One strike, one death

Modern* Tommeke19


goodair says... #1

Grave Pact and Swarmyard interfere with each other

November 22, 2014 11:23 p.m.

Tommeke19 says... #2

So i better remove Grave Pact and add 2 more mana?

Im going to order the missing cards for my deck and try it as fast as possible!

Thanks a lot goodair and ClutchWorks for your help

November 23, 2014 1:48 a.m.

goodair says... #3

make proxies before you buy the cards btw. Just to test it if it is any fun before you buy the bigger cards.

November 23, 2014 2:17 a.m.

Tommeke19 says... #4

Ok, thanks for the tip! ;-)

November 23, 2014 2:21 a.m.

goodair says... #5

November 23, 2014 5:46 a.m.

Tommeke19 says... #6

I've looked at it, but you have 61 cards at your main deck.And what would you switch for the Wurmcoil Engine?

November 23, 2014 6:37 a.m.

goodair says... #7

I just put 4 doom engines but u can cut it down to 3

November 23, 2014 6:59 a.m.

Aefinn says... #8

I know the manacost is pretty high but I think Grappling Hook would work really well in this deck concept.

November 24, 2014 2:28 a.m.

Tommeke19 says... #9

Maybe drop the 2 Ambush Viper and the 2 Grave Pact for 2 Grappling Hook and add more mana.

Ill try it later today, thank for the tip!

November 24, 2014 2:46 a.m.

Aefinn says... #10

If you are into Grave Pact, then you might want to take a look into this combo:

Glissa, the Traitor + Grave Pact + (Blasting Station / Viscera Seer) + (Memnite / Ornithopter) = 0 mana removal.

I use it on my Glissa deck

I like how you keep your board clear Playtest

Modern Luutamo


November 24, 2014 8:28 a.m.

Aefinn says... #11

Oh yeah, you already have :D But yeah, it could work in this deck too :)

November 24, 2014 8:29 a.m.

Tommeke19 says... #12

Thanks for the tip Luutamo I really appreciate your help! But I don't want to copy other decks, I hope you understand me. ;-)

But again it was no offence and thanks again for the help!! :-)

November 24, 2014 11:53 a.m.

Aefinn says... #13

Yeah, I understand :)

November 24, 2014 12:15 p.m.

dan8080 says... #14

might I suggest altering your removal base? instead of the Doom Blades, Ultimate Prices and Executioner's Capsules look into spells like Dismember, Murderous Cut (this is more of a maybe since I'm not sure if how fast your graveyard fills) maybe even Ulcerate (I like it as it's a cheaper Dismember), or Smother.

I think the best bet would be Dismember and either murderous cut or the doom blades.

December 1, 2014 2:15 p.m.

dan8080 says... #15

also I like the channelers but your artifact base really hurts them since it becomes a vanilla 2/2 that gives away information when an artifact is on top. I'd suggest more creatures?

December 1, 2014 2:24 p.m.

Tommeke19 says... #16

Hi dan8080

Thanks for the help! About the Executioner's Capsule I think I'll have to play it, it is very effective with Glissa, the Traitor.

Why do you recommend Dismember? It's more expensive than Doom Blade or Ultimate Price?

And about the Mul Daya Channelers you're right, I can better add a Deadly Recluse and a Typhoid Rats I think, right?

December 1, 2014 2:31 p.m.

dan8080 says... #17

either those or some other death touch rodents. I'd playset the Swarmyards and look into fitting in Pack Rat, goes against the deathtouch theme but i feel like it would be a really solid creature in this deck with typhoid playsetted.

The reason for Dismember is that it can be paid 3 ways due to the phyrexian mana ( either BB1, B1 and pay 2 life, or 1 and pay 4 life) there's a drain but it is also more encompassing and gets around any creatures that have indestructable because getting -x/-x can kill indestructable creatures. (example is say the opponent playing Merfolk has an active thassa at 5/5, while price or doom blade don't kill it dismember will) if you invest in some of the duel lands another removal spell you can use is Victim of Night or if you wanna invest in cream of the crop removal for your colors Abrupt Decay is also a solid option.

December 1, 2014 2:49 p.m.

dan8080 says... #18

All in all I do really like the concept it just needs a pinch more consistency with 4 ofs for things

December 1, 2014 2:50 p.m.

Tommeke19 says... #19

A playset of Swarmyard would be better indeed! About the Pack Rat it would be good, but I prefer to stay with the deathtouchers.

And about the Dismember you're totally right! I've never thought about it this way! I'll definitely add it, going to swap it for Doom Blade. And why do you suggest Abrupt Decay I can only destroy nonland permanents for CMC 3 or less? Is that good?

Victim of Night is already in my sideboard :-)

December 1, 2014 3:45 p.m.

dan8080 says... #20

Most BGx decks run Abrupt Decay in modern. It's is an absolutely filthy card because if you ever bring this to modern based tournament you find that decay destroys literally all but like 5 - 10 commonly played threats. Especially aggro decks and the fact is can't be countered makes it arguably one of the best removal spells in modern.

December 1, 2014 4:33 p.m.

Tommeke19 says... #21

Thanks for the help!

How many times would you play Abrupt Decay & Dismember? I've I use them 4 times what should I remove? 4x Doom Blade and 2x Ultimate Price and than I need to remove 2 other things, but I don't know what;

December 2, 2014 10:04 a.m.

dan8080 says... #22

the Grappling Hooks would be my vote. While in theory the card is cool and works really well with the deathtouch mechanic, you need 4 mana to drop it, and then an additional 4 mana to equip it for it to be relevant. Just seems too little too late and I personally like making my opponent sweat the choice of how much damage they should be taking or basically sac a creature to kill one of your attackers. Keep in mind though my thought process for this is adapting this to a more competitive play so for casual purposes the deck is fine, my suggestions are more if you wanna bring this to a more competitive level since I'm personally intrigued by this deck for competitive purposes hahaha

December 2, 2014 10:22 a.m.

Tommeke19 says... #23

I'll give it a try! I'm more a casual player than a tournament player, but my other magic buddies play this game much longer and there decks are more competitive than my decks.

So it's beter to make it an competitive deck. Thanks for the help

December 2, 2014 12:53 p.m.

If you want first strike deathtouch, I would add white. Particularly Archetype of Courage. Then cheap deathtouch creatures like Pharika's Chosen. Another favorite of mine is Ambush Viper. In general, it's a lot easier and cheaper to give your creatures first strike than it is to give deathtouch, particularly if you use white.

December 3, 2014 9:58 a.m.

Tommeke19 says... #25

At the start of this deck I've played white in it YourRightfulKing, but then I've get stuck at turn 4/5.

So they said I should remove white, and I did it and it was a lot better. When I was using white in it here I didn't used artifacts, now I'm using it and get first strike as wel.

But thanks for reading and commenting here! ;-)

December 3, 2014 10:05 a.m.

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