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[[Primer v3.7]] - OM_RATH!!! (2024 Update!!!)

Commander / EDH Burn Competitive Primer Ramp RG (Gruul)



Sorcery (1)

Currently the #1 Omnath, Locus of Rage deck on TappedOut!

Currently the #3 overall EDH deck on TappedOut!

My first EDH deck was Omnath, Locus of Mana and the moment I saw Omnath, Locus of Rage I totally freaked out!!! I love how many synergy options there are out there.... However this is also a problem... THERE ARE TOO MANY CHOICES!!!


I organized this Primer into my own custom categories as they fit in with the deck-list. There will be certain cards that appear in multiple categories.

Ramp - Ramp spells are those that increase mana acceleration and production.

Landfall - Any cards that focus on lands hitting the battlefield. This is different than the ‘Ramp’ category because these spells do not search for lands.

Tokens - Cards in this category focus on one thing, making tokens!!! If this is producing tokens or doubling the production of tokens, it is all fair game.

Removal/Burn - Most removal is coming from Omnath, Locus of Rage himself, burning anything you desire to the ground. The major downside is when you face Indestructible but you are not playing anyway.

Bombs/Finishers - All cards in this category are a force to be reckoned with. Most of the times it means “you win”, unless dealt with quickly.

Card Draw - You will find yourself with an empty hand pretty fast if you don’t start drawing cards! With all of the extra lands you are playing each turn, you need ways to drew even more lands!

Sack Outlets - These types are cards are mainly necessary to sacrifice Elementals while Omnath, Locus of Rage is in play in order to deal Lightning Bolts.

Tutors - Tutors are cards that allow you to search/filter your deck for other cards.

Protection - Seeing that Omnath, Locus of Rage is the center piece of your deck, it is important to protect him!

Now, I am not your typical Gruul player! In fact, I don’t think I have ever owned a deck in my life. However, I am a MAJOR fan of our friend OM_RATH, or as I like to call him, Mr, Kool-Aid! OHHHHH YAAA! He is sick and tired of the Eldrazi messing with his home plane, and is smashing through walls and taken names! Just in case you don’t understand, let me explain how this bad-boy works. You play Omnath, Locus or Rage, and then follow-up by making an army of elemental tokens. If you get board-wiped, your opponents will suffer. If you don’t, then you overwhelm everyone with your army of ticking time bombs!

  • You like overwhelming Synergies

  • You like blowing up everything on the board!

  • You like when your opponents get pissed when you cast Om_rath for the 8th time!

  • You like swinging for 100 damage, which if blocked, does 100 more damage!

  • You like going from 0 (MPH) to 100 in one turn!

  • You just love smashing through walls!

  • You think keeping your friends is important.

  • You don’t like playing a deck that focuses on the Commander.

  • You don’t like shuffling your deck every turn.

  • You are kind of a clam/boring person.

Card Choice

Prismatic Vista, Bloodstained Mire, Evolving Wilds, Windswept Heath, Verdant Catacombs, Scalding Tarn, Arid Mesa, Misty Rainforest and Wooded Foothills - These lands are renowned for their ability to mana-fix, however they shine when alongside Omnath, Locus of Rage. As an added bonus, they synergize with Titania, Protector of Argothfoil as well!

Azusa, Lost but Seeking - What is better than getting a 5/5 when you play a land? Getting three 5/5s when you play 3 lands each turn!

Crucible of Worlds and Ramunap Excavator - With this in play it means I ALWAYS hit my land drops! All of the sack/fetch lands in here account for that. It also works particularly well with Titania, Protector of Argothfoil.

Exploration - Playing an extra land each turn. Ya, sound good!

Life from the Loam - I have already won a couple of games thanks to this card. When I am in a bind and all I need is a land, this gives me THREE! On top of that I can do it over and over and over again by simply milling 3! (Which could even be an upside if I have Crucible of Worlds in play!)

Myriad Landscape - One of my favorite lands in this deck. Three land fall triggers for the price of one, sign me up!

Oracle of Mul Daya - Digs for land AND plays extra lands each turns! Um… YES!

Mina and Denn, Wildborn - Extra lands and the ability to bounce them for more landfall!

