Om Nom Trample

Commander / EDH Kamerot

SCORE: 1111 | 623 COMMENTS | 145128 VIEWS | IN 376 FOLDERS

Well there is still some great green Eldrazi like World Breaker for instance.

November 20, 2019 7:29 p.m.

Kamerot says... #2

I'm well aware of the good eldrazi that could fit in this deck, but purely for flavor reasons I dont want to run any of them. Kamahl comes Dominaria in a time before eldrazi were introduced, so that's the feel I'm going for. That real old school green mentality.

November 20, 2019 10:40 p.m.

WarSpaniel says... #3

Could you please explain how gaea’s cradle + deserted temple + rings of brighthearth net infinite mana. Thank you

November 26, 2019 11:49 p.m.

Profet93 says... #4


  1. Cradle + 4 creatures + temple.
  2. Tap cradle for 4, then use temple to place an untap trigger targeting cradle on the stack 3 floating.
  3. Hold priority and copy the untap ability of temple with rings targeting cradle 1 floating
  4. Pass priority and allow untap triggers to resolve, untapping cradle and temple with you 1 floating.

You are back to where you started but now you have an extra mana, rinse and repeat until your opponent's cry. Then proceed to take their tears filled with salt to make your steak more flavorful :)

November 26, 2019 11:56 p.m.

Kamerot says... #5

Exactly what Profet93 said. It's a nasty combo.

November 27, 2019 12:08 a.m.

Profet93 says... #6


Want your opinions on the following (sorry if I have previously suggested these, it's been a while since we spoke and I'm a bit inebriated at the moment).

Nissa, Vital Force - Makes cradle a creature (although I suppose you can do that with ur cmdr), recursion, and a super easy to ult that can provides steady card advantage

Return of the Wildspeaker > Garruk Primal Hunter. I just recently made this change for the following reasons.... 1) Garruk's -3 can be responded to with removal so you lose 2 things. Alternatively, you can use this in response to removal. 2) Easier mana requirement (not entirely relevant but hey). Idk if you use the +1 and ult on garruk, but this is worth noting.

Yavimaya Hollow - RL Card, useful, political.

Tooth and Nail - Avenger + Hoof with haste outlet or just Regal force to draw your deck.

Cavern of Souls - Because blue

Thespian's Stage - There is a lot of land matters in my meta so I use this to copy their coffers with their urborg out. The primary copy target in your deck is deserted temple. I know a lot of nonbasics are bad because of 1 drops but worth considering.

November 27, 2019 12:22 a.m.

Profet93 says... #7

November 27, 2019 12:24 a.m.

Kamerot says... #8

Thank you again for all the awesome suggestions.

  • Nissa, Vital Force - great card and one I'll definitely be taking a close look at.
  • Return of the Wildspeaker - I've been on the edge with this. It's a fantastic card and being instant speed makes it over the top. I really do utilize Garruk's +1 a lot though, especially if I got a slow start. I'm getting a full art foil though and trade it in to test it.
  • Yavimaya Hollow / Cavern of Souls - the foils are expensive and I've been putting effort into some other decks. But they will both be in the deck at some eventually.
  • Tooth and Nail - I really don't have a valid excuse for not running it. It's hard to explain, but I just dont like it for this deck (vague and lame, I know). Like you said, avenger and hoofy can win with this card, IF I have a haste outlet. I dont know... it will probably make it's way in the deck at some point, as of now. I'm being rebellious and nonconformist towards it.
  • Thespian's Stage - good call. I'll have to play around and make sure it doesn't screw around with my early game too much by having too many non green sources in my land base.
  • Song of the Dryads - good call. I'll pick one up next time I order cards.

Thanks again!

November 27, 2019 1:28 a.m.

kpotrzuski says... #9

thoughts on pathbreaker ibex?

Personally I think it can act as a mini craterhoof, that might not take out the whole table but definitely a player or two.

December 9, 2019 7:01 p.m.

