Oloro, The Best at Doing Nothing

Commander / EDH* vicledezma


NinjaBunny01 says... #1

Good lifegain cards you could add are: Drogskol Reaver , Venser's Journal , Beacon of Immortality , and Celestial Force . Oloro tends to draw a lot of hate because of the lifegain he grants, so adding in cards like Ghostly Prison , Propaganda , Collective Restraint , and No Mercy make it so that nobody wants to attack you.

April 12, 2014 3:26 p.m.

Doozledorf says... #2

Sphere of Safety might do you some good if you're adding some more enchantments

April 17, 2014 1:55 p.m.

Megalomania says... #3

Exquisite Blood to go with your Sanguine Bond. I have a Mogis deck which is like a RBW version of your Oloro deck. You might want to look at it to get some ideas.

April 21, 2014 6 a.m.

Deanvplayer says... #4

You might get some ideas from my Oloro deck Oloro FTW!!!

April 21, 2014 7:36 a.m.

mowservision says... #5

You might want to up your land count to at least 35-36. 30 sounds a little too low for anything that isn't an Animar creature beatdown.

April 28, 2014 10:48 p.m.

chrisdavis says... #6

I would add Archangel of Thune

April 28, 2014 11:04 p.m.

Find some good flicker or bounce cards, which can be found in the duel decks Venser vs Koth, then you can abuse cards like Sphinx of Uthuun

May 28, 2014 6:14 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #8

You 100% need more land. There's basically no ramp in here, and an average cmc of 4. I would run 35 at least. In fact I would only be happy with 35 with ramp, which isnt even present here.

June 2, 2014 9:30 p.m.

Monti13 says... #9

And, Celestial Mantle is a fantastic life-gain deck card.

Oh and i second everyone else's comment above, more lands and more mana ramp.A great place to start for mana ramp in EDH is: Azorius Signet , Dimir Signet , Orzhov Signet , Gilded Lotus , Talisman of Dominance , Talisman of Progress , Chromatic Lantern , Prismatic Lens , Darksteel Ingot , Coalition Relic .

Or you could just play Infernal Tutor + Lion's Eye Diamond into Doomsday ftw

June 3, 2014 1:03 a.m.

zandl says... #10

Angelic Accord is a card. I use lots of little, repetitive life-gain effects in my Oloro deck, so I'm usually getting at least 1 Angel per turn cycle.

June 7, 2014 3:38 p.m.

elitestgen says... #11

Def needs more land. You also have access to both blue and black draw and black tutors like Rhystic Study , Fact or Fiction , Necropotence , Phyrexian Arena . Exquisite Blood + Sanguine Bond is gg, Sorin Markov and Magister Sphinx are great with Wound Reflection , Tainted Sigil is great with any type of life gain. Serra Ascendant and Rune-Tail, Kitsune Ascendant are both really good in life gain decks. Felidar Sovereign and Test of Endurance are missing.

With tri-color and a general like that are just so many suggestions I can't even begin, lol.

June 9, 2014 1:32 a.m.

vicledezma says... #12

Thanks for your comments, everyone! I'll definitely increase my land count and try to tweak my deck based on your comments (and my budget, of course). I'll appreciate if you can keep your suggestions coming. :)

June 9, 2014 9:30 p.m.

Maybe squeeze a Disenchant in? Leyline of Punishment will ruin your day.

September 30, 2014 11:38 a.m.

Oh, and definitely get Divinity of Pride .

September 30, 2014 11:46 a.m.

jaeger_Konig says... #15

+1 for the commander! i also have an oloro deck and find it to be tons of fun!

First of 33 lands is what i would consider bare minimum for lands, with ramp of some sort, Usually 5 mana rocks/ ramp spells. That way about 1 in 3 cards is a land. Maybe run a Mana Vault to help get stuff out sooner?

your CMC for the deck seems to be extremely high, also i do not see a clear image of where the deck is headed. You seem to be doing what a lot of us tend to do, which is add too many strategies in and not have a real good way of winning.

Lowering the CMC of the deck could be accomplished by asking yourself a few questions. 1 take a look at all your cards and figure out what different types of strategies you have going for you, like controll, lifegain, beat down, draw, Those type of things. If you have more than 3 i would suggest cutting down to 3. This will help the deck be more consistent and not run into mana shortages.

2 when looking through the deck you should ask yourself if the card really should be in the deck, if not think of other cards that could replace it. I personally think you could have a few less enchantments and add in some good early game utility creatures. Also there is almost always a lower cost card that will do what you are wanting, possibly better. Doing a bit of searching can really pay of sometimes.

People before have made excelent suggestions such as to try and get good draw engines from black and blue, personally i love planes walkers which you can see from my deck, Oloro's Oppressive Occupancy .

To be completely honest are you sure Oloro is the best commander for this deck? Zur might also be a good fit seeing as your running a lot of enchantments.

The deck looks like it can use some work, but then again is a deck every truly finished? Good luck on your future endeavors in the MTG and Commander world! Feel free to comment on my deck with any suggestions you might have

December 30, 2014 3:02 a.m.

jaeger_Konig says... #16

Last but not least, for deck building a general guide line you might find helpful is to have your CMC for the deck to basically look like a Pyramid. a few 1 drops,card numbers increasing with the CMC as you hit about 3 or 4 then decreasing. It fun to cast really exspensive card like 8 or 9 drops, but generally how often are you going to really have the mana to play those?

The Reason for this is so you are doing something basically all game and not just sitting there waiting to get 4 mana to play your first spell. You can see this by laying your physical deck out like so on the table or by looking on tapped out. Again its a sort of guideline that i find to be very helpful.