Perilous Forays - The best combo card in this deck. Alongside Amulet of Vigor OR Lotus Cobra this allows you to find all the “basic land types” in your deck and deals 3 damage for each of them! That maxes out around 75 damage (25 X 3) in my deck.

Cultivate, Kodama's Reach, and Nissa's Pilgrimage - I don’t think these cards need very much explanations, but here it goes anyway. for 2 land is already great, but having one of those come into play is just fantastic!

Migration Path and Ranger's Path- Paying to get two tapped land and two 5/5s... omfg I LOVE Omnath, Locus of Rage!

Harrow - Another great ramp card that also works well with Titania, Protector of Argothfoil in play.

Lotus Cobra - I have always liked this card, particularly with fetchlands. However, this guy really shine with all of my landfall. It can potentially be a combo piece as well.

Oracle of Mul Daya - Another card that goes from great to amazing with Omnath, Locus of Rage. It digs for lands and also allows you to drop and extra one each turn. It is a great feeling to flip over two lands in a row!

Perilous Forays - This enchantment in an All-Star!!! Sack a token, get a land in play (which makes another token!). Rinse and repeat! The fun keep on going with Lotus Cobra OR Amulet of Vigor in play!

Nature's Lore and Farseek - Turn two ramp that also has value late game, SO SWEET!

Sakura-Tribe Elder - A solid instant speed ramp ability on a stick!

Skyshroud Claim - Search for two forests (FORESTS!!! This includes Cinder Glade and Stomping Groundfoil). The fact that they come into play untapped is also a huge plus!

Sol Ring and Mana Crypt- Um... Auto Include?

Shaman of Forgotten Ways – Helps get Om_rath out fast, and also ends the game!

Crop Rotation - Sacking a basic land is a easy price to pay to pull out one of your non-basics.

Doubling Season and Parallel Lives - I make very few counters, so these cards are used to make as many tokens as possible.

Titania, Protector of Argothfoil - Om_rath's best friend! There are 10 lands that sack themselves in my deck, plus a number of other cards that do so. Crucible of Worlds works particularly well.

Blasphemous Act - There is very few situations where this card is a bad top deck! It can help you when you are behind, or just finish the game by blowing up all your Elementals!

Warstorm Surge, Terror of the Peaks and Where Ancients Tread - Holy cow yes! If these stay on the field long enough, the game is over. Worst case, it is solid removal.

Force of Vigor - The best Force in the cycle is also likely the best removal spell in green now!

Fiery Emancipation - If this resolves the game should be over. 9 damage for every elemental sacked is nuts, plus each elemental tacking also does 15 damages, forcing blocks or just killing people!

World Shaper and Scapeshift - Functions as both ramp and game finisher! Gotta love it!

Genesis Wave - Once this resolves all hell breaks loose! The only down side is that I am running 19 Instants/Sorceries.

Purphoros, God of the Forge - You take 2, you take 2, YOU ALL take 2! This guy is a GOD on the field! Being immune to most removal is also a fantastic plus side.

Sylvan Awakening - In the right moment, this just kills someone, but will a little help, it ends the game!

Craterhoof Behemoth - Likely my favorite way to win in any token deck. The best part is that if your opponents see you cast it once, it will affect every future game you play against them! Respect the Craterhoof!

Avenger of Zendikar - A massive army of plants that keep getting bigger is pretty nuts! If not dealt with quick, you just win, but also a great defense. Works VERY well with the the other wincons on this list!!!

Elemental Bond - “Play a land, draw a card”… How nuts is that?!

Garruk's Uprising - Bond's effect, but also replaces itself and gives trample!

Greater Good - I have won games with just sacking all of my elementals in response to a board-wipe. The card advantage is truly overwhelming! Being an instant speed sack outlet that draws cards is pretty fantastic.

Rishkar's Expertise - This will draw you 5 almost all the time, which is pretty great. Add the free 5cmc spell and we have one amazing spell!

Return of the Wildspeaker - Not as good as Expertise, but has the added utility of being able to use it to close out some games.

Shamanic Revelation - 5cmc to draw 5+ cards and gain 10+ life… sounds pretty freaken fantastic!