Kamerot says... #10

I actually just took it out in lieu of Ohran Frostfang . I made this switch because kamahl can make the creatures as big as I need, and having deathtouch and an insane amount of card advantage was too good to pass up. As the deck continues to evolve, it may very well find a home again.

December 9, 2019 7:09 p.m.

Profet93 says... #11


Not sure if I recommended this before, looked through previous updates and didn't see anything. Thoughts on Rude Awakening ?

  1. Acts as a ritual to add mana, can be useful in the rite situation
  2. With Rishkar's Expertise , you can cast this for free after drawing a bunch of cards, usually into Eternal Witness to float even more mana.
  3. Gaea's Cradle + Entwined = Loads of loads of mana.
  4. Synergy with Shamanic Revelation which you should add

Add Shamanic Revelation ....

  1. With nothing but lands, your cmndr and this, you can draw a bunch of cards
  2. You already are going wide so this seems like there is lots of benefit
  3. Minimal (or potentially lots of) which lifegain can be nice in aggro match ups
December 15, 2019 6:47 p.m.

Kamerot says... #12

I like both cards, but like with Return of the Wildspeaker , I'm stuck on what to take out. I haven't been able to play in a couple weeks, so playtesting is slow going. But I swear I'm working on testing your suggestions.

December 15, 2019 6:59 p.m.

Kamerot says... #13

I'm honestly considering dropping Greater Good , I rarely cast it, and when I do, It hasn't been useful.

December 15, 2019 7:02 p.m.

Profet93 says... #14


Let me first start off by saying thank you for your response. I comment on people's deck and sometimes they completely ignore my comment and respond to someone else (just happened right now on another deck). So thank you for not being like that, and taking the time to consider my suggestions regardless if they are incorporated on your online deck :)

Idk what your meta is like and what you have the most difficulty with. Regarding Greater Good you have 10 creatures + commander than net you positive card advantage so I can understand why. GG works best in stompier green deck, Shamanic Revelation works best in decks that go wide like yours.

Potential Cuts...

Moment's Peace - Fog is cool, flashback is nice. The question is how relevant is it for your meta. Seems weak IMO.

Asceticism - A bit of a hard choice to cut, but since your deck goes wide, board wipes are your biggest issue. Asceticism doesn't stop damnation or wrath effects. Replacing it with Revelation will allow you to maintain gas so that even if you are wiped, you can continue.

Staff of Domination - Seems winmore? It helps you if you are ahead, gets shut off by collector ouphe, and doesn't do much alone.

December 15, 2019 7:31 p.m.

Kamerot says... #15

You're very welcome for always responding, you always have great suggestions, whether I end up using them or not. I always appreciate constructive criticismMy meta is definitely creature/combat heavy with some control decks and very little in the way of true combo. With that said:

  • Moment's Peace - I agree with cutting this, i used to run a lot more fogs with isochron scepter years ago to have psuedo turbo fog, now with Spore Frog and Spike Weaver , I can finally cut the last fog spell.
  • Asceticism - this card helps tremendously whenever I get it on the field, so for now I'm keeping it. My deck probably sees the most targeted removal thrown at it and for good reason.
  • Staff of Domination - definitely winmore, but it allows me to win the turn I'm able to go infinite because of its draw ability. I know it works against the ouphe, but I've used it as a deterrent to keep someone from killing the ouphe, because I'll go infinite and win my next turn. Between my 2 artifacts that give me infinite mana, I'd be more apt to drop Rings of Brighthearth because I need more for the combo. Staff can go infinite with 3 mana dorks and 2 lands if I turn them into creatures.

I'm definitely gonna drop Greater Good for Shamanic Revelation though. It's a decision I've been leaning towards for some time. Thanks again for your help. I always appreciate it.

December 15, 2019 10:46 p.m.

Profet93 says... #16

I'm surprised that board wipes aren't more common, and fair point, blowing up lands can get people mad.

Other potential cuts...

Questing Beast - No inherent synergy with your deck, I'm not sure what he's there for, to kill the Atraxa super friends deck? Are a lot of Planeswalkers in your meta.

