Omnath, Locus of Rage EDH

Commander / EDH Comfordor


gpenny95 says... #1

Frenzied Tilling and Harrow definitely would help here.

May 3, 2016 9:16 a.m.

Roguebolt0 says... #2

Scapeshift for sure. Along with that fires of yavimaya, fervor and hammer of purphoros for haste. Maybe a couple more artifacts to ramp, at least sol ring. And a couple sac outlets to sac the elementals as needed. And don't forget other elementals work as well.

May 3, 2016 9:18 a.m.

gpenny95 says... #3

Yeah, speaking of elementals, there's a lot of red elemental mana ramp from Lorwyn block. Also, Ashling the Pilgrim just to name an elemental that would be dumb AF in here.

May 3, 2016 9:25 a.m.

heinrichgraum says... #4

With this many little elementals I might suggest Soulblast to just kill everyone at the table.

May 3, 2016 10:09 a.m.

Labadoux81 says... #5

Hello there, so I thought I would try and give some suggestions on your Omnath deck since I have been playing him for nearly 4 months and he is one of my favorite commanders.

I notice this is your first EDH deck and it seems to be a budget build but if you are committed to this deck then I would consider my suggestions (even though they might be costly)

First off, here is the link to my Omnath deck in case you want to see my deck and see how it works and why I chose certain cards. Omnath, the Salty Locus

You are going to want to loose the dragon theme. It just does not work well with what Omnath wants to do. Omnath wants to ramp and then play as many extra lands per turn as possible. You want ways to bounce lands so you can play them again. You can also use lands that replace themselves such as evolving wilds. But if you do that you need a Crucible of Worlds.

You are going to want to add Scapeshift no matter what. Scapeshift is a combo card but can be used with Omnath to create a lot of value.

You are going to want to add other landfall creature's. Definitely add Titania, Protector of Argoth and Rampaging Baloths. If you can afford a Lotus Cobra you should include one as well. if not another great card that is very cheap and has Landfall is Grazing Gladehart.

You want to play extra land cards but if you can't afford Exploration, Burgeoning, Azusa or Oracle of Mul Daya you can use Mina and Denn, Wildborn and Rites of Flourishing. You can also use ramp spells to play extra lands per turn and these are all pretty cheap. Cultivate, Rampant Growth Kodama's reach, etc.

Hope this helps!

May 3, 2016 1:43 p.m.

Weeload says... #6

Ashnod's Altar and Genesis Wave.

May 3, 2016 4:19 p.m.

drunktank says... #7

Mana Echoes Is a lot of fun in RG Omnath as well

May 3, 2016 11:24 p.m.

tiassa says... #8

I have one of these types of decks as well, can I suggest Goblin Bombardment? It has won games, also Preyseizer Dragon is dumb as crap

May 3, 2016 11:25 p.m.

Comfordor says... #9

Hey All! Thanks for all the suggestions. Firstly I'd like to say, yes, this is a budget deck, I am willing to build upon it in time. Most of the cards in the deck is what I already own. (hence excess in dragon spells lol)

I'm going to play the deck as is at my next commander event, get a feel and play for it, then take on your suggestions. =)

  • Roguebolt0 - thanks for hinting haste. powerful ability, especially when generating a tonne of tokens

  • Labadoux81 - Thanks for all your suggestions. I'll check out your deck soon. Yes this is a budget deck. But, I do want to build on it, just can't buy all the desirable expensive cards at once =)

  • drunktank I actually own a Mana Echoes - I will chuck it in =) Cheers bud

May 4, 2016 1:16 a.m.

drunktank says... #10

One more suggestion. Creatures with Indestructible will be the bane of your existence. Unfortunatly RG doesn't have too many options for dealing with that. I would recommend getting a copy of Lignify and Chaos Warp at least. All Is Dust is another good one to pick up.

May 4, 2016 3:14 p.m.

drunktank says... #11

Can't forget Scour from Existence either

May 4, 2016 6:32 p.m.

Comfordor says... #12

Hey all!

Updated my commander deck on here, alot has changed, Dragons have been removed for more synergious cards. I have been finding it to be more consistent and more deadly.

Cheers for all the suggestions too!

September 22, 2016 9:56 p.m.

Deepstriker29 says... #13

Have you considered Xenagos, God of Revels? He is an excellent way to ensure that Elemental tokens you create can have immediate impact, and make Omnath a far more proactive commander. He's also very difficult to remove and dodges most enchantment wipes. Chandra, Flamecaller is also a good option. Her tokens will deal 6 damage if Omnath is on the field, whether they block or not, and can be fed before they are exiled to a sac outlet like Ashnod.

November 1, 2016 2:33 a.m.

Comfordor says... #14

Deepstriker29 - Thank you for the solid suggestions bud!

Chandra, Flamecaller - I use to have this card in here, but i ended up taking it out because the 2 elementals weren't enough!! (greed is my greatest sin) even though also her -X ability was great for board control, I decided Elemental Mastery & Sac Outlet cards reliably netted more damage.

Xenagos, God of Revels - i like this suggestion, a 10/10 creature is pretty lethal! It can even boost the Elemental Mastery effect, see the greed again.

November 1, 2016 3:13 a.m.

masta says... #15

November 13, 2016 10:05 a.m.

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