An Elves/Goblins/Rebels/Shapshifters Tribal Tribal deck using noting from Kaldheim. Just because.

When looking at the synergies think about things that search for or buff or are buffed by a card subtype, and what cards either are or count as that subtype.

For example From Beyond and Goblin Matron can get Crib Swap. Horde of Notions and Unholy Grotto can let you cast it as needed. Lin Sivvi can get Mirror Entity and Skyshroud Poacher in play. Poacher can in turn get all manner of useful creatures from defensive (Eladamri, Packmaster), offensive (Elvish Champion [remember opponent's elves het forestwalk too, so use with care]), and ramp (Archdruid, Channeler). The Goblin Warchief is useful for getting tap ability creatures haste if they are or can be made to be goblins. Dranglonlord Silumgar and Goblin Piledriver are fun to attack along with with other creatures that count as both dragons and goblins.


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(4 years ago)

+1 Dreadhorde Invasion main
Date added 4 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

26 - 0 Rares

22 - 0 Uncommons

27 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.13
Tokens Eldrazi Scion 1/1 C, Human 2/2 G, Insect 1/1 G, Morph 2/2 C, Shapeshifter 1/1 C, Shapeshifter 2/2 C, Wolf 2/2 G, Zombie Army 0/0 B
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