Tireless Tracker - A draw engine that doubles as a beat stick... seems good... Plus the Clue tokens double with my other token doublers seems like a sweet perk!

Wheel of Fortune - I like the sound of filling my hand back up while disrupting my opponents!

Ashnod's Altar - This artifact allows me to lightning bolt whatever I want, whenever I want! Plus I get a free each time I do it! Sound like a good deal to me! It also is fantastic with Genesis Wave!

Goblin Bombardment - Throughout all my playing experience I have noticed that you can never have enough sack-outlets. This one in particular is just bananas! Now each elemental dude does 4 damage! Plus, i can't count how many times someone has spot removed Omnath, Locus of Rage only to follow with a board wipe! This will just punish them for that even more! MUAHAHA!!!

Greater Good - The best sack-outlet that green has to offer. This card simply takes over the game! Netting 2 of the top 5 cards for every elemental you sack is overwhelming!

Perilous Forays - Amazing on its own, but broken with ether Amulet of Vigor or Lotus Cobra!

Natural Order - This is a very reliable tutor, particularly in this deck.

Chord of Calling - Instant speed tutoring a creature into play! The best part is that you can completely catch your opponent off-guard when you are tapped out by casting it for ‘Convoke’!

Green Sun's Zenith - Classic creature tutor. Important to note that it is also a Ramp spell when you pay for Dryad Arbor

Finale of Devastation - Ramps with Dryad Arbor and also grabs an extra from the grave!

Cavern of Souls - I needed some help against those pesky players! This is more of a meta change, and can be done without.

Yavimaya Hollow - I really like the sound of a land that doubles as a protection spell for Omnath, Locus of Rage. Seems to fit pretty perfect!

Steely Resolve - Although it will only help to protect against spot removal, but if someone wants to board-wipe my army, then they will die for it!

Sylvan Safekeeper - Great protection that can also be searched for using a creature tutor.

Amulet of Vigor - Most of my land ramp comes in tapped, this fixes that!

Eternal Witness - There are way to many situations where this card is good to leave it out. Just ask any green player!

Sylvan Library - A must card advantage for any green deck.

Command Beacon - This card is an answer to may prayers! No more Om_rath for 21!!!

Cinder Glade, Taiga, and Stomping Groundfoil - Because !

Forest and Mountain - Most land tutors look for Basic Lands, so the more the better!

Gaea's Cradle - THAT A LOT OF MANA!

Reliquary Tower - Because Greater Good and friends! It feels good to draw a hand full of cards and get to keep them all!

Strip Mine - Gets rid of those pesky combo-lands!

The Strategy

One of the best things about this deck is how simple it is! You have three basic stages.

  • Early Game - Ramp, Play Commander, Draw engine
  • Mid Game - Play Lands, Make Tokens, Burn Threats
  • Late Game - Set up win-condition (burn or overrun) Each of these Stages are discussed more below.


  • Ramp

  • Play Commander

  • Draw engine

Have you ever played a 7 drop on turn 4? Well, you better get used to it! Your main goal is to play Omnath, Locus of Rage as soon as possible. It is also a good idea to have some way to protect him available.

It is also a large priority to set up a draw engine like Elemental Bond or Greater Good. If these engines are set up early you will be near impossible to take down.


  • Play Lands/Make Tokens

  • Burn Threats

It does not get similar then playing lands! With one of the token doublers in play (Doubling Season) you start to become difficult to deal with. Even if you get hit with a board-wipe there is going to be a ton of damage dealt! This is also a good time to pick-off threats with your exploding elemental tokens! Sack-outlets make this easy. Otherwise good politics work out pretty well!


  • Set up win condition (Burn or Overrun)

If your opponents have survived this long it would likely be because Omnath, Locus of Rage has been removed 5-6 times, But who cares?! You have 25+ land in play! So from here you have two main choices, burn your opponents to the ground with cards like Warstorm Surge, or overwhelm everyone with cards like Craterhoof Behemoth.

Mulligans should not happen too often with this deck. All you really need is a few land and some ramp, which makes up 80% of the deck. However, with the off chance you get no land, you are just very unlucky, and better mulligan!

