Omnath, the Toolbox Enabler

Commander / EDH hyperlocke


mcgrobert says... #1

I'm surprised you're not running Helix Pinnacle. It's a good alternate win con against control and pillow fort decks. I mean, it's not like you'd have a problem getting it to go off ;)

December 29, 2014 12:11 p.m.

hyperlocke says... #2

@mcgrobert: I ran it in the early stages of this deck. There are two reasons it's not in here anymore:

1) Personally, I think it's kinda boring.

2) I actually never got it off. A few times I got mana screwed. Most of the time it were cards like Austere Command, Nevinyrral's Disk, Oblivion Stone or Merciless Eviction.

It got replaced by Genesis Wave which has way more impact and is way more fun to play.

December 29, 2014 12:45 p.m.

mcgrobert says... #3


December 29, 2014 2:08 p.m.
January 8, 2015 8:10 p.m.

hyperlocke says... #5

@ninjaman16782: Cards like Hydra Omnivore don't fit in this deck. I don't play big stompy creatures, but problem solvers. Thanks for the suggestion!

January 8, 2015 9:57 p.m.

Sorry, I meant Hydra Broodmaster

January 8, 2015 10:03 p.m.

I don't know why I said omnivore instead of Hydra Broodmaster. I can't think today. Great deck. +1

January 8, 2015 10:06 p.m.

hyperlocke says... #8

@ninjaman16782: Hydra Broodmaster belongs into the "Big Stompy Creatures" category. Sure, it's insane with Omnath, Locus of Mana, but I want to play toolbox creatures that handle opposing threats. Hydra Broodmaster is a problem, not a problem solver.

January 9, 2015 7:20 a.m.

An Ant Queen or Ursapine could be absolutely nuts in here. Ant Queen is an excellent mana sink when you don't have anything else to do, and Ursapine essentially lets you spread Omnath's power over your other creatures. I would also include a Hydra Broodmaster, solely because dropping monstrosity with X=100 is just incredibly satisfying.

Oh, and a Frontier Siege. Because free mana and hornet fights.

January 21, 2015 2:13 p.m.

K34 says... #12

Have you considered Caged Sun?

February 2, 2015 11:26 a.m.

Wolfbriar Elemental is a great toolbox card for after wrath effects. I also love the new Temur Sabertooth to help protect my toolbox guys and potentially recast them in my Omnath deck... still working on what to lose in mine though.

February 2, 2015 12:25 p.m.

hyperlocke says... #14

@LittleBlueHero: Wolfbriar Elemental belongs in the "Cards I don't run because they're not toolbox-y" category. If I had more ways to cast creatures at instant speed, I would consider running it to save my mana pool. But I run only 2 cards that let me do that, and then I can just recast Omnath, Locus of Mana.

Temur Sabertooth is interesting. It's much better than Stampeding Serow and Roaring Primadox, which I ran for a short time. I will test it over Erratic Portal.

Thanks for your suggestions!

February 2, 2015 1:22 p.m.

Xtkxl4rd4ss says... #15

Ever considered running Overwhelming Stampede to kill in one hit. Also, I think you should play cards like Bear Umbra or Vigor as they help keep Omnath alive. And why no Eldrazi, one they help with the simple fact that no one can deck you, and if your worried about bribery, run Homeward Path.also, if your running Garruk, caller of beasts, why not run Lurking Predators or Elvish Piper. They can help get things into play when you don't have garruk.

Personally, I think predator flagship is a little underwhelming. If you want an extra creature, and one that fits in with hornet queen/nest run Killer Bees. I can personally say I have taken down a five man table with Omnath in play, seedborn muse, doubling cube, asceticism, and a killer bees with eldrazi conscription, and bear umbra attached to it. And people thought that card was bad.

Your also running a lot of elves, I don't know if you ever considered running infinite combos, but you could drop some mediocre cards, put in Priest of Titania, Elvish Archdruid, Wirewood Channeler and then use Staff of Domination. With one of those three creatures in play able to tap for 5+ mana and staff in play, you can generally win that turn, especially if you include Concordant Crossroads. Trust me, the card seems bad, but it allows you to win the same turn you genesis wave your deck out.

Hope my suggestions help, I have an outdated Omnath deck on my page that I stopped playing. My local game store is way too competitive to be playing fair magic and the current list I have for Omnath is the last time I played it up there before switching to Azusa, Lost but Seeking. You can go check it out if you want to. And again, these were just suggestions to make your deck a little better. I think it's awesome, including your alter. Great page, great deck, if I could up vote this twice I would. Have a good one and I hope my suggestions help.

February 5, 2015 11:43 a.m.

hyperlocke says... #16

@Xtkxl4rd4ss: Thanks for your suggestions and +1!

Overwhelming Stampede: I have a tutorable Overrun effect in Craterhoof Behemoth, that's enough.
Bear Umbra: I went with Sword of Feast and Famine for evasion and because it stays on the field without Omnath. But untapping my lands when attacking means I can pump ore mana into Omnath. Maybe I'll try it.

