KonoSuba: Crimson Magic of Explosion (Omnath)

Commander / EDH MrHuffle


Enral says... #1

Looks like you are running an elemental heavy version. You definitely need more sac outlets like Altar of Dementia and Ashnod's Altar. Rite of the Raging Storm would be great in an omnath deck too. I run a landfall version, feel free to checkout my primer for more ideas.

My primer

June 30, 2016 1:44 p.m.

MrHuffle says... #2

Thanks mamemoo,

I agree this deck could definitely use more sac outlets... I'll put those two on the maybe board for now until I get them. You might of missed it, but I do have Rite of the Raging Storm in my deck list, and yes it is great in an Omnath deck. I'll check out your primer also and see if there's anything I like.

Thanks for the advice and draw well.

June 30, 2016 1:53 p.m.

Enral says... #3

No problem lucal13. Since you like milling, Altar of the Brood might be a good addition to your deck.

June 30, 2016 6:26 p.m.

MrHuffle says... #4

I can't say that I haven't thought about it... but that (sadly) strays from the deck's main idea.

June 30, 2016 6:39 p.m.

swampy5 says... #5

Have you looked at warstorm surge or where ancients tread

August 6, 2016 7:30 a.m.

MrHuffle says... #6

Hiya swampy5,

I really like both those cards... I'll probably only add Warstorm Surge because it works with all my creatures, but if I can find room I'll put both in.

Thanks for the suggestions! :D

August 6, 2016 1:34 p.m.

swampy5 says... #7

No worries. I run a landfall version of this deck, a card that I also think you might like is elemental mastery

August 6, 2016 7:56 p.m.

MrHuffle says... #8

The one problem with that card is the tokens are removed from the game rather than destroyed so they don't trigger Omnath's ability other wise it would be perfect!

August 6, 2016 9:59 p.m.

GS10 says... #9

Chandra's Ignition is a board wipe that can actually function as a win con more often than not. I cannot recommend it enough!

Have a look at my deck, they function differently, but I also like to chill behind my elementals not making any enemies and win the game out of nowhere without many attacks declared.

Elemental Fireworks

Commander / EDH GS10


I never considered Sultai Flayer nor the interactions between Retreat to Kazandu and creatures with remove-a-counter abilities. Certainly going on my test-list!

Omnath is great and is one of the most requested of my decks on my playgroup. +1 given!

October 13, 2016 1:16 p.m.

MrHuffle says... #10

Thanks a lot GS10! Omnath comes with a great strategy... amass an army without make enemies and then kill.... without attacking! If I can find one I'll definitely add Chandra's Ignition in there it's great card I gotta say.

I'll check out your deck too see if I can improve mine!

Thanks again,Luca :)

October 13, 2016 7:25 p.m.

swampy5 says... #11

Sorry for the late reply, I usually just sac the tokens from elemental mastery to ashnod's altar if they don't die in combat.It puts the opponent between a rock and a hard place, either way they take the damage


October 30, 2016 8:55 a.m.

I would put Doubling Season in this deck which will double the number of tokens you will make per landfall trigger. Also, another card that will do that it Primal Vigor. :)

April 17, 2017 4 p.m.

MrHuffle says... #13

@ Dragonalex1112

Thanks for the suggestions. I would definitely use both those cards, as well as Parallel Lives, in this deck. However, I have small budget, so I don't think any of those cards will make it in soon unless I manage to trade for them. :(

Thanks for the comment and draw well!


April 17, 2017 10:38 p.m.

KongMing says... #14

Have you thought about adding Purphoros, God of the Forge? Like Warstorm Surge, it will help you get a lot more damage on opponents as it deals damage when your creatures enter the battlefield.

Another good death trigger is Stalking Vengeance. Kind of surprised you don't have it; you can easily pay the CMC with all the ramp you have.

May 7, 2017 10:34 p.m.

MrHuffle says... #15


I have seriously considered adding in Purphoros, God of the Forge and I am going to at some point.