December 30, 2014 3:13 a.m.

alchemist4533 says... #17

Maybe consider Clever Impersonator he can come in as a copy of ANY non-land permanent, including planeswalkers that either you or your opponents control.

Also, a fun idea, after you summon Oloro, Ageless Ascetic, cast Clever Impersonator, copy Oloro, bouncing the original or "real" Oloro back to the command zone, and then reap both 2 life gain rewards.

February 6, 2015 5:35 p.m.

vicledezma says... #18

@jaeger_Konig: Thanks for the all the great tips. It's hard letting go of high CMC cards, but I've trimmed as much as I was initially willing to. Regarding replacing Oloro with Zur, I've heard that he tends to draw a lot of hate due to him being a tutor on a stick, making matches against him follow a certain pattern. I've really enjoyed counting on Oloro's ability as both a buffer against early game aggro and as a way to gain life to afterwards use to fuel other abilities/combos.

@alchemist4533: Clever Impersonator is there now. Haven't drawn him during a game, but he sounds really fun to use. Thanks!

@Everyone: Thanks for all the feedback. Please keep it coming.

February 18, 2015 3:24 p.m.

I know that Test of Endurance has been mentioned already, but if you're interested in wins such as those using Sanguine Bond and Exquisite Blood, you have a few options you could throw in. One that comes to mind is Felidar Sovereign. If you do go this route, then it seems to make sense to throw in a couple combo-protecting pieces: pact of negation and dispel are very good couterspells for protecting combo-centric win conditions thanks to their low CMC (at least at the time of casting) and the fact that most disruption you'll see for combos is instant speed. Additionally, if you're looking towards making a more combo-heavy deck, cards such as Demonic Tutor are incredibly valuable. Being more of a budget player myself, I might point you towards Ring of Three Wishes and Increasing Ambition as ways to get multiple combo pieces off of a single card.

Additionally, if you care to float money into the deck, I'd advise picking up the relevant fetches and shocks, such as Polluted Delta and Watery Grave. These will make you have a really smooth mana curve, since any fetch can then get you any color of mana you need (since they don't have symbols, you can even use the off-color fetches such as Windswept Heath), as well as helping your buddy lands (like Drowned Catacomb enter untapped since the shocks have both basic land types. As an emergency measure, I recommend all EDH decks consider running a Homeward Path, although it's not nearly as important in yours, since it's very hard to steal a commander that never enters the game. It still makes a very nice politics card though. I also would consider Celestial Colonnade, since it's an absolutely amazing manland, and it allows you to maintain a nice blocker in case you're on the receiving end of an overloaded cyc rift.

Lastly a few unrelated card suggestions. Personally, I'm of the opinion that almost any Blue deck should consider Corrupted Conscience, since it's both incredibly powerful and acts as psuedo removal. Plus it might let you score a cheap kill or two. It certainly helps your political situation. Additionally, consider Swords to Plowshares > Condemn because of the new Commander rules. Thanks to the new rules as of a week ago, a commander sent to any zone, including hand, library, graveyard, OR exile, may be sent to the command zone. Also consider Path to Exile, because the two are simply some of the best removal in the game.

Last but not least, always give Polymorphist's Jest and AEtherspouts a look over; throwing one at one of your opponents in combat can entirely change the balance of power at the table in an instant, and can help you pillow fort a whole lot longer.

Good luck :3

March 30, 2015 4:55 p.m.

bayard says... #20

Looks good so far, but your title is about beating women? I would change that.

April 6, 2015 11:29 a.m.

Coinman1863 says... #21

Just one suggestion for life gain is Celestial Mantle and the card says all I need to say about life gain, but yeah cool design. Also adding the cycle lands, Secluded Steppe and Polluted Mire just to name both kinds, it would really help late game when you need that card draw.

April 6, 2015 12:18 p.m.

carpecanum says... #22

Once you get your board state in place you have to worry about board wipes. I have a lot of fun playing Dovescape.

July 15, 2015 10:39 a.m.

AntiShisno says... #23

I'm surprised no one's mentioned Alhammarret's Archive.

July 16, 2015 5:03 p.m.

HonoraryFugu says... #24

Sun Droplet deserves to be in every Oloro deck (More triggers!). So does Honden of Cleansing Fire (The other two blue and black shrines are good too, just if you feel like that bonus. None of them are tutorable with Zur though D:)As others have said, more ramp is a good idea. I'm not a fan of the Talisman's but they're useful.

The new card that just came out in Origins is practically made for Oloro Alhammarret's Archive. Would you like twice as much cards and life? I'll bet my hat you would!

If you want to increase your swamp count, Crypt Ghast is awesome, because of extort and ramp.

There are some other great cards for oloro that I can't remember right now, sorry.

Also, you only have two one-drops. At the very least add in something like Serra Ascendant. Ivory Tower is absolutely amazing in Oloro too. Prism Ring is very nice. Thrull Parasite is very simple, but is a fantastic card in Oloro. He bothers commanders like Marath and is a pain to Planewalkers. Also, extort in Oloro is very good.

Three cards you cannot go without: Thran Turbine is an absolute necessity in Oloro decks, as is Skirge Familiar (Doesn't look like much, does he? HE IS AN ABSOLUTE HOUSE, trust me). Oh and one more Oloro staple: Paradox Haze (MOAR UPKEEP, MOOOAARRR. mwuahahahahahaha.)

I would take out Pestilence (This is just eh), Unspeakable Symbol (You're not a skittles deck. Calm down. In seriousness though, this card isn't that good), Slaughter (Cool tech, but it's not winning you any games. Way too slow), Terminus, find better boardwipes (it's nice, but something like Orzhov Pontiff is better in many situations).

Cheers, hope this helps :D

July 16, 2015 5:51 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #25

What can you do with Thran Turbine?

July 16, 2015 5:55 p.m.

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