(OLD) Delver g0t Bounce! (Mono Blue Delver)
As for card:Inquisitor's Flail it is not meant for 1 drops. For 4 mana I could cast 4 more spells for the card:Runechanter's Pike that would each deal their own benefitial ability on each cast.
card:Inquisitor's Flail is going to make [[invisible stalker] hit for 2 instead of 1. If it has a card:Runechanter's Pike on it then it might hit for 32 instead of 16 but by they time they are already deck and can't do anything anyway.
The only thing you could take out of this deck comfortably in the Latch Seeker and it would need to be for something very good such as a Snapcaster Mage .
Ideally if I had the cards I would just drop -1 Island and -2 Latch Seeker . Add in +2 Snapcaster Mage and +1 Thought Scour to make the deck an 18 land, 1-2 drop casting frenzy and give me more self mill for the pikes. Peel from Reality wouldn't be out of the question either but the problem with that is once you have an invisible stalker that about to win out and nothing else. They have a buffed creature out that will kill you next turn and you only have a Peel from Reality which would mean gimping your own win. It relies on having the Snapcaster Mage play out in order to win.
Personally I like Silent Departure as it gives you more bounce spells from the graveyard in later game once you have the mana to spare.
June 21, 2012 2:33 p.m.
AlphabetEnthusiast says... #3
I'm still thinking Peel from Reality would be better than Silent Departure to re-use Snapcaster Mage and be re-used by Snapcaster Mage .
June 23, 2012 2:32 a.m.
j.heminger94 says... #4
im thinkin drop 2 card:Runechanter's Pike for 2 Sword of War and Peace or 2 Sword of Feast and Famine
June 24, 2012 8:29 p.m.
That's essentially removing the base win strategy from the deck. War and peace is nice but if they don't have any cards then essentially you are hitting for 1/1+2/2... yay... 3 damage is awesome. Also mana is never a problem so untapping mana is pointless. Color protection on invisible stalkers is pointless since they can't be targetted or blocked anyway. This is a deck with 26 instants hardcast spells. card:Runechanter's Pike is the obvious equip with the curb and draw pattern in the deck.
Swords are good but they aren't automatically the best equipment to deck. Sideboarding them for graveyard removal is possible but main deck is a good way to loose against hard agro.
June 24, 2012 9:08 p.m.
DarkPhoenix007 says... #7
I agree with alumatine because of 3 reasons 1 the reasons that the creator stated 2 more effective and swinging for more damage then either sword attached and 3 the swords r gonna b cycled in a few months anyway so keep runechanter's pike anyway
June 25, 2012 11:15 p.m.
DarkPhoenix007 says... #8
I actually like this deck and I might just go mono blue now instead of red blue love saves me money and if u don't mind I wanna make this deck but I'll make a few changes of my own
June 25, 2012 11:20 p.m.
Hey. Just wanna tell you I love this deck.
I'm currently running a similar build with Inkmoth Nexus. Why don't you try it out?
June 26, 2012 12:07 p.m.
spiralshadow says... #10
This deck looks like great fun, and a budget-friendly alternative to other decks (except Snapcasters, of course). I'm gonna copy this to my decks but credit you, hope you don't mind. Also I'll be experimenting and likely making a couple of changes.
June 27, 2012 7:02 p.m.
Raspberries says... #11
Disperse may fit better than Thought Scour .Dissipate is great against lots of things too, such as other Delvers / snapcaster decks, zombies, and Lingering Souls or Unburial Rites .
Psychic Barrier and Negate would make great sideboards, to swap out for mana leak for the hard counter.
June 29, 2012 9:02 a.m.
At FNM, I lost to an annoying deck 3 times by a hexproof deck!
I guess you got
( )>-
Invisibly Stalked.
July 4, 2012 11:01 p.m.
the little animantion didnt work. :(
Anyways, love the deck! Annoying bounce deck! ONLY THING- Phantasmal Image s SB for geist?
July 4, 2012 11:04 p.m.
spiralshadow says... #17
For the guy who said that Thought Scour isn't a good fit in this deck.. it has fantastic synergy with card:Runechanter's Pike.
Also have you considered Negate over Mana Leak ? Sometimes your opponent will be able to pay for the Leak and play around them, but Negate ends up being a great hard counter for problematic spells, especially considering that you can bounce creatures fairly consistently once they hit.
Alumatine says... #1
To me is just seems like wasted mana. The only thing I'd change LatchSeeker out for is Snapcaster Mage . I just picture grand architect being demolished by a whole range of things and it over complicates the deck. The point of the deck is to give alot of questions that the enemy has no answers to. You control all the answers in this deck.
You want a creature out? I think not.
You want to attack me? I think not.
You want to block my creature? I think not.
Here, have some damage.
All I'm picturing is dropping a Grand Architect and watching it get taken out by a Tragic Slip or an Incinerate . Granted the same thing happens to Latch Seeker eventually but people tend to hold off because they wait for the big creatures to come out and end up being killed by an Invisible Stalker with a card:Runechanter's Pike.
It's would be very useful in a deck that also included say... Myr Superion and the new hexproof ring from M13 but it's going out of play so soon that I'm not sure I'd bother.
June 21, 2012 2:22 p.m.