So I heard you want to make a 21/23 unblockable monk in about 4 turns. Or maybe you want to completely self mill without much trouble. If this is true, this is the deck you are looking for.
The idea runs around this weird Brain in a Jar and an entire deck of the same CMC. Using that plus the monks' Prowess, we can get buffed creatures and have some fun - if we're lucky.
- Force Away can send something away AND get us a card. It also helps if you already have a Jeskai Sage in the game by clearing the board for him to hit too.
- Ideas Unbound, Jeskai Sage, Vision Skeins and
Chart a Course
are all about drawing more.
- Take Inventory is meh at first. You'll only draw one card for the cost of 2 mana. But since we plan to draw and play the entire deck as early as possible, it gets interesting. The third and fourth time it gets played can make up for the first one by allowing us to dig up to 4 cards deep.
- Fabricate is our tutor for Brain in a Jar. My only problem with this is that its CMC isn't 2 like everything else (not only that, it's still the most expensive card in this deck by miles).
- Elusive Spellfist is how we plan on winning this. I'd try to get a tutor for it, but since we'll be drawing a lot, I thought I'd rather not.
Also, there's a big part of this deck that involves math. You have 20 sorceries and 8 instants. So if we want ONE Spellfist to get big enough to KO someone in one hit, we can only use 8 spells before starting to go through the deck. Gotta keep that in mind. If you have two in the field, it gets a bit easier, so don't give up if you cast 8 spells and still don't have what it takes to win the game. Just make sure to stop drawing once you find more Spellfists to send to the frontlines.
"The one who conquers the mind is greater than the one who conquers the world" - Jeskai Sage
This is what a good hand should let you do.
T1: island
T2: island and Brain
T3: island, Spellfist and a counter on the Brain
T4: another counter and let the drawing beging. Attack with a 29/31 monk for the kill :)
I know this isn't a perfect deck (also I haven't tested it yet) and because of that I'm open to suggestions.
Other Stuff Show
I found this while doing some research:
If you really want to exploit Brain in the Jar, you should make an prowess deck and use View from Above to play it forever and give infinite +1/+1 until the end of the turn at the cost of nothing.
Also, try this Brain in the Jar combo with a Laboratory Maniac and you might be able to win the game pretty early if the conditions are right =)
If you decide to go , try getting Descendant of Masumaro and Graceful Adept (and/) or Kruphix, God of Horizons. You'll have a ton of cards in your hand and a buffed green Monk that gets even more powerful every turn.