My first deck from way back in Alara Block constructed. This is my OG Grixis deck that I use at the kitchen table now. Great deck for fun with friends, and the whole thing only costs about ten dollars. The entire deck is from the Alara block and is on theme for Nicol Bolas' shard of Grixis.

This deck is pretty straightforward, you just try and out-value your opponent through discard, unearth, and removal.

Great combos with Rotting Rats and the other unearth creatures, especially Extractor Demon; which you hope to never have to hard cast, essentially meaning in a lot of matchups it reads deal five damage to target opponent for three Mana.

Hellspark Elemental and Shambling Remains add a somewhat aggressive avenue for our deck to take against slower decks.

Blightning, Sedraxis Specter, and Rotting Rats provide card advantage throughout the game allowing our deck to get online and overpower in the mid-late game.

Agony Warp and Grixis Charm give us some pretty good removal as well as combat tricks that will take care of most relevant threats.

Fire-Field Ogre could honestly be replaced by something better, possibly more discard, but he is an old friend of mine so I just couldn't cut him. He used to be a real beast in creature based games, and my kitchen table is still very creature oriented.

The Mana base is surprisingly consistent, if not the fastest in the world. You get what you pay for though, and Crumbling Necropolis hasn't let me down yet. We have no turn one plays, so if it's in your opening hand then your Mana is pretty much set for the game with no punishment. Rupture Spire isn't quite as useful as necropolis for us, but it's almost as good. Back in the day it was a staple in many decks, even in the top eights, so we are including three copies to fix our Mana.

Since this is more of a casual deck, I included one copy of Cruel Ultimatum as the decks "ultimate." Landing this card will just outright win you most games, as well as make you feel like Nicol Bolas himself in the process. Hard not to be smug when this resolves lol.

This deck used to be somewhat aggressive, but magic has gotten a lot faster in the last decade! Lots of fun and super cheap, it fulfills that nostalgic need I still have while playing magic.

I'm not looking to change the deck, I just wanted to share my old deck from ten years ago. If you like it or care to, give it an upvote and comment.

Love to hear from you guys, did you ever have anything like this? Do you still have your first deck? Please let me know in the comments.

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93% Casual


Top Ranked
  • Achieved #15 position overall 4 years ago
  • Achieved #1 position in Modern 4 years ago
Date added 4 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Rares

20 - 0 Uncommons

15 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.22
Folders Wish List, evtl, Modern Decks I Did Not Make
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