Oloro's Enduring Ideal

Commander / EDH* Garretteagle


TruTechilo512 says... #1

Exquisite Blood + Sanguine Bond is a nice combo, but if you're dead-set against it, then take a look at Rhox Faithmender and Boon Reflection . They're really nice in an Oloro deck, especially with Serra Avatar + Wall of Reverence . Quadrupling your life and Avatar's p+t every turn is definitely nice. Take a look at my deck, see if there's anything you like. Oloro EDH

September 18, 2014 5:49 a.m.

Garretteagle says... #2

Sanguine Bond is looking more an more likely. It's fun to play without it, but the combo is just so strong. Part of the reason I'm avoiding it was that it really only worked well when both enchantments were on field. Dropping Sanguine Bond puts a massive bullseye on my head, and often times I'm not really ready to deal with that quite yet.

Boon Reflection seems like a nice idea - I've had several games where my life loss simply outpaces my gain. That would go a long way to help it.

September 18, 2014 4:10 p.m.

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