(OLD) Delver g0t Bounce! (Mono Blue Delver)
Updated deck for a bit of a mix up. Seems to be a bit more agro now. :D
June 3, 2012 5:37 a.m.
Thought Scour will do more for you than Visions of Beyond since i don't see you very often having the 20 cards in a graveyard. They could also interact with each other pretty well if you wanted to do 2 of each but i'd go all out with 4 scours
June 3, 2012 2:10 p.m.
with so many instants and sorceries, and such a low mana curve, i would take out 2 islands and put in two more runechanter's pikes.
June 3, 2012 2:31 p.m.
Joshwarudd says... #6
Either Thought Scour or Gitaxian Probe would be way better than the visions from beyond. One fuels your pike better and the other lets you have a better idea of what to expect from your opponent.
June 3, 2012 2:52 p.m.
PasorofMuppets says... #7
I'd consider taking an island or two out, since in my deck. deck:final-entry, I get by pretty well with 19 lands, and it seems like overall you have an even smaller curve than me. -4 Silent Departure , -4 Latch Seeker , -2 Visions of Beyond , +2 card:Runechanter's Pike, +4 Thought Scour , and +4 Gitaxian Probe , and -2 Island , +2 Snapcaster Mage . This cuts down on your bouncing and evasion, but usually you've got enough evasion in 4 Fliers and 4 Hexproof Unblockables. Gitaxian Probe is pure value. Got nothing to do with that one mana? Look at your opponent's hand and draw a card. Or do it first turn to get an extra card, or whatever. Since getting damage in is your wincon, obviously, 4 of Runechanter's is a must, especially since having so many spells to cast to flip delver syngergizes so well with pike. Snapcaster Mage is so amazing that it doesn't matter that it's sorta counter intuitive with pumping pike, generally the value behind being able to recast a spell is greater than that 1 point of damage. I'd consider Gut Shot somewhere in main or sideboard to help against mirror matches and for blowing out mana dorks like Birds of Paradise . Mental Misstep is also probably a good idea, but I've never found it necessary. (You could also consider Silver-Inlaid Dagger if you want more artifacts, although you probably don't. I think it's a fun card, though. :p)
June 4, 2012 4:40 a.m.
Thanks TheHorse, that is a great breakdown that will help me alot. I may not follow it to the letter but parts of it will definitely be going into the next build.
June 4, 2012 6:53 a.m.
Leaf-steel says... #9
Ever look at AEther Adept ? It's unsummon on a stick which I find pretty good. Bounces something and then allows you to block it once they land something.
I like the deck a lot, it's cool. Just thought the adept could be a lot of fun in the deck as a replacement for the Latch Seeker post board or something.
June 8, 2012 7:07 p.m.
I wanna make this for an FNM...how do you sideboard? I like how simple it is, but efficient =)
June 12, 2012 8:29 p.m.
-2 Think Twice
Gives you mroe fodder for Snapcaster Mage , pumps your guys equiped with card:Runechanter's Pike but still draws you cards.
June 14, 2012 2:42 a.m.
@ Leaf-steel I did look at AEther Adept and tested it but decided not to include it. The deck win scenario is based around creatures that cannot be blocked and cannot be stopped. Snapcaster Mage essentially can do the same thing as AEther Adept but can be used to cast any spell and not just bounce another creature.
@ Tyqar The sideboard is still a bit iffy, I use the one above because of the decks that I verse with this but honestly the great thing about side boards is that they are fairly fluid depending on the group you are playing with.
@ Eskimole I want 2 more Snapcaster Mage but the main thing stopping that is the cashflow I have atm. I try not to post what my decks could be but simply what I actually can make out of cards I own. If I do manage to snag 2 more they will definitely be included. I'm still playing around with draw cards but with card:Runechanter's Pike in the deck as a playset, Thought Scour might actually be a better choice, you're right.
June 14, 2012 4:42 a.m.
AlphabetEnthusiast says... #13
If you do get the 2 more Snapcaster Mage s maybe you could test out Peel from Reality over Silent Departure ? You bounce one of their guys and it lets you re-use your snapcaster. Not sure how consistent it would be, and he's generally the only creature of yours you would want to bring back to your hand. But then you could use snapcaster to flashback the Peel from Reality on himself and one of their guys. Just seems kinda fun to me.
