One squirrel, two squirrels, 6mil squirrels
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phyrexianpotater says... #3
February 14, 2011 11:28 a.m.
Ah yes, the classic squirrel deck. God so many hardships. +1
February 14, 2011 12:06 p.m.
I actually used to have atleast one Form of the Squirrel in the deck, but i took it out again though, so i can atleast play with the deck at more games -nods-
And thanks for all the +'s c:
February 14, 2011 12:11 p.m.
oh I think you need to find some old Might of Oaks . yes, there is a squirrel version.
February 14, 2011 12:19 p.m.
Oh god, you are so right, i MUST have some of those, thanks dude!
February 14, 2011 12:59 p.m.
phyrexianpotater says... #8
im definately gonna 3rd the Might of Oaks call. perhaps even Gigantomancer ? just because you can kick the ability for probably everything you control since he costs 8 to get out. those will be some pissed off squirrels. GNEAAAHAHNEAHHHH. thats my arnold yell.
February 14, 2011 1:59 p.m.
Well i don't know, i have never really been a big fan of Gigantomancer , Mostly cause of his very expensive cost, and when it's at that point of the game, should you atleast have acctivated your Beastmaster Ascension or had won 3 turns earlier with the Squirrel Nest + Earthcraft combo. But the Might of Oaks is defintly gonna fine some space in the deck and it SHALL be the one with the giant squirrel on -nods-
February 14, 2011 2:31 p.m.
Yup it's still my favorite green instant after 14 years :) nothing like the classic squirrel humiliation treatment.
February 14, 2011 2:40 p.m.
So true c:
Nothing is more fun to see your opponents face when they lost a game to an army of squirrels.
And as card:Druid's Call's flavor text says. "Suffer the little creatures, for they may yet rise up and beat you senseless."
February 14, 2011 2:47 p.m.
Been trying to change the format of Might of Oaks to the one from Urza's Legacy, but i don't think the three-letter acronym worked
February 16, 2011 3:11 a.m.
theemptyquiver says... #14
I think the M10 picture is the only one this site has to link to. If you draft Urza, the picture is the M10 picture, not the giant squirrel.
I don't know if that helps or not, but I figured it may be worth mentioning.
February 16, 2011 3:30 a.m.
Well, it did say i could change the format though, oh well, but it's stil up there anyways and people who know Might of Oaks should know about the GIANT squirrel c:
Anyways, many thanks for the help, i really appreciate it c:
February 16, 2011 3:41 a.m.
I've made a deck just to go against this deck. Protection from green.
Then made a myr loop deck to go against the squirrels... Myrs won because of the mana/colorless attributes. Time stop is win.
February 25, 2011 12:05 p.m.
GASP! you're so evil D:
But yeah, it shouldn't really be that hard to take down those small critters, they are just Squirrels though, IN MILLION NUMBERS! buahahaha -cough cough- but yeah.
You should link the deck, i would really like to see it, if you don't mind c:
February 25, 2011 12:14 p.m.
I'll have to go through it and put it all up. But the basis for the loop is 2xMyr Galvanizer and Myr Propagator with 3 mana 4 mana myrs out. It's a turn 6 take down.
1> Mana
2> Mana -> Mana Myr
3 Mana-> deck:myr-resevoir
4> Mana -> Mana Myr(Palladium Myr
preffered)-> Standard Mana Myr
5> Myr Propagator
and 2 Myr Galvanizer
February 25, 2011 1:01 p.m.
Oh well, already knew that one. Then this deck is quuuuite faster my friend, it can go like this:
1> Forest->Joraga Treespeaker
2> Forest-> Level up Joraga Treespeaker -> Play Earthcraft
3> Forest-> Squirrel Nest and then the shows starts~ But it will of course leave me with only one untapped squirrel on the field, but still
4> SLAP with many squirrels~
February 25, 2011 1:07 p.m.
That's on perfect draw. Myr's generally have more leniency on ratio as far as mana and draw is concerned. I load up a deck with 10 mana myrs(2 of each type including Palladium) and 4 Galvanizer's and 4 Props it's going to draw better than 4 joraga and 4 Eartcraft and with 4 Squirrel nest mixed with crap just to get to the 60 card standard.
February 25, 2011 1:11 p.m.
Pfft, don't call the other stuff for crap, it have won me more games than the Squirrel Nest + Earthcraft combo have. But i can see where you are going though, but i still think the myr combo is boring, in my eyes, does it just need way to many cards for making it working, not that i'm saying it's bad, but still
February 25, 2011 1:17 p.m.
I think it is too easy to do, which is why I don't run Myr infinite combos. The moment I saw Galvanizer I knew it was an infinite mana generator for Myrs.
February 25, 2011 1:20 p.m.
Hehe yeah, i think we all thought that when we saw it
February 25, 2011 1:52 p.m.
Sweet, i have a rat deck my self, a little bit diffrent though, but still, i have some few ideas for your deck if you want hear them?
Zephyris says... #1
By far the most full of win thing I've seen yet.
January 16, 2011 12:36 a.m.