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One Final Journey through the Maze

Standard Competitive Control Five Color




Planeswalker (2)

Every body is getting really excited for the arrival of M15 me included, but i also cant help but feel a little sad that i am going to be losing such a fun deck as mazes end. I stopped playing with the deck for a while and pulled it apart to create some other decks and with rotation around the corner I thought I'd rebuild it and go for one final journey to the mazes end. I loved this deck the last time i played with it but couldn't quite remember the build. Since i last used the deck i have aquired two Keranos, God of Storms and think he would work well in the deck.

Finally managed to get some free time to do a break down of this deck.

Keranos, God of Storms this guy is amazing in this deck, get it, sorry continuing. Keranos works really well he provides removal and player damage which can even be an alternate win con, he also keeps up the card draw when you pull lands which in this deck is brilliant because thats how we win.

Saruli Gatekeepers Fundimental for this deck, they provied 7 life when you drop them and with a toughness of 4 are no push over either.

Away + Far This card is really useful at removing annoying threats. You Far one creature and then make them Away there hexproofer or even a god. you can also combine Far + Saruli Gatekeepers to gain a second set of 7 life, I usual use Away + Far after i have declared blockers that way I block with Saruli Gatekeepers then Far it back to my hand preventing the damage dealt by the blocked creature and them make them sac one of there over creatures with Away

Putrefy Exellent removal spell, instant speed destroy any target creature and i have even removed a Godsend and Pithing Needle before.

Ultimate Price Again good removal, use it in the opening turns to remove earn threats before my deck can start to get going, prefer this over Doom Blade because it can deal with mono black with out it been a dead card and i find there arn't many muliti coloured creatures used in my meta.

Warleader's Helix Love this card especially because i won 3 of the promo ones. good removal and life gain is always good, especially with this deck.

Merciless Eviction Removes what ever the hell you want, what more could you ask for.

Supreme Verdict Because i dont like it when you have creatures.

Urban Evolution Draws cards lets you play more lands and gets you closer to your win con. Win Win if you ask me.

Banishing Light The reason im running 2 of these and 2 Detention Sphere is because ive found some times that i might not have the correct mana for a D sphere, so this is easier to cast the down side is thou it doesnt remove multiply of the same threat, but then i suppose thats why i have so many other removal spells.

Detention Sphere Description above.

Elspeth, Sun's Champion Exellent stand alone card, provides lots of jump blockers, can clear a board and even be an alternate win con for the deck.

Kiora, the Crashing Wave Love this girl, prevents your opponents biggest threat till it can be dealt with, provides card draw and play additinal lands which again is how we win and finally who doesn't like an army of krakens.


Banishing Light To side in if my opponent isnt running lots of creatures.

Blind Obedience To shut down haste decks and provide additional life.

Deicide I dont like my opponents to have gods if im honest hahaha

Detention Sphere To side in if my opponent isnt running lots of creatures.

Pithing Needle NO to planeswalkers, rats, Aetherlings and so on ......

Slaughter Games I hate Sphinx's Revelations

Burn + Turn Removes activated gods, Indestructables and provides early game removal.

Tear + Wear this card is so versatile it's untrue

Feedback and +1's would be much appreciated thanks.


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Thank you for all the feed back and +1's :). I wasn't aware I was running 61 cards not sure how I missed that? Wear / Tear + Wear / Tear is an really good suggestion I'll try some in my side board. For three mana I can remove an enchantment creature and a god weapon sounds good to me. I'll also look at siding in some essence scatters to deal with the Gray Merchant of Asphodel as they are indeed a scary card. Again thanks for all the suggestions looking forward to using this deck for FNM will give results.


Revision 1 See all

(10 years ago)

+3 Essence Scatter maybe
-1 Mana Confluence main
+2 Wear / Tear side
-2 Whelming Wave side
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #95 position overall 10 years ago
Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years
Key combos

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Mythic Rares

8 - 9 Rares

13 - 6 Uncommons

24 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.97
Tokens Emblem Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Emblem Kiora, the Crashing Wave, Kraken 9/9 U, Soldier 1/1 W
Folders Standard
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