Olivia Voldaren, Vampire Queen of Innistrad

Commander / EDH Axalonk17


carpecanum says... #1

Bond of Agony is pretty funny combo'd with Exquisite Blood

Vampiric Link is topical and can be very useful on any players creatures

Blood Tribute is another great vampire card

February 24, 2015 8:27 p.m.

Axalonk17 says... #2

Blood tribute is a may be card now and then. Dont like using the infinite life gain/loss combo much. I prefer using my vampires to win more

February 26, 2015 3:36 a.m.

Axalonk17 says... #3

your welcome it has been one of my favourite decks, the deck is mainly mono black red is a must for Olivia but took some of the nice cards for the deck. and I don't feel dirty when playing part control like I do when I play blue. if you don't use red Nezumi Graverobber for some deck control you might need to focus on discard as graveyard interaction some of the cards in the deck are nice costed vampires but a lot of the good cheep ones are in red so maybe look for a black red general or Alesha, Who Smiles at Death you get to use white too

March 31, 2015 6:32 p.m.

dritchie says... #4

I Would love to see a video of this deck in action I really want to build a vampire tribal edh as well also +1

August 18, 2015 5:19 a.m.

snotice says... #5

I love Olivia Voldaren! Easy +1

August 18, 2015 10:53 a.m.

veggiesblowup says... #6

Have you looked at Tsabo Tavac?

October 3, 2015 9:06 p.m.

Quicksilver says... #7

October 10, 2015 7:13 a.m.

Axalonk17 says... #8

Exava is a nice card but the haste effect is too narrow where urabrask does the job far better, hammer of purphoros is also betterfor giving haste than her as well.

October 11, 2015 8:47 a.m.

Stonewaul says... #9

Nice deck. I had an Olivia deck very close to the same for a long time. You have some neat additions that fit nicely. I ran more of a flair build with all the focus on Vamps. Which I see a few of those cards in your sideboard. +1

October 15, 2015 7:24 a.m.

dritchie says... #10

Wound Reflection would be very nice in this deck

October 15, 2015 10:59 a.m.

Axalonk17 says... #11

It is in the deck at the bottom of the enchantments

October 15, 2015 11:19 a.m.

Robotoken says... #12

I also run an Olivia Voldaren deck and have refined it for almost two years. I would suggest Massacre Wurm for your deck. It's mini wrath effect can be hit or miss but I find its second ability a game changer especially if you're having your opponents sacrificing their own creatures. It also pairs well with Sangromancer when both are on the field together. If you are looking for other ideas, my deck is called She's a Killer Queen.

October 16, 2015 12:24 p.m.

dritchie says... #13

i feel that this is a very powerful deck but I do not see an interaction with Pawn of Ulamog as he seems rather underpowered for this deck

March 1, 2016 9:54 a.m.

Axalonk17 says... #14

He is there as a vampire that generates value just before the stolen creatures or my creatures in general die. He gives me some upside that can be spent to accelare time to time. Plus the spawn are nice when i have the butcher or dictate out for free edicts

March 1, 2016 11:08 a.m.

dritchie says... #15

ah I never thought of it like that how does it fair in multiplayer games I really like the deck and I would like to build one similar to it I have a mono black vampire deck so I'm half way there if I wanted to change to Olivia could you advise as I have this currently DRAINA KALASTRIA BLOODCHIEF

March 1, 2016 11:17 a.m.

Axalonk17 says... #16

The deck does well, it is pretty much mono black with just a splash of red for olivia, her ability and some nice cards, people are going to hate her ability but to be honest i dont steal that many creatures anymore id rather just kill them, the deck can run both defensively and aggressively due to the mix of decent vampire creatures and the enchantment sweet that can just disrupt people or make them weary of playing spells, if the deck gets an early start in either single or multiplayer it can snowball fast

March 1, 2016 1:33 p.m.

PookandPie says... #17

Thespian's Stage to copy Cabal Coffers is pretty huge, as is Vesuva. Expedition Map to find Cabal Coffers or Cavern of Souls could be pretty important, too.

For cards to remove for these, you could easily drop Opal Palace, Terramorphic Expanse, or Evolving Wilds for the lands. For Expedition Map, I can only tell you the cards I don't think are good enough (not enough impact) or are too situational, which are Polluted Bonds, Trepanation Blade, and Liliana's Caress (you have a grand total of 2 cards that make opponents discard, as far as I can tell, Liliana Vess and Opression. That means Lili's Caress will most likely be dead weight as often as it is actually useful, since you have no draw or tutor in the deck. Expedition Map will almost always be useful, therefore...).

June 6, 2016 6:12 a.m.

Axalonk17 says... #18

there are 3 cards that force discard, the 3rd is painful quandary. oppression, painful quandary and the caress interact to become a layered lock in the mindcrank + bloodchief ascension combo, with them up someone tries to disrupt it they die before their spell resolves and the combo is still active because the spell is removed from the stack when they die. the only way that they can disrupt it is an in play exile replacement effect or have an activated ability already in play to disrupt it.

June 6, 2016 2:43 p.m.

PookandPie says... #19

Painful Quandary doesn't do anything to the Mindcrank/Ascension combo though? If they cast, say, a Krosan Grip to destroy Ascension, they can just choose to lose 5 life rather than discard a card (Painful Quandary offers a choice, and usually only dumb players will choose to lose instead of just taking 5), and so the Ascension still gets destroyed and nothing happens to them.

If someone is down to less than 5 life, you didn't need the Mindcrank/Ascension combo to finish them.

I get what you're saying, though, and you can do how you like, but Caress still doesn't do anything without those other, specific cards, and unlike assembling Mindcrank/Ascension or Sanguine Bond/Exquisite Blood, it doesn't immediately win you the game when the cards that actually help it do things enter the battlefield. That's all I was saying.

June 7, 2016 12:03 a.m.

Aiden101 says... #20

You seem to be severely lacking card draw and ramp. You also have no answers for enchantments. If you get the right draws, play very casual decks and play long slow games, I can see this being fun. However, I would advise that you have somewhere around 10 mana ramp and 10 card advantage sources. Board wipes must wreck your games.

May 16, 2017 12:18 a.m.

ParfumBabe says... #21

One card that I think is a beast with Olivia is Braid of Fire because it lets you sink the mana into Olivia to keep biting tons of creatures. This goes off with the illusionist's bracers you have in the deck as well.

I also have to agree with Aiden on the card advantage thing. There is no reason not to auto-include Twilight Prophet and Champion of Dusk at the very least.

June 4, 2018 12:08 a.m.

Axalonk17 says... #22

Braid of fire and twilight prophet are a card I want just haven't come across one as of yet for trade or at my lgs, the champion of dusk I have a copy and just haven't found a slot I could cut from for what I want to do its card draw and beatstick its not bad but it has a lot of competition. Card advantage is subjective and I vastly prefer it in the form cards in play and doing thing actively vs just drawing cards, and getting to that state through removing what resources my opponents have is my preferred viewing state card advantage. In that I have more things available to me in play doing things and more options available to me than what potentially cards they have in their hand. I actually hate cards that just draw cards and nothing else cause to me it doesn't progress a game it only slightly accelerates it and that is dependent on how much you draw. Since I dropped the tutoring in the deck ive enjoyed it more because the decks game plan is same just he execution is more random and exciting. How I value card draw differs from others but not a wrong way of viewing the concept.

June 4, 2018 2:02 p.m.

ParfumBabe says... #23

Of course, the way you view card draw is totally up to you. Ultimately this is your project and it's your call to make. Full support in that regard.

June 17, 2018 1:54 p.m.

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