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Oloro, The Ageless Chair

Commander / EDH


Welcome to my most favorite commander!

The main objective of this deck is to gain enough life and damage opponents at the same time. In this deck, there are many infinite combos and "win-conditions".

  1. Exquisite Blood and Sanguine Bond Combo (It speaks for itself)
  2. Aetherflux Resevoir and Sydri, Galvanic Genius (Sydri makes aetherflux into a creature with lifelink and the damage heals you back so you can reactivate the ability.
  3. Felidar Sovereign (If you have atleast 50 life, you win on upkeep)
  4. Felidar Sovereign and Teferi's Protection (Play Felidar, and then phase out with tef protection. Once you comeback, youll win at 50 or more life.)
  5. Exquisite Blood and Vizkopa Guildmage (Same as blood bond combo)
  6. Exquisite Blood and Cliffhaven Vampire (When you gain life deal dmg, when opponents lose life gain, etc)


  1. Very simple mechanic of gaining X life every turn.
  2. Damage is nothing to you but a bunch of pokes.
  3. People are less likely to target you because of your life gain and tend to deal with you last.
  4. You don't have to worry about playing you commander. (Eminence B4 Eminence)
  5. Oloro gives you 2 life every upkeep and if you run out of cards, he can help you by just paying 1 mana.


  1. Opponents will use your life total as a reason to target you.
  2. Voltron commanders will melt the crap out of you.
  3. Infect..well everyone hates it
  4. Weak to Aggro decks



These are ways for us to stay consistent and keep the steam rolling. It's bad to not have anything to play

  1. Alhammarret's Archive
  2. Oloro, Ageless Ascetic
  3. Baleful Strix
  4. Fountain of Renewal
  5. Phyrexian Arena
  6. Rhystic Study


Mana is key and being able to have more mana than your opponents leads to a lot of advantages

  1. Ancient Tomb
  2. Azorius Signet
  3. Chromatic Lantern
  4. Dimir Signet
  5. Esper Panorama
  6. Myriad Landscape
  7. Orzhov Signet
  8. Pristine Talisman
  9. Sol Ring
  10. Temple of the False God

Pillow Fort

Our life gain isn't enough to stop our opponents. Since there are 3 or more people to worry about, we have to keep our defenses up and become less of a threat.

  1. Authority of the Consuls
  2. Crawlspace
  3. Dissipation Field
  4. Ghostly Prison
  5. Glacial Chasm
  6. Maze of Ith
  7. Propaganda
  8. Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts


Getting rid of threats is important, especially against voltron or swarmy token decks.) This deck doesn't run a lot of creatures so using board wipes are essential to this deck.

  1. Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim
  2. Cyclonic Rift
  3. Darksteel Mutation
  4. Fumigate
  5. Merciless Eviction
  6. Mortify
  7. Supreme Verdict
  8. Swords to Plowshares
  9. Utter End


I personally don't run that many counter spells. My mentality is I want to play my stuff so I don't want to waste my stuff to stop other peoples stuff. Even though there aren't many counter spells in the deck, removal/board-wipes make up for it.


These interactions are pretty interesting and if you pull these off in game, it feels very satisfying!

  1. Sanguine Bond + Beacon of Immortality = Target opponent will lose that much life because doubling your life is still considered life gain.
  2. Aetherflux + Beacon of Immortality = Play Beacon instant speed on the end-step before your turn and you'll pretty much surprise someone without them even knowing.
  3. Serra Avatar + Wall of Reverence = Exponentially doubling your life total every end-step of your turn.
  4. Bitterblossom + Soul's Attendant or Soul Warden = Free fairies!
  5. Glacial Chasm + Bounce Lands = Resetting the Glacial Chasm cumulative upkeep.
  6. Pristine Talisman + Oloro = Tap pristine for 1 mana, Oloro life gain triggers and you use that mana from pristine to make opponents lose life and draw a card.
  7. Tree of Perdition + Ayli = Tap Tree to swap life totals with opponent. Then sac tree to Ayli to basically gain that life your opponent had.
  8. Swords to plowshares + Serra Avatar = Double your life total.


This deck still has some improvements that are needed but this deck can still win games! I am currently trying to bling out the deck as much as possible. Perhaps slowly acquiring foils of the cheaper cards first and then move up to the more expensive cards. If you have any suggestions, please let me know! I'd love to hear your opinions about this decks and ways to make it better. If there are combos that I didn't mention from this deck, comment down below!


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92% Casual


Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

30 - 0 Rares

30 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.22
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Angel 4/4 W w/ Vigilance, Faerie Rogue 1/1 B, Horse 5/5 W, Spirit 1/1 WB
Folders Other People's Decks
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