Deck Building

6 August 2018

Memorial will be missed, but this deck has been leaning heavy into the burn side of things for a while. Both cards close out games, but we slots for finishers are limited in any good deck list.

Traverse is another spicy card, but adding in more Surge to the deck is just nuts.

Reclaimer was just to slow. I'll keep my copy handy though, in case I add more utility lands.

Easiest upgrade in ever.

The times this deck would lose is because my hand was empty. This will help fix that, while al

I really like Tempt... but the deck needs for draw! Return is likely the weakest draw in the deck, but it helps that is can also be used to kill someone.

The main pull here is being able to tutor the effect. It also help that this deck runs several sack-outlets.

More fetch is always good.

I made this change a few months back, but now its official (Finally got my hands on an EXPO Tomb!)

26 June 2019

We had a dry-spill of new cards for nearly two years, and then we were flooded! Out of the nine changes below 5 are from new cards and 4 are older cards that I have decided to add based on play-testing and feedback. The exciting part is that we still have Commander 2019 to look forward too soon! Also it is worth noting that I would still like to add Wrenn and Six but the deck-list is getting really tight...

I changed this a few months ago, but forgot to add it to an update.

The best Force in the cycle is also likely the best removal spell in green now! Cutting a 5cmc ramp spell made the most since.

Although Scrying is likely not gone for long (it keeps finding its way back), Reclaimer is a powerhouse of repeatable Crop Rotation!

I really like Boundless Realms, but spots in the deck are really getting tight, and a 7cmc spell just cannot stay in the deck without it just wining the game everytime.

I admit it, I should not of removed Crop Rotation but making changes is part of building a deck. Lesson learned. I'm not sure cutting Burgeoning is the right call, but more often then not I don't like drawing it...

Based on a suggestion from Beebles and _Arra_, I am adding another creature tutor that also doubles as a ramp spell with Dryad Arbor. Awakening wasn't really doing much on its own in the deck.

Seeing how I added another creature tutor, I figured it wouldn't hurt to add creature protection. Again, Greaves might not be the best card to remove, so let me know what you think.

As stated earlier, adding the Arbor to make our creature tutors also ramp spells.

Without Burgeoning that means Ghost Town is useless. Field seems really sweet and it protects itself.

Who doesn't want another fetchland?!

6 August 2018


I've realized it is a bit silly not to be running Evolving Wilds.. plus there are not a lot of Blue decks in my meta.. thank goodness!!!

Nissa was a cool idea, but does not really do all that much. Mina and Denn however can just win games! (These twins have been highly suggested for me to give a second chance).

Expertise is easily the best EDH card to be printed last year. So much value!

This is one wincon for a potentially better one if you ask me!

Card advantage for ramp. I am not sure if this is the greatest choice, but has been recommended as well.

11 August 2017

Commander 2017 Update (and Others!)

The Turf has been highly recommended by several supporters! Thicket has been underwhelming...

Although we only got one card from Commander 2017, this is quite a powerful one! After much debate and evaluation, it seem like there is much to gain from this card, despite it not being as great prior to the casting of Om_rath. (The change will update as soon as the card is uploaded).

Crop is a cool card in theory, but taking a step back and looking at without Elemental Bond. Resolve on the other hand is much needed protection. Although it will only help to protect against spot removal, but if someone wants to boardwipe my army, then they will die for it!

Lower CMC for almost the same thing. The big creature is not often relevant.

Pretty clean trade off. Although it is less ramp, Sylvan is much better past the very early game.

22 July 2017


After the last major update, there was an obvious loss in power with the inclusion of all the removal and the omission of the high CMC cards. The bottom line is that this deck does not care so much about high mana cost because of all the ramp, so the who cares about the AVG CMC of the deck!

After testing Blood Moon in this deck, it does more harm then good. Avenger just wins games.

Although Beast Within is a great removal spell, it was a real letdown in this deck. I drew that card a dozen times, but never cast it. The Hydra on the other hand is a card that I am always happy to cast to get a Utility land.

The Grip is on the same boat as Within. Mana Crypt is finally going in because I got my hands on a Judge Promo.

