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Mono-blue Omnitell [Budget Legacy]

Legacy Show and Tell Storm WUB (Esper)




Adepted from this cardmarket article: https://www.cardmarket.com/de/Magic/Insight/Articles/Getting-into-Legacy-for-200-Euros-with-Omni-Tell

Shoutout to Samuel Šulovský, which wrote the article and created the decklist!

Maybeboard = obvious (very-)non-budget upgrades for the main deck

I consider the following: due to the heavy non-basic meta throughout the last few years (there are few, yet very strong archetypes that use many basic lands like, mono-red prison, mono-red prowess, mono-red burn, mono-red painter, some miracles lists, stoneblade and more...) i want to maindeck 2x Back to Basics. It feels relatively save to cut one copy of Drawn from Dreams and Impulse. Either way, this deck needs a lot of testing, so i will give it a try this way.

The main goal is do resolve a Show and Tell as fast as possible to bring an Omniscience on the board. That means we can play all our spells for free as early as turn 2!

When not being too unlucky with the following draws while cantripping through or deck, this is an almost certain win already!

As with most decks in Legacy, we need a perfect hand to begin with for the very early win. This doesn't happen every time (obviously) and even when it does, we still need our cantrips to sort of storm through our library, either to get to the haymakers or to raise the storm-count for a lethal Tendrils of Agony.

Brainstorm, Ponder, Preordain are coming all as a playset for alltogether 12 cantrips for .

3x Impulses and 3x Drawn from Dreams (which feels like the worse version of the banned Dig Through Time) do complete the big pile of diggers.

With the Omniscience on the board, we need to dig through or library for Emrakul, the Aeons Torn and Griselbrand for the lethal combat damage. We can even find our Approach of the Second Sun, which, paired with a post-casted Drawn from Dreams, results in the immediate recast of the Sun for the win.

Without the Omniscience on the board we need to cantrip through our deck until we have can resolve a Show and Tell for Omniscience in the best case or even a Griselbrand, which can draw us a lot of cards wo finally get a "real" win-con.

Cunning Wish is awesome and allows a sideboard, which works as a toolbox. These toolbox-spells are:

Disallow as very versatile spell, mainly to counter certain abilities.

Echoing Truth can simply bounce everything but lands, which stops many decks.

Flusterstorm counters storm decks.

Return to Nature works mainly as artifact- and ecnhantment-hate while it also can get rid of one very problematic card in the enemies' yard.

Sublime Epiphany is avery nice card in this list out of Core21! It can simply counter and even stifle (like Disallow) but it does even more blue things - you can additionaly choose to bounce a nonland permanent and to draw a card! That's pretty good value!

Always remember we can hopefully cast these spells for free because of Omniscience - that is why we don't need mana for the Return to Nature or why we don't need to hardcast a Sublime Epiphany (which in emergency at least can be cast with the colors our manabase provides)!

The Cunning Wish does not only provides a toolbox sideboard for a variety of hate-cards against certain decks, it also brings the alternative win-con in this list on the board: Release the Ants!

What we try here is to resolve a Cunning Wish for the Firemind's Foresight. With the Foresight resolving, we fetch the second Cunning Wish, a Brainstorm and something non-important 2cmc.

We now resolve the second Cunning Wish to fetch Release the Ants. We then cast Brainstorm to put one of our very expensive spells we have in hand on the top of our library. When we now resolve Release the Ants, we can hopefully ping the opponent to death while win every clash with our expensive topdeck.

Yup, we can even play another win-con as a backup in this list named Tendrils of Agony!

With the Omniscience on the board it will be rarely problematic to raise the storm-count high enough for a lethal Tendrils of Agony!

For future splashs or more diverse sideboard-options i consider the following:


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96% Competitive

Revision 5 See all

(3 years ago)

+4 Spell Pierce main
Date added 4 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Mythic Rares

16 - 12 Rares

4 - 1 Uncommons

18 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.35
Tokens Copy Clone
Folders Legacy
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