I actually have never heard of Stalking Vengeance but I definitely want one now.

Generally I don't have cards because either a) I'm a relatively new player or b) I don't spend a lot of money on cards because I'm a broke high schooler (yay!). To get my cards I usually trade with friends so I'll have to see if any of them have those cards available.

Thanks a lot for the comment and the upvote!

Draw well - Luca

May 7, 2017 11:01 p.m.

KongMing says... #16

One other suggestion for Elemental creation would be Young Pyromancer. You have 26 Instants and Sorceries in the deck, and his low CMC means you can get lots of Elementals early game as you start to ramp mana. The nice thing is that just casting the spell spawns the Elemental, meaning you can destroy the Elemental with the spell whose casting spawned it (i.e. Descent of Dragons and All is Dust).

May 8, 2017 5:51 p.m.

MrHuffle says... #17


You know, I never even thought to add that card and I'm pretty sure I've got one lying around! Thanks a lot for the great suggestion! I really appreciate the help.

Draw well - Luca

May 8, 2017 6:25 p.m.

MrKrabs says... #18

Recoup to flash back ramp spells? Two Boundless Realms seems sweet.

May 15, 2017 2:54 p.m.

MrHuffle says... #19


You know, that does sound quite fun actually. :D

Thanks a lot for the suggestion,


May 15, 2017 6:29 p.m.

KongMing says... #20

Was thinking about your deck, and decided to look for some more possible ideas.

Devastating Summons is hilarious, but would be better with a Crucible of Worlds in the deck. Crucible is $$$, however.

Firecat Blitz provides more hilarious jank. Although the Cats don't die on their own, you can use one of your sac engines to consume them. The Flashback gives you a lot of options later in the game too.

Rakka Mar generates Elementals that don't leave the battlefield at end step, and she has Haste, too.

Tempt with Vengeance seems to fit the theme of this deck, and with all the ramp you have pumping a lot of mana into it shouldn't be too much of a problem for you.

That's all I've got for now. Next time, I'll try to help you cut some cards from your deck to make room for others.

May 16, 2017 5:51 p.m.

MohenjoDaro says... #21

Love the deck, not sure how much help it would be, but Cryptolith Rite might help you out.

May 22, 2017 6:53 p.m.

Have you looked at Myriad Landscape? It's a fun land that gets even more landfall triggers. Also, Tunneling Geopede would get out a lot of damage in this deck--it's the Guttersnipe of landfall. You might want to add a Fireball-like card or two, so that when you inevitably have 20 or so lands you can put the mana somewhere. If you need more sac outlets, you should look at Carnage Altar, Mortarpod, Tooth and Claw, Scorched Rusalka, Bloodshot Cyclops, and a personal favorite of mine, Shivan Harvest. Awesome deck. It looks both fun and simple to play. +1

Oh, and also...

...This is probably the only deck that I will ever have the honor of suggesting Doom Cannon for. So thank you.

June 19, 2017 2:14 p.m.

Starsky2814 says... #23

Maybe consider: Azusa, Lost but Seeking, Oracle of Mul Daya, Lotus Cobra, Ghost Town, Burgeoning, Purphoros, God of the Forge, Doubling Season, Primal Vigor, Parallel Lives, Skullmulcher and Elemental Mastery just to name a few that would do extremely well in this build. Here is my adaption of Omnath:

A Michael Bay Film, Omnath: Age of Explosions! v2

Commander / EDH Starsky2814

SCORE: 133 | 140 COMMENTS | 13451 VIEWS | IN 57 FOLDERS

Maybe it could give you a few ideas! Good luck fam!

August 14, 2017 10:56 a.m.

danielper says... #24

Hey, brother! How do you feel about Verdant Confluence?

September 2, 2017 3:54 p.m.

MrHuffle says... #25

At first, I was like eh, this is basically Nissa's Renewal without the life gain. But, then I realized that the second mode is also quite good as well... I feel like I have enough lands and I could take one out and put this in in its place... what do you think?

September 2, 2017 4:23 p.m.

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