Lair was really really bad. After thinking long and hard about Hour of Promise, I realized that it really is a staple for every green deck, even with the EXTREME flavor fail ( card, with a God, that makes zombies... hurts my soul...)

Although Nissa's Ult is great, it was to slow. Ramunap is a godsend for this deck!

Just some extra ways to protect my wincons.

2 June 2017

This was a by far the biggest change the deck has made since its creation two years ago! Some of these updates are well overdue, but most are primarily to lower the average converted mana cost while also making the deck more flexible.

Because there are so many changes (11 in all) I am just going to briefly explain why I added/removed each card.


  • World Breaker - High CMC and only activates on cast, so does not work with my creature tutors. It is nice that it can come back, but I found myself rarely getting use out of that.
  • Stalking Vengeance – Another on the high CMC shopping block. Also, is kind of a dead card without a sack-outlet.
  • Avenger of Zendikar – High CMC. Fun card, but often situational. I love that card, but it is casual most of the time.
  • Greenwarden of Murasa – High CMC. After play testing it for a while, I found that it was a dead draw more often than not.
  • Verdant Confluence – High CMC. Flexible card, but often had a minimal impact on the game.
  • Mina and Denn, Wildborn – Thought it was worth a try, but didn’t really do much.
  • Ulvenwald Hydra – Strange enough, it was the hardest of these cards to cut. It might come back if one of the new ones don’t work out.
  • Evolutionary Leap – With all the creatures removed, this round the chopping block.
  • Wastes – Auto-cut with the departure of World Breaker.
  • Thawing Glaciers - As many have stated, this card is more annoying than useful... it just took me a bit longer to figure it out.
  • Raging Ravine – I can’t think of a single time that turning this into a creature was relevant.


  • Cream of the Crop – This card was highly recommended by feyn_do_alduin and others, and seems to be worth a fair try! Being able to pick one of your top 5 cards to draw next seems solid.
  • Blood Moon – Solid control card that hurts everyone else MUCH more then it hurts us. And no, I don’t think it is a good enough reason to include Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle.
  • Beast Within – I have been avoiding removable for a while, but my meta has taken a turn away from creature focused decks.
  • Song of the Dryads – More removal, that also knocks out commanders…
  • Krosan Gripfoil – More on the Removal train!
  • Kavu Lair – Another copy of Elemental Bond seems good to me!
  • Shaman of Forgotten Ways – Helps get Om_rath out fast, and also ends the game!
  • Nissa, Vital Force – Another card that seems good enough to try out. I am normally not a big fan of Planeswalkers in EDH, but to me she reads “If Nissa surives a turn behind your token army, you draw for days!” Also, nice that she doubles as recursion.
  • Mountain - Mountain…
  • Sheltered Thicket - Can be used to draw, as well as fetchable!
  • Nature's Lore – Ya, ya, I know! Long overdue!

25 July 2016


This seems like a pretty clean upgrade in the 3CMC spot! I have been play-testing the Tracker for a while now and it really does do amazing work!

This seems like a very clean upgrade to me. I want all my land in the grave going back into play, not in my hand, and Splendid Reclamation does that perfectly. The game should pretty much be over after that any.

It was a bit overkill to have two Wastes in the deck for World Breaker. One plus all the colorless land/ Sol Ring is quite enough. The Mountain is anouther fetch-land target.

16 April 2016


These changes were likely the hardest ones yet! It took me a couple weeks longer then normal to really know exactly what I wanted to do. Even then.. I am not sure lol

This was my only easy change. I gave Storm Cauldron a far shot because a ton of people suggested it, but in the end it pissed me off more often then not. I think it is just not my play style, but if you want to rock it, more power to you! On the other hand, Praetor's Counsel is exactly what this deck needs! I find myself with a GY full of goodies ALL THE TIME!!! No one really thinks the player is going to abuse there yard to much, so it is typically safe. Dropping this bad boy is a game finisher 99% of the time!

This was a tough one... although I like the Sword, it is not very exciting. Our new Hydra friend on the other hand is very exciting! Give you any land, fantastic! Has reach for those pesky flying commanders, sweetness! Has a MASSIVE body (for possible synergy with Warstorm Surge) phenomenal! It is just a bad Primeval Titan, but a bad Prime-Time is still a very good card!