Vigor, Eldrazi: Too stompy, I want toolbox creatures. I'm the only one who plays mill in my playgroup, so reshuffling isn't necessary.

Homeward Path: I don't own one, but it's on my shortlist (just not on here...)

Lurking Predators: The thing is this: My creatures all have a special purpose. I want to search for them when they are necessary. I don't want to put Stingerfling Spider, Reclamation Sage, Duplicant or Eternal Witness on the field without worthwhile targets.

Elvish Piper: This gets killed on sight in my meta. Also, I have tons of mana. I can cast my stuff.

Predator, Flagship: I haven't played much with it, yet, but so far I'm quite pleased with it. Its drawbacks are that I can't search for it and that destroying a creature gets pretty expensive. But without it, I need Ulvenwald Tracker and a big/deathtouch creature to get rid of non-flying creatures. It's repeatable removal and it gives Omnath evasion. Also, having this out shuts down the Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon, Scion of the Ur-Dragon, and big parts of Ob Nixilis of the Black Oath and The Mimeoplasm decks in my meta.

Killer Bees: Isn't a toolbox creature and is really only useful when attacking together with Omnath ad Omnath being blocked/destroyed.

Staff of Domination: Thought about it, but in this deck, I would mostly use it to draw cards and 6 mana to do that is a little exessive. I don't want to run combos in here.

Concordant Crossroads: Yeah, I thought about including it for Genesis Wave, but it would be in there only for this one situation. My toolbox creatures don't need haste, so it would be a dead draw until I get to Genesis Wave, and mostly I win that or the next turn anyway.

February 7, 2015 5:49 a.m.

hyperlocke says... #17

@K34: Sorry, didn't notice your comment until now...

Yes, I've considered Caged Sun. It's not in here because I don't care about the +1/+1, Mana Reflection is better, and two mana doublers (Reflection and Vernal Bloom) are enough.

Thanks for the suggestion!

February 9, 2015 7:39 a.m.

chirz2792 says... #19

March 4, 2015 3:30 p.m.

hyperlocke says... #20

@chirz2792: If I had one lying around, maybe I would try to find a place for it. But I don't have one and it's not important enough in here to warrant spending 10 and more on it. Thanks for the suggestion!

March 5, 2015 12:31 p.m.

PayOneLife says... #21

Cool deck!

I've been playing around with Temur Sabretooth and it is great. Definitely worth including. Caller of the Claw is good on its own as anti-wrath, and is even better with the Sabretooth around. Also thinking anti-wrath, Kamahl, Fist of Krosa works excellently with Seedborn Muse to ensure nobody drops any wrath effects when you don't want them too. His overrun ability adds some utility as well, when you don't have Craterhoof Behemoth at hand.

I use Viridian Corrupter in my mono-green deck, she has a useful etb effect and infect which can be very useful against infinite life or Elderscale Wurm or Worship and Friends. You would need a bit of pump for it to work though.

Yavimaya Elder is a classic green utility. Loaming Shaman helps against reanimator decks, or to protect yourself from mill.

Vedalken Orrery could turn your etb critters into instants.

Haze Frog? :P

March 15, 2015 6:33 a.m.

PayOneLife says... #22

Oh, and Fierce Empath.

March 15, 2015 6:49 a.m.

hyperlocke says... #23

@PayOneLife: Sorry, completely forgot to answer you...

I replaced Erratic Portal with Temur Sabertooth to test it. Unfortunately, I don't get to play very often right now, so I haven't played with it, yet.

Viridian Corrupter: I would need pump effects and more ways to get creatures through unblocked. Plus, I don't really need infect. If they land an Elderscale Wurm os something similar, I can still win through commander damage.

Yeah, Yavimaya Elder is a green staple. My problem with it in this deck is that it isn't an EtB trigger and can't be "abused" with Conjurer's Closet, Cloudstone Curio, Temur Sabertooth and Strionic Resonator. For the same reason I changed Sakura-Tribe Elder to Yavimaya Dryad.

Caller of the Claw is a bit too narrow for my taste. It's a great anti-Wrath card, but outside of that situation it doesn't do very much.

Loaming Shaman will come in, if there are more reanimator or mill decks in my meta. Right now, I play the only mill deck, and reanimator isn't a big thing. Usually, I can handle things like Eternal Witness, Snapcaster Mage or Victimize with Scavenging Ooze.

Vedalken Orrery was in my initial list. It was cut due to place issues and not being a creature. I would like to play it again, but I don't really know what to cut. Hmm, maybe Thragtusk..

I'm very undecided about Kamahl, Fist of Krosa. He would be a scare tactic and another way to get Omnath through. That's more than Brawn, but Brawn is cheaper and loves to be discarded to Fauna Shaman. Actually, thinking about it, I don't really like Brawn in here... I will test Kamahl, Fist of Krosa in its place.

I didn't include Fierce Empath in the initial list because he found too few creatures. Looking at it now, he can find 9 creatures ( 10 with Kamahl), which should be enough to run him. I'll test him over Thragtusk. Vedalken Orrery has to stay out for now; Yeva, Nature's Herald and Winding Canyons have to be enough.

