One drop creatures all being from theros.
All bar two creatures are 1 mana for a 2 power, with the other one being a heroic 2 mana for 2 power and the other a 1 mana for deathtouch
The theory behind this deck is to be able to play at least one creature a turn with more than likely being two on turn to three on turn three, going wide as quickly as possible and swing for lethal within four turns.
Ideal draw would be a plains, a swamp and five creatures:
Turn one - Plains, Soldier of the pantheon
Turn two - Drawing Plains/Swamp play Swamp, swing for two then play gnarled and loyal pegasus
Turn three - Drawing another creature , swing for 6, play land and remaining three creatures
Turn Four - Drawing Launch , play launch on three swing for 15
Thats 23 damage on turn four evan if the opponent manages to get out a creature or two on turn five you can still swing at 11 damage what ever you draw
Other notable cards
Gods willing - better than brave the elements due to being able to target and also protect half of your army ( have sided in brave)
Oppressive rays - so annoying when a opponent get ahead of the curve and puts a Polukranos or a decemation demon on turn three, slap this down to be even more annoying!!!
Ajanis pressence - gods willing plus a +1/+1 boost and strives though the cost is high you are probably only going to target two creatures at most
Launch the fleet - the BEST way to go wide, if your opponent gets to blocker the best way to get through is to go wide slapping this on several creatures with strive doubles your army in an instant
Pharikas chosen - brilliant blocker, great to tempt against Sylvian Caryatid
Ordeal of heliod - good way to boost life and if the game goes long to boost your creatures to put up damage also targets