Rampaging Baloths - Makes tokens which are nice, but again, don't contribute to your gameplan or provide synergy. Best synergy with Baloths in the deck would be greater good (net 1 card per token), but that's being taken out. It benefits, regal force but that's just one card

Regarding Rings vs Staff....

I haven't played with Staff to know how good it is, especially in this deck. But I do have a lot of experience with rings, currently, rings synergizes with....

  1. Deserted Temple
  2. Fabled Passage
  3. Cradle
  4. Misty Rainforest
  5. Verdant Catacombs
  6. Wooded Foothills
  7. Windswept Heath
  8. Garruk Primal Speak
  9. Karn Liberated
  10. Nissa
  11. Patron of Orochi
  12. Commander

That being said, you're absolutely right regarding the political angle, as I have done something eerily similar myself. Also, how do you go infinite exactly in that scenario you described?

December 15, 2019 11:34 p.m.

Kamerot says... #17

Turn cradle or nykthos into a creature and as long as.they generate enough mana. I can use the abilities on staff to untap the creature/land then untap staff and go infinite.

I agree I can probably cut baloths at this point for a more powerful card, it's been tough because he is one of the original creatures I put in the deck. Damn nostalgia.

As for questing beast. Walkers, fogs and other damage prevention is prevalent in my playgroup, so that has to stay. In the short time I've had him, the inability to prevent damage has won me several games.

And you're absolutely right about the synergy with rings, I completely spaced on it copying fetchland and planeswalker abilities.

December 16, 2019 12:07 a.m.

Profet93 says... #18

That makes sense, I thought it was something of that effect. I completely understand where you're coming from. Cutting pet cards is hard, even if they do make the deck better. I recently had to cut Head Games for Mind Twist in mono black and that has won me games outright.

I'm surprised the beast is pulling its weight, but if the meta is as you describe, then it seems like the perfect fit. I'm glad it's been working out for you.

Rings is just so fun and easy to abuse, I love it! Out of curiosity, how often do you win through infinite as opposed to combat damage (I know you go infinite into combat damage, but yeah). If your primary wincon is combo, staff seems perfect. If its just a nice utility card like rings, then that's some food for thought. Also curious what commanders are prevalent in your meta, gives me a better understanding of how to overcome them given Mono Green constraints.

A fringe suggestion, should you need desire it, could be Blast Zone (at least until you get the foil cavern and hollow). Can be very useful depending on the meta

December 16, 2019 1:27 a.m.

Kamerot says... #19

Hard to say for sure. But the infinite combos probably happen roughly 15%, maybe a little less. Not being able to tutor for the artifacts makes it lower than I'd like. I did pull a win out of nowhere last time I played because of it.

Blast Zone is fun and could provide some decent redundancy for Nevinyrral's Disk .

I missed your statement earlier about boardwipes. They are very common, but the recursion I run helps me recover quickly most games. Creeping Renaissance is one of my favorite cards for this. Also with kamahl, I either dont need many creatures to kill someone, and theres always the threat of losing all of your lands when you board wipe, lol.

As for prominent commanders:

  • Atraxa
  • Arcanis, the omnipotent
  • Chulane (all creature)
  • Purphoros
  • Prossh
  • Kumena
  • Meren
  • Bruna
  • Karador (all creature)
  • Experiment kraj
  • Ghave
  • Mogis
  • Zedruu
  • Commander eesha
  • Angry omnath
  • Kresh
  • Saheeli
  • B.f.m. (we let him because we all love the card)
  • Kenris, returned king
  • linvala, keeper of Silence
  • yuriko
  • edgar markov
Those are the most played ones among all my friends. We have a lot more decks. But most are played only occasionally

December 16, 2019 2:38 a.m.

Profet93 says... #20

Oh yeah, that actually sounds amazing. Nvm, asceticism needs to stay. Blast Zone can definitely pull some weight, it's always been an annoyance to deal with personally. Just make sure the forest count doesn't get too low due to your dorks.