If you want to know why other card form SoI where not included, refer to the Omissions section of the Primer.

20 February 2016

I noticed that I would almost never really need hate to win games. The only exeption was if I was playing against more then 4 people, where I would need to attack first THEN blow up my creatures.. but that really never happen. ALSO, I have found myself thinking, "I wish I could get (insert card name) back from the graveyard" several times... So now I am going to find that answer!

The Behemoth is just to pricey for me to ever really want to cast it in a fast pace game (which are most of my games). It is not that it is a bad card AT ALL, I just needed to make some room for more Regrowth.

The idea behind Animist's Awakening is pretty cool, but it ended up just being horrible most of the time. Replacing it with Natural Order was by far the easiest in this Primer change.

9 January 2016


Storm Cauldron Seem like a game changer! I think I am going to either hate the card or love it. I never was to excited to play Shared Animosity.

I think World Breaker was build for this deck. With all the extra lands we play, plus sack outlets, it is just a perfect fit. The Reach also makes it much easier to remove Atarka's Command.

These might just be my favorite set of twin ;)! Not drawing enough cards?? Who cares! Just bounce two lands back to your hand and get more tokens! Spellbreaker Behemoth was pretty unexciting, and belongs in the sideboard anyway.

I wanted to add some Colorless Basic Lands for World Breaker

12 November 2015

This card is an answer to may prayers! No more Omnath for 21! I took Descent out because it was a dead draw MUCH more often then not...

Getting a permanent back from the grave and/or getting land 3x is pretty amazing!!! I don't think I will pick the counters, unless maybe Fertilid is in play. I removed Tempt with Vengeance because every single time i cast it all my opponents picked 0... It is one thing to get a land, but everyone know that these little elemental dudes are going to blow-up in there face, literally!

Throughout all my playing experience I have noticed that you can never have enough sack-outlets. This one in particular is just bananas! Now each elemental dude does 4 damage! Plus, i can't count how many times someone has spot removed Omnath, Locus of Rage only to follow with a board wipe! This will just punish them for that even more! MUAHAHA!!! The Vigor comes out because I was sick of the group hug... Omnath does not group hug!

29 October 2015

CoconutsMigrate and play testing helped me realize that I don't really need to many duel-lands in this deck to get the colors I need. These spots are better filled by fetchlands. I had the Zendikar fetchs in some of my other decks, so I moved them into this one!

I don't know why it took me so long to realize that Primal Beyond was coming in tapped almost every time...

Same as above.

Same as above

I am sick of the blue player in my play group countering Omnath, Locus of Rage! This fixes just that!

I needed more reliable early game ramp. Budoka Gardener   has not been doing very much.

Same story as adding Rampant Growth. I think adding more early game stuff will make this deck much more competitive. Plus there is still value late game!


I added Spellbreaker Behemoth for the same reason I added Cavern of Souls, those dange counterspells!

I have been wanting to playtest Shared Animosity for a while now! I am excited to see how it plays out!!! I took out Skullclamp because it has not been preforming, but I think I'll try it out again later.

I think this is a pretty self explanatory change. I think this is overall a good trade-off.

21 October 2015

I think the deck needed a consistent board wipe. Blasphemous Act helps when you are behind, but can also blow up your own elementals to finish a game.

Hit your land drop every turn guaranteed! Works particularly well with Burgeoning in play!

The Roil just wasn't doing enough. However, this artifact allows me to lightning bolt whatever I want, whenever I want! Plus I get a free each time I do it! Sound like a good deal to me! It allow is fantastic with Genesis Wave!

14 October 2015

This was a simple upgrade.

This was another easy choice to make. Dormant Volcano was doing me more bad then good most the time. Thawing Glaciers is an amazing addition to the deck!

I forked over the cash.

I am not sure if this was the right choice or not. I just wanted more protection for Omnath, Locus of Rage, but I still think Kessig Wolf Run is a great card.

Finally got my hands on our "Manland"!

These are cards that I am currenly on the fence about adding. They are not in for either a lack of motivation, or a hard time cutting a card.

