Omnath, A Song of Creation and Chaos

Commander / EDH Starsky2814

SCORE: 322 | 422 COMMENTS | 36222 VIEWS | IN 110 FOLDERS

rkjunior says... #3

I actually got sick of winning with Scute Swarm so I ended up Tooth and Nail'ing for Avenger/Purphoros one game lol

October 21, 2020 6:25 p.m.

Starsky2814 says... #4

rkjunior, that is one of my favorite ways to win is with Purphoros, God of the Forge and Avenger of Zendikar. Purphoros has been a MVP with all the token producers.

October 21, 2020 6:36 p.m.

Starsky2814 says... #5

So long, farewell, Tatyova, Benthic Druid. I’ll be replacing her with, Aesi, Tyrant of the Epicycle Strait.

October 23, 2020 6:05 p.m.

unwucht says... #6

Yeah, this Commander Legends leak caught my eye, as well. 1CMC more but allows you to play an additional land and you lose the lifegain. Nevertheless a decent replacement. Should power up the deck even more.

October 24, 2020 5:07 a.m.

Starsky2814 says... #7

I have an extra Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite lying around. Could we make use for it here?

October 25, 2020 12:22 p.m.

unwucht says... #8

Elesh has close to always a severe effect on the board. Question is: Do you want synergies with your boards (I would recommend to integrate Elesh) or do you just want another hate card (then put it in)?

October 25, 2020 12:32 p.m.

unwucht says... #9

can't edit therefore: If you want synergies, don't integrate it

October 25, 2020 12:51 p.m.

Starsky2814 says... #10

I was looking at the little extra buff being beneficial to our weaker tokens and the debuff to wipe any weenies on our opponent’s board. Very easy for us to get out and apply the early pressure. Just a thought. How about Prime Speaker Zegana? Finale of Devastation for 10 grabbing Zegana sounds nasty. Plus, the ability to flicker Zegana for more draw isn’t a bad perk. If I were to make the move, I’d probably cut Deadeye Navigator since I rely mostly on Emiel the Blessed for flicker effects.

October 25, 2020 5:22 p.m.

unwucht says... #11

I cut Deadeye Navigator myself, so you definitely have my go on this one. Prime Speaker Zegana seems to a sweet one for this deck, especially with the bounce effects already implemented so far. The only issue I can identify is double-G, double-U in it's mana costs. But that shouldn't be an issue as there a loads of ways to fetch for the lands you need.

October 26, 2020 8:25 a.m.

Metachemist says... #12

Elesh has some value here in the hate magnet slot. She's such a hated piece that even though people should be saving targeted removal for Omnath they might just chunk it her way instead. And if they don't well then it's still pretty oppressive to your opponents.

October 26, 2020 11:50 a.m.

Starsky2814 says... #13

Metachemist, that was my thought on the possible inclusion of Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite. At very least, she can be a deterrent from Omnath, Locus of Creation being removed. However you spin it, parity will be broken and the pressure is on.

October 26, 2020 12:15 p.m.

Starsky2814 says... #14

Deadeye Navigator will be replaced by Kodama of the East Tree. Bounce land and token producer will give us infinite landfall triggers.

October 27, 2020 1:14 p.m.

unwucht says... #15

The new Kodama looks sweet. Can't wait to get my hands on one!

October 27, 2020 6:11 p.m.

rkjunior says... #16

Deadeye+Dockside is too good to cut.

If you run Elesh, you have to run Living Plane for the LOLs

October 28, 2020 9:56 p.m.

Starsky2814 says... #17

After taking a good hard look for cuts, Tempt with Vengeance got the short end of the stick and has been replaced for Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite. This could also be a placeholder for Prime Speaker Zegana or Kodama of the East Tree if Elesh Norn doesn’t work out.

October 29, 2020 11:21 a.m.

Starsky2814 says... #18

What has been everyone’s favorite game winning play with the deck so far?

October 30, 2020 10:43 a.m.

Starsky2814 says... #19

Hey Vlasiax, thanks for the suggestions. I’ve seen them floating around in other Omnath, Locus of Creation decks and they do share synergies with the deck, but I personally didn’t care to go that route for this build. You give very valid points for why one would include such cards, but it just boiled down to personal preference/play style to accomplish that common goal for why I didn’t consider them. Similar reason for why I didn’t include other bounce effects (but with a hint of hate) like Mana Breach, Overburden, Cloudstone Curio, Storm Cauldron, any of the moonfolk or even Patron of the Moon to cheat those lands back into play for that matter. They would all be better suited for how I constructed my Omnath, Locus of the Roil deck. I feel I accomplish enough of the same objective with just the four bounce lands I currently run in this deck. Plus, I decided not to run Splendid Reclamation so I wouldn’t be able to reap the benefits of a mass lands put onto the battlefield play from the discard/sacrifice land effect. The cards are fine if you choose to build more synergies around them, but, for me, they’re just extra fat that’s not needed. Sorry for all that rambling.

October 30, 2020 8:23 p.m.

Starsky2814 says... #20

Metachemist, rkjunior, unwucht, how are we still feeling about Expansion / Explosion? I’m leaning towards replacing it with Prime Speaker Zegana.

Explosion seems too costly for effectively damaging a target/drawing. How often are we using Expansion for extra protection/counter? Most times when I have it in hand I sit on it or when I’m in need for the draw, I’m only getting 3 off of it in most situations. It’s all hard for me to judge the card properly since I have yet to play against anyone for over a month.

Pros to adding Zegana, would be that she has the potential to be massive on etb, which draws us quite a bit and the draw can be abused with flicker effects. Easily tutorable and most likely a draw effect I’d rather have in a pinch in comparison.

Cons to Zegana, is of course instant removal of our largest creature in response to casting. Thus giving us a weenie and poor draw.

I’m hoping someone can argue why it’s more beneficial to have Expansion / Explosion.

October 31, 2020 11:25 a.m.

Metachemist says... #21

Personally, I think Zegana is better synergy for the overall deck design and direction.

HOWEVER, I think Ex/Ex is much more flexible. It's protection from countering, can enable you to piggy back off of someone else's tutor , can be used as targeted removal for both planeswalkers and creatures, can be used to finish off an opponent, AND is still a fantastic source of card draw? All of that an instant speed? Ex/Ex is way better overall, not even mentioning that the Expansion side allows for flexibility in casting mana pip wise.

October 31, 2020 3:38 p.m.

A good combo since you are using Song of Creation would be Ghirapur Orrery

November 1, 2020 6:46 p.m.

unwucht says... #23

Starsky2814 Zegana seems to provide massive utility, especially with Emiel's bounce effects. I personally used Expansion / Explosion a few times with satisfying results.

November 2, 2020 3:08 a.m.

rkjunior says... #24

I like the utility of Ex/Ex more. It's a jack of all trades - draws, copies, and kills.

November 2, 2020 6:45 p.m.

unwucht says... #25

Zegana is a 6CMC spell, though. How often do you cast a 6CMC spell in a single game?

November 3, 2020 5:45 a.m.

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