It doesn't look like there are too many artifact focused decks, but perhaps a Manglehorn can tangle their artifact plans.

How have you been dealing with Prossh, Meren, and Linvala? Prosh will outrace you, even in mono green (at least the builds in my meta). Meren has crazy ridiculous value. And while Linvala is Mono white and weak by nature, it's a very strong silver bullet to your deck. Aside from Nev Disk, beast within and Song of drayds, there aren't many answers to her.

Assuming you had unlimited funds or proxies were allowed, thoughts on Living Plane ? Is it unecessary given your commander, or would this be good fuel for cradle? In my Captain Sisay deck prior to Paradox engine banning, one wincon was Living Plane + Cradle + Umbral Mantle = Infinite P/T land creatures that swing in (although no trample). Its an interesting card because the lands can't be used for mana the turn they come in. With all your dorks and artifact hate, I feel it could be interesting to say the least.

December 16, 2019 3:06 a.m.

Kamerot says... #21

Prossh is not cEDH tuned, and is beatable as long as I have an answer for food chain. The only real problem in meren is Gray Merchant of Asphodel , if he starts chaining that out a bunch it becomes a rough game. Otherwise I outpace it and usually come out ahead. Linvala is always the problem. The entire deck is designed to be anti kamahl. All I can do is time my removal and hope I get some help taking him out.

Living plane is a great card and I've thought about getting a copy for other decks(paired with Goblin Sharpshooter is hilarious), the big reason I don't run it in kamahl is because if someone board wipes and I dont have krosan Grip in my hand to destroy it in response, Then I'm hosed.

December 16, 2019 3:44 a.m.

Profet93 says... #22

All good points. If you're looking for more removal, Kenrith's Transformation could be a good card to swap into for that particular match up. It's only fair given he made his deck specifically to beat yours. You already run song of the dryad's to mess with any permanents (commander included), this can function as redundancy while acting as a cantrip.

Of course the issue is always what to cut, but I thought it was worth noting should you have continued trouble. I know you said you haven't played in a while and I've commented enough for one day. Please update me next time you get a chance to play with your thoughts on all the suggestions and how your games goes :)

December 16, 2019 4:05 a.m.

Profet93 says... #23


I'm back with some more ideas!

Castle Garenbrig - Ramp, cut a forest

Mouth of Ronom + Snow covered forests - Removal that gets rid of most commanders, specifically Linvala.

Mirrorpool - Not entirely sold on it, but there is DEFINITELY potential. Copy an E-wit, tooth and nail (when you choose to run it down the road), avenger, woodfall, regal, regrowth, finale, selvala's stampeede, shamanic as well as many others.

Ancient Tomb - Ramp

Strip Mine - Just in case?

December 22, 2019 2:18 a.m.

Kamerot says... #24

As always, Thank you for the input.

  • Castle Garenbrig / Mirrorpool - both of these have been on my radar and I just haven't had a chance to test either one.
  • Mouth of Ronom - I've never been sold on this card. When it comes down to it, I dont have a reason for not liking it; I just don't. Since I've added in Kenrith's Transformation and Song of the Dryads per your suggestion, I'm gonna see how those play out before adding further removal.
  • Ancient Tomb - I hesitate to add this for the same reason I don't add sol ring to the deck. Early game, both are fantastic and put you way ahead of the curve. After that though, I feel green mana becomes way more important to the deck due to needing it to make lands into creatures and the 3 green mana requirement per overrun activation. I also have a preference to my non green generating lands to be utility lands of some sort. If I ever get a copy though. I'll play around with it in the deck and see how it plays out.
  • Strip Mine - this and Wasteland will more than likely make it into the deck at some point, but I'm waiting until I can get my hands on the expedition foils for both. Lol

December 22, 2019 2:54 a.m.

Titus78 says... #25

Kamerot how does Rings of Brighthearth go infinite in this deck?

December 27, 2019 4:53 p.m.

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