IDK.... i think the deck is really solid!.. What do you think?!

Chaos Warp, Beast Within, Decimate, and other removal. - These guys are out because I have yet to really need to get rid of something that Omnath himself can't handle! Even with a ton of hate, I just have to blow up whoever has the threat before they have a chance to use it. However, my opinion might change in time.

Rampaging Baloths - This card was just not doing enough. I never need beast, I need elementals, which Omnath, Locus of Rage does a really good job of making anyway.

Triumph of the Hordes - One word, INFECT!

Courser of Kruphix - It's not that this guy is bad, it simply does not do enough.

Omnath, Locus of Mana - He (it) has turned a new leaf, and really has no synergy with his former self. The only reason I would need CRAZY amounts of Mana for this deck is for one of my two X abilities (Genesis Wave), but is really isn't necessary.

Traverse the Ulvenwald - It is an okay card early game, and misses to much late game in this deck. Land and sorcery will ALWAYS be there for Delirium but two more out of creature, enchantment, or artifact is not always possible, at least not consistently enough for my taste.

Second Harvest - Although it is good in theory, I am reluctant to try it tell I hear consistent positive feedback. It just seems to iffy, but could potentially be broken...

Om_Rath!!! (On a Budget)

Commander / EDH* VexenX


I hope everyone enjoyed the Primer! Please let me know if there is anything I can improve on! I am pretty new to this!

I would also like to thank Epochalyptik for his coding tutorials! I could not of made this Primer otherwise, it really was a ton of help!

Also, I just added the voting button bellow. I have never done it before, so PLEASE let me know if it works! Thank you! Hope you liked the Primer!

[[Primer]]-God of the Rising FULL Moon! Butts Up!!

Commander / EDH VexenX

SCORE: 636 | 280 COMMENTS | 69908 VIEWS | IN 223 FOLDERS

Who needs a Scion, when Ur-the Dragon?!

Commander / EDH VexenX

SCORE: 239 | 102 COMMENTS | 38596 VIEWS | IN 100 FOLDERS

Pope Daretti, and his 'Broken' Trinkets

Commander / EDH VexenX


Karlov's shenanigans!

Commander / EDH* VexenX


Breya, the Magnificent

Commander / EDH VexenX

SCORE: 2 | 656 VIEWS

Edgar Markov and Friends

Commander / EDH VexenX


Za-Ca-Ma - Split Personality Disorder (Dino Addn!)

Commander / EDH VexenX


Omnath and big dudes

Commander / EDH VexenX


Phyrexian's with Swords!!! (Infect/Equipment)

Commander / EDH VexenX

SCORE: 2 | 936 VIEWS

[[Primer v1.0]]-Omnath, the Angry Wet Jelly Bean!

Commander / EDH* VexenX



Updates Add

Happy Holidays everyone! The deck got quite a few upgrades this past year and half. Half of them are cosmetic upgrades (Secret Lairs have been nice to us), but there were also a number of other changes. Here they are!

To be completely honest, I was able to trade for an anime foil copy of the Elves, so I felt like I had to add it to this deck haha!

This seems like a straightforward card draw upgrade to me.

Putting the extra damage on a creature makes it MUCH easier to tutor for.

This was a tough change. I wanted a bit more protection, and Doubling Season has been largely underwhelming in recent years.

Another tough cut. Valakut Exploration has been hit an miss for me. I might add it back later.

Easy upgrade for me!

This one was a bit forced. The dino was mostly added because I got the Secret Lair.

Another easy upgrade!

Anotha one!

I look forward to hearing what you all think about these changes!

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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #1 position overall 9 years ago
Date added 9 years
Last updated 1 week

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

34 - 0 Mythic Rares

35 - 0 Rares

9 - 0 Uncommons

3 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.23
Tokeny Beast 3/3 G, City's Blessing, Clue, Elemental 5/3 G, Elemental 5/5 RG, Food, Forest Dryad 1/1 G, Plant 0/1 G, Treasure, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders cool, commander, Untap, EDH, Pre zendikar interests, Agenda, Decks I Want To Use, Commander Deck, Gruul EDH, fav
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