing for lethal without being able to be stopped.

True Conviction is what I consider a "Win More" card but not a "Win" card.

Angelic Destiny cuts out 90% of burn and removal spells by adding 4/4, and gives flying. It can turn a 2/2 Mirran Crusader being chump blocked by weenies into a flying machine of death especially when mixed with a few Honor of the Pure or Silver-Inlaid Dagger .

Thats my thought process anyway.

June 8, 2012 10:30 a.m.

Stein_ says... #21

i think oblivion ring is much better than fiend especially since you are not using Thalia mainboard. I use Thalia main board and run 2 oblivion ring, just to take out boss artifacts and threats that fiend hunter might not be able to take out.

June 10, 2012 3:41 a.m.

Alumatine says... #22

Thalia mainboard is a disadvantage to me unless I verse certain decks. I agree she is a powerful card but if its a choice between Thalia and almost any other card in most agro situations I'd prefer the other card (Mirran, Angelic, Spirit Mantle) etc.

She is valuable but restricted in play for me since my deck has alot of none creature cards. Perfect for my side board.

I agree on oblivion rings but I had alot of people telling me to phase in fiend hunters... I don't like them and unless they shine this week they will be getting chucked back out for oblivion rings freeing up 4 more slots in my side board again.

June 12, 2012 10:59 a.m.

Sam_I_am says... #23

It's a pretty solid deck overall, +1 from me.

I'd probably put some different swords into your sideboard, and as far as "Round 1 vs Red Mono Burn - 0/2." goes, Timely Reinforcements is the bane of all red decks, if you see enough red decks in your meta to justify them.

June 12, 2012 12:33 p.m.

Alumatine says... #24

Updating this to be more apt atm. Timely Reinforcements is usually in the sideboard but atm I'm testing Fiend Hunter vs Oblivion Ring . I prefer O-rings but I keep getting told that the Fiend Hunters are better. At the end of the week I'm guessing I'll find out that I prefer O-rings still. :P

When that happens Timely Reinforcements will go back into the sideboard where the O-rings are and the O-rings will replace the scrapped Fiend Hunters.

Thanks for the feedback.

June 12, 2012 12:38 p.m.

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