June 15, 2012 6:15 a.m.
That's a very interesting idea. Never considered it to be honest. Worth a shot if I can land another 2 snap casters. :)
June 15, 2012 9:38 a.m.
I am thinking about modern monoblue Delver. It's nice with Vendilion Clique s, Cryptic Command s and Vedalken Shackles . Ton of fun, really... :D
June 16, 2012 11:09 a.m.
Lol... 12 Unsummon variants. Snapcaster Mage is so expensive.:(
June 16, 2012 5:12 p.m.
lXxBUDDAxXl says... #18
alu- i love the deck. i played it a few times and at the end of the night everyone hated me. it has alot of problems with board wipers, so i added 2 misthollow griffins and 2 snapcasters and did away with the latch seekers, 1 unsummon, and 1 silent departure. i also trded out 2 runechanters for a sword of war and peace and a sword of feast and famine. the protection seems to help alot seeing how black, green, red and white are all popular colors, plus the abilities are cool. i also tryed temporal mastery for a little bit which worked out fine but i took them back out. i took 2 of the gut shots from the sideboard and added a couple negates. all in all a really fun deck. i have a featured deck would appreciate some feedback as well. it is called geralf's blink engine. thanks and hope i helped
June 17, 2012 12:33 p.m.
lXxBUDDAxXl says... #19
hey change of thought. taking out misthollows and putting in two fettergeist. the latchseekers kept getting killed by weenie burn spells. the 4 toughness really comes in handy against red
June 17, 2012 12:44 p.m.
Interesting changes. I personally wouldn't change that much without making it a different deck that being said I'd agree with taking out 2 Latch Seeker s and adding in 2 Snapcaster Mage s. Also changing card:Runechanter's Pikes for Sword of War and Peace or Strata Scythe is totally viable but my preference is self to drop as many instants into my graveyard as possible and smack people around with card:Runechanter's Pike.
Sideboard is fairgame, that's totally dependant on who you're versing and what sort of decks are in your pod. This works for me but if I was in a different pod then I can see how alot of it would need to be changed.
June 17, 2012 12:52 p.m.
I feel like this post could either be a really stupid one, or a relatively interesting one. What about card:Inquisitor's Flail? I have no idea what you would take out, but, if your creatures are mostly unblockable, then being able to hit for double that damage, would be rather interesting..
June 21, 2012 9:08 a.m.
Its me again, I tried taking out (believe it or not) Snapcaster Mage and added card:Inquisitor's Flail and it actually runs quite smoothly in this deck. Obviously just an opinion though, tell me what you think!
June 21, 2012 10:39 a.m.
amazingronaldo says... #24
Love it! I had to copy it and change a little. I own enough Snapcaster Mage s so put 4 of those in and with Peel from Reality instead of Silent Departure and it is kinda fun to bounce a snappy back to hand and then play him again later to utilize one of the many sorceries and instants again. I will have to try this out again on MWS to see how it plays against some decks but I gave it a +1 because I like it so much. :)
June 21, 2012 12:59 p.m.
card:Inquisitor's Flail is great.
Upside is: Double damage to their creatures, planeswalkers, or them.
Downside is: Double damage to your x/1 creatures. Which means any damage would have killed them anyway.The way I look at it, the upside outweighs the downside 3 to 1.
Granted, with 4 Thought Scour , card:Runechanter's Pike, and 12 Unsummon type spells, the card:Inquisitor's Flail is probably just win-more.
Also, you might want to try out Grand Architect instead of Latch Seeker or Fettergeist . If you leave a blue up, you can protect anything from burn with Unsummon or the like, and he lords your blue creatures while tapping to drop or equip card:Runechanter's Pike.
Basuldur says... #1
I like it, however I'd cut the Tandem Lookout and maybe 1-2 card:Runechanter's Pike for maybe 1 more land and 4 other things. Probably +2 Snapcaster Mage and i'd include a few Disperse . Also consider runing Mental Misstep and/or Gut Shot main board.
June 1, 2012 7:45 p.m.