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Look at Zur, the Ecnanter's fingers, in the art... that's totally what the deck is named after!

Would you like to have a massive amount of removal, utility, card-advantage, and unblockable power at your fingertips once a turn? Of course you would! Perhaps you want to play a different game each match, perhaps you want to see of you can "assemble Tron" and wreck your friend before he assembles that goddamned Marath, Will of the Wild + Basilisk Collar, or laugh about how your commander both exists and doesn't exist, so he can't even do anything about him.

Ideally, you want to cast Zur the Enchanter on turn 3 (4 is fine), then swing for the following: (assuming that you're not forced to fetch removal, instead)

  1. Vanishing. (Keep [U][U] up from now on.)

  2. Ethereal Armor / All That Glitters.

  3. Steel of the Godhead.

Then win with commander damage while using swings for utility, removal, and card draw; suppose you have Vanishing + Steel of the Godhead + five other enchantments + Ethereal Armor + All That Glitters, that makes Zur the Enchanter an unblockable, firt-strike, hexproof, flying, lifelink, 21/25, ANY SWING WOULD BE INSTANTLY LETHAL, regardless of whether you've swung at that player before, but you can kill with commander damage before that with repeated, unblockable attacks, especially with Michiko's Reign of Truth  .

In case you don't have the [U][U], or voltron is bad in the match-up, a fetch plan is as follows:

  1. As Foretold.

  2. Curator's Ward.

  3. Nine Lives.

  4. Solemnity.

This hits two great combos, stopping As Foretold on your very heavy three and protecting you from all damage with Nine Lives.

In case you draw Enchanted Evening, without drawing Desolation or Mana Breach, you can play some fun fetches:

  1. Desolation.

  2. Mana Breach.

  3. Lilting Refrain.

  4. Phyrexian Arena.

This allows you to lock you r opponents in palce, where some players with board-wipes will not want to use them, out of fear of Enchanted Evening, in general you want to use the refrain to counter any removal towards it or all enchantments, but nothing else. In the mean time, you can have Phyrexian Arena draw you a bunch of cards, probably leave vanishing and [U][U] up, and win with voltron, or at least remove a player. It is also a possibility that you can enchant Zur the Enchanter with Shielded by Faith before this, meaning that people cannot guarantee their advantage without Avacyn, Angel of Hope, or some effect like that, with you can easily remove with or without Zur the Enchanter.

I can't think of a specific use-case for this, you can do it with the solemnity soft-lock (if its drawn out), but not with Desolation + Mana Breach.

0? As Foretold.

  1. Riptide Chimera.

  2. Treacherous Blessing.

Optionally, you can add a Mirrormade and ring.

There are multiple combos you can execute once things get going, for example:

  1. Solemnity + Nine Lives Classical combo, not allowing life to decrease.

  2. Energy Field + Rest in Peace Not as classical, but the same thing.

  3. Solemnity + As Foretold Allows you to keep the enchantment at three counters, by far the heaviest cost in the deck.

  4. Desolation + Mana Breach Not a direct synergy, but indirectly means that no one cast spells, rendering their card advantage useless, when you can swing with Zur for cards. (Being a soft-lock, it works well with Lilting Refrain and ghostly prison)

  5. Riptide Chimera + Treacherous Blessing Basically "2B: Draw three" once a turn.

There are multiple nonmbos you definitely want to pay attention to while fetching: (Careful what you do with solemnity, in general, it can mess with opponent's boards in weird ways.)

  1. Solemnity + Lilting Refrain.

  2. Solemnity + As Foretold If you do it wrong.

  3. Desolation/Mana Breach + As Foretold.

  4. Desolation/Mana Breach + Riptide Chimera.

  5. Desolation/Mana Breach + Rule of Law.

There are some major flaws to the deck, for example:

  • Enchantment board-wipes, especially early on, mean that, unless you have vanishing and [U][U], you could lose it all in a snap; granted, there are cards to disincentives board-wipes, such as Enchanted Evening, and cards which will generate one-time value, such as Treacherous Blessing, but those only work in rare scenarios, respectively, when the wiper has more to lose or allows for the card-draw to happen in the first place.

  • The inevitable aggro-targeting also does not help, you don't want to lose tempo by not swinging with Zur, but you also might not want to spend tempo on vigilance just to gain one blocker; Ghostly Prison is weaker than Propaganda and Revenge of Ravens (which are not in the deck), but it allows for a thin line of defense, being fetchable with Zur.

  • The deck also does not contain much instant-speed interaction, always worrisome, but there is Lilting Refrain, and if someone plays into/against it, you get a round of warning, they're probably casting something big soon.

  • The deck sort-of struggles against free removal, forcing you to disassemble it without using Zur the Enchanter, forcing you to always leave at least one permanent-removal spell in hand.

My playgroup plays with strict budget rules, no decks more expensive than $100 and no cards more expensive than $10 (they're checking); that's the reason I labelled this deck as budget and unincluded the cards in the acquire-board, which I thought were amazing fits, and others, which were not worth mentioning.

This deck is not 71% competitive, this deck is not competitively viable in the slightest! Read those weak-points!


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90% Casual


Date added 2 years
Last updated 2 years
Exclude colors RG

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

31 - 0 Rares

29 - 1 Uncommons

18 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.71
Ignored suggestions
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