True, for the other costs in the deck though I feel it'd only fit if keeping Chandra around. On the bright side it allows for extra fetch land explosions.
July 31, 2012 8:55 p.m.
Not sure if I like Shrine of Burning Rage in the recent update. Thoughts on Vexing Devil to speed up the pain?
August 11, 2012 10:41 p.m.
I love a good Rakdos modern deck, +1 :)
Depending on your meta, you might want to consider Anger of the Gods , Pyroclasm , Rakdos Charm and Slaughter Games for your sideboard.
Blightning can be a little bit slow, if you want to force your opponent to discard, you should consider Rise/Fall .
Take a look at my modern Rakdos deck: Rakdos Infection and comment if you like. It can give some ideas :)
December 30, 2013 7:11 p.m.
Thanks! I'm not sure if the discard's all that necessary. My main concerns may either be pushing through damage or topping off the curve with a big finisher.
I do run Volcanic Fallout in the SB which I've found to be solid as Elves and Merfolk are where I've seen my majority of creature swarms. Extirpate is fantastic when dealing with any big assed shuffles into library when killed creatures.
December 30, 2013 9:32 p.m.
kickassklales says... #6
I really like the concept of this deck, although I feel like some of the cards you chose are out of place. Ball Lightning and Shard Volley don't seem very relevant. Since you want the deck to work with Countryside Crusher 's ability I would increase your number of Ghost Quarter s you run. If you do that, it would be worth adding more white sources for either some Aven Mindcensor s or Leonin Arbiter s. The mindcensor would probably be better because it only disrupts your opponent. Deathrite Shaman would be a great accelerator. Ash Zealot would also be great in this deck.
December 31, 2013 2:59 a.m.
Shard Volley 's nice because it's a Lightning Bolt that boosts Countryside Crusher at the same time. Now that you mention it, Deathrite Shaman is totally splashable in this deck and gives me the option to run a straight up green or white artifact/enchantment remover in the SB.
I'm not entirely sure I want to lose the suicide attack feel of Ball Lightning and Hellspark Elemental , but maybe it serves the deck better in the long run.
Dritz says... #1
Maybe Crucible of Worlds ? Fits your wanted CMC and lets you feel less pain about losing land too.
July 31, 2012 8:39 p.m.