Haze Frog...... No.

Thanks for your suggestions!

March 21, 2015 1:54 p.m.

Quail says... #24

You seem to have a similar playstyle to me, wanting to move away from the norm that is Mono-Green.

My deck Nissa, Dank Animist might give you some inspiration (it's still being refined though).

I play the deck as a control/combo deck.

Cards you should 100% put in are

Bane of Progress - Absolutely devastating card, especially in multiplayer. It can turn games entirely and gives you tech against Pillow Fort.

Song of the Dryads - It's not a creature, but green Oblivion Ring that can hit lands is just amazing.

Courser of Kruphix and Exploration - There's other variations you can go with this combo such as Azusa, Lost but Seeking and Oracle of Mul Daya, but these two are my favorite. An early Exploration is explosive and can win you the game outright, my deck focuses on getting to 7 lands as quick as possible and I can do it on turn 3 and flip Nissa. Courser also adds relevant life gain and can be tutored with Woodland Bellower, which is amazing. Combined with the toolboxing that green has you can get 2 lands a turn fairly easily and also have insight as to when you should draw/shuffle.

Evolutionary Leap - This card is pretty awesome and just generates card advantage if you use it on useless ETB creatures or Tokens, it's nearly a second Birthing Pod, in some ways better.

Eye of Ugin, Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger, and Artisan of Kozilek - I can understand avoiding eldrazi, but for mono-green these are the two specific ones that are pretty necessary, and Eye is an amazing toolbox piece.

Avenger of Zendikar - There's no reason, absolutely none, that you shouldn't run this card. If you're not running it you may as well not run Craterhoof.

Krosan Grip - You need this card. Hit an opponent's Ashnod's Altar and they won't be able to sac their tokens. Hit an opponent's Omniscience and they won't be able to dump their hand. The enormous amount of situations where Split Second is useful makes it necessary to run this.

All Is Dust - Boardwipes are necessary in EDH, there's really not much to say. Green's biggest weakness is going against heavy creature strategies. You need this. It's also why Avenger is so good because it makes you not lose, case and point. While not as necessary, Arachnogenesis is also tech against many creatures.

The Great Aurora - The craziest Boardwipe in the game when used properly. Unlike most boardwipes, it's best used when you opponent has less creatures actually. Casting this card properly will generally lead you to win the game. The basics to the card are getting rid of big threats, floating all of your mana, drawing 20+ cards, and casting some insane things. It's not for every deck, but if you can learn how to utilize it, it will become a very valuable piece.

Surrak, the Hunt Caller - Not a necessary card (I'm still testing it myself), but it gives you access to utility that Green doesn't normally have. I generally focus on using it for Shaman of Forgotten Ways since my deck doesn't focus too much on fatties, but combined with Omnath it could be pretty good for you.

Lastly I would probably focus on improving your ramp. Vanilla mana dorks suck in EDH flat out. I see that you kind of have an Elf subtheme going on, but I think you can drop it and just improve on it. Sakura-Tribe Elder is probably the best creature that can fetch you lands, so I would run it over Yavimaya Dryad and Wood Elves. Nature's Lore is pretty much the best early ramp spell in the game since it essentially costs 1 mana. The new Verdant Confluence is also pretty baller given how many modes it has. Sylvan Scrying/Crop Rotation can get your non-basics like Eye of Ugin, Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx, Ancient Tomb, Temple of the False God, Command Beacon, Boseiju, Who Shelters All (especially useful when using it with The Great Aurora), etc.

If you want to run mana dorks I would suggest running Sylvan Caryatid, the Hexproof is really the key for making a dork that produces 1 mana viable. Beastcaller Savant can be pretty decent if you can make use of the haste for other things, but if you can't, obviously it isn't great. Voyaging Satyr can untap your Nykthos if you find you get good consistent Devotion and reliably get Nykthos often. And lastly Gyre Sage is pretty cool.

So overall the things I would drop are Fyndhorn Elves, Llanowar Elves, Elvish Mystic (crappy basic mana dorks that don't do anything), Yavimaya Dryad (bad Wood Elves, which is also pretty ehh, but I can understand if you want to keep it), Elvish Visionary, Wall of Blossoms (unless you consistently reproduce ETB triggers then I can't say running these is worth it. I run Wall of Omens in my Brago, King Eternal deck, but that's because I get constant value off of it), Acidic Slime (at 5 mana, unless you're Podding into it, it's pretty ehh even though it can hit lands. I personally prefer just running Rec Sage, Krosan Grip, Song of the Dryads, and the AOE removal), Nissa's Pilgrimage (there's just a multitude of other better ramp spells you can be playing as I've listed earlier. Animist's Awakening is pretty cool.).

December 1, 2015 5:49 p.m.

Didgeridooda says... #25

Those mana dorks provide for a turn 2 Om nom. That is actually pretty important.

December 1, 2015 6:12 p.m.

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