wow, that ruling is extremely dumb.........i sure hope they take it back quick because thats just going to make allot of deck lists OP and make JMS even more powerful than he already is........
May 23, 2013 8:21 p.m.
KingPimp I think they're just making it this way to now planeswalkers/legendaries can allow themselves to actually play in a game, rather than waiting to be clone'd or play a second one. That's just frustrating and doesn't really do much for me as a player. But it will definitely affect how the game will be played. Maybe they will change it back.
May 23, 2013 11:38 p.m.
NiRouBolas says... #4
have you ever thought of cards like Primordial Hydra and Predator Ooze and Increasing Savagery with Corpsejack? They're ridiculous. My friend's golgari aggro top8'd fnm 3 weeks straight with those :) and Rancor
May 31, 2013 1:03 p.m.
NiRouBolas I have thought about Primordial Hydra , and I've been debating on Rancor for a while as well. Probably end up throwing both of them in there relatively soon, because Rancor is amazing with aggro, and Primordial Hydra is awesome with Corpsejack Menace , but just as awesome and as much of a game winner by himself. Rancor will probably be a much more likely choice, simply for mana cost, but if I find that I can, I will try for the hydra. At the very least, sideboard/maybeboard it. Thanks for the ideas
StormZing says... #1
Basically, those are the new rules that will be effective this summer. The legendary/planeswalker rule that is being updated is that now a) each player can control a legendary creature sharing the same name. So now, cloning a legendary makes no difference. However, a player can not control two of the same legendary creature still. But now if you play the same legendary creature/planeswalker, you get to choose which one stays in play. That link shows which rules are being changed, and you can go onto that site to read why they are changing them as well.
May 23, 2013